Group: Novus

Catalog excerpts

RUA ALVARO CHAVES, 149 PORTO ALEGRE - RS - BRAZIL 90220-040 RoHS Certificate of Compliance Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) The EC RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, which restricts the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, entered into force on 21/7/2011, with its obligations becoming effective from 2/1/2013. All materials applied in NOVUS products are RoHS compliant and suitable for use in the finished equipment. This means that the components used in the NOVUS manufacturing process do not contain any of the restricted substances referred to in Annex II of the RoHS Directive, in concentrations in excess of those permitted under the Directive, as follows: Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers 0.1% Cadmium 0.01% The list of NOVUS products complying with the RoHS directive is: - N320; N321; N322; N323; - NT240; NC400; N480D; N960; N1020; N1030; N1030T; N1040; N1040T; N1040i; - N120; N120S; - N1100; N1200; N1500; N1500LC; N1500FT; N1540; N2000; N2020; N3000; - FieldLogger; - USB-i485; TxConfig-USB, TxConfig-HART; - LogBox-BLE; LogBox-3G; LogBox-AA & LogBox-DA; all TagTemp family; - AirGate-Modbus; RHT-Air; - DigiGate-Profibus; DigiRail-2A; DigiRail-4C; DigiRail-2R; - RHT-Climate; RHT-WM & RHT-DM; RHT-485-LCD; - Temperature Transmitters TEMP-Climate; TEMP-WM & TEMP-DM; TxBlock-USB, TxMiniBlock, TxIsoPack-USB; TxRail-USB and TxIsoRail; - Pressure Transmitters NP400; NP600; NP620; NP640 Manufacturer information: NOVUS PRODUTOS ELETRONICOS LTDA Rua Alvaro Chaves, 149 Porto Alegre, RS, BRAZIL 90220-040 www.novusautomation.com
Open the catalog to page 1All Novus Automation catalogs and technical brochures
Climate Air+
2 Pages
2 Pages
Temperature Controller N1020
1 Pages
Electronic Thermostats
2 Pages
2 Pages
NXperience Trust Flyer
2 Pages
Novus Cloud Flyer
1 Pages
LogBox Wi-Fi Flyer
2 Pages
LogBox LTE Flyer
2 Pages
DigiRail IoT Flyer
2 Pages
TL400 Datasheet
4 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
DigiRail OEE
2 Pages
Temperature Transmitters
2 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages
pressure transmitter np785
1 Pages
2 Pages
Modular Controller Flyer
2 Pages
NOVUS General Catalog
28 Pages
LogBox Wi-Fi
2 Pages
1 Pages
Egg Incubator
2 Pages
AirGate-Modbus NOVUS
2 Pages
2 Pages
Novus Reach Declaration
1 Pages
TxBlock & TxRail
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Flyer TxRail-USB
1 Pages
Flyer DigiGate Profibus
2 Pages
Flyer N323RHT
1 Pages
Flyer RHT Climate
2 Pages
Data Logger LogBox-RHT-LCD
2 Pages
N 480
1 Pages
NT 240
1 Pages
Archived catalogs
AirGate Catalog
2 Pages
DigiRail Signal Conditioner
2 Pages