Group: Novus

Catalog excerpts

Excellence in automation for a wide range of market segments and applications
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Products and solutions for automation present in over 60 countries Sales Offices About NOVUS For the last 40 years, NOVUS has developed and manufactured innovative and reliable products for data acquisition, temperature control, process control, signal conditioning and transmission of field variables. All devices comply with worldwide quality requirements, thus providing solutions that exceed customers’ expectations. NOVUS is present in over 60 countries through a network of more than 300 distributors in addition to its own sales offices in South America, North America and Europe. In 2018...
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Business Units Data Acquisition and Communication Data acquisition systems, I/O modules, wireless connectivity and gateways. Sensing, Conditioning and Transmitters Signal conditioners, temperature, relative humidity and pressure transmitters. 9 Process Control and Indication Process controllers, temperature controllers, process indicators, electronic thermostats and HMIs. 18 Software Interface Computer software and smartphone applications (for device configuration, data download and data acquisition), SCADA software, and cloud based platforms. Metrology Services Metrology services for...
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Data Acquisition Wireless Multichannel Data Loggers - LogBox Connect LogBox Connect provides data acquisition and connectivity for any type of application. With all its wireless options, it is the gateway to the connected IoT world. Bluetooth Data Logger • Suitable for battery operated applications • Configuration and downloading data via USB (Nxperience) or Bluetooth (NXperience Mobile) • Memory capacity up to 140,000 logs • Powered by 4 AA alkaline batteries or external DC power supply • Input channels - 3 analogs and 1 digital APPLICATIONS Cold Chain Data Centers Wi-Fi Data Logger •...
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Software Interface Configuration and Download Software NXperience makes it possible to adjust the device parameters and functionalities, allowing secure data downloading. Download and complete analysis, graphical viewing, mathematical formulas, and reporting. With extensive connectivity, powerful data analysis and visualization capabilities, users can access different NOVUS devices via USB, Modbus RS485, Ethernet/Wi-Fi (Modbus TCP/IP) and cloud data from NOVUS Cloud. NXperience Flexibility of Configuration Device Diagnostics Analytical Reports Validation software for Configuration and...
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Data Acquisition Micro Data Logger for Temperature and Humidity LogBox-RHT-LCD is a data logger with integrated sensors for temperature and humidity. It uses high-quality sensor, for accurate and reliable transportation applications, storage of perishables, audit processes, among others. You can quickly check the minimum and maximum values that occurred during acquisitions on LogBox-RHT-LCD display. This logger has a 32,000 registers memory, 16,000 for each channel. The estimated life battery life is up to 200 days with one weekly download and 5 minutes measuring interval. NXperience...
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Industrial Multichannel Data Logger - FieldLogger FieldLogger is a high-performance instrument for reading and recording variables. It has high inputs/outputs density and several options for displaying, logging and processing information. It can also be used as an analog + digital I/O expansion for PLCs in monitoring and control applications. I/Os • 8 Universal analog inputs • Thermocouples (J, K, T, N, E, R, S, and B), 0-5V, 0-10V, mV, mA, Pt100, and Pt1000 • 128 virtual channels (refer to Mathematical Functions) • Sampling rate up of to 1000 readings/second (24-bit A-D conversion) • 2...
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I/O Modules Ethernet I/O Module • Mixed I/Os (analog and digital) • Ethernet with Modbus TCP/IP protocol • RS485 with Modbus RTU protocol • Configurable via USB • Advanced I/O functions DigiRail Connect is a versatile DIN rail I/O module with Ethernet interface which can be easily integrated to any automation system. With a flexible mix of industry-standard inputs and outputs, it performs field analog and digital signal handling with outstanding accuracy. Specially designed to comply with international electromagnetic compatibility standards, it ensures robustness and reliability in the...
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Communication I/O Module for OEE/MES DigiRail OEE is an I/O module designed for OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and MES (Manufacturing Execution System) industrial systems. It is the ideal tool to read the sensors that monitor the operation of machines, devices, or processes. Among its many applications, it allows to count operation time and downtime, the amount of approved and rejected parts, signal the need for preventive or corrective maintenance. Provided with Modbus TCP and secure MQTT protocol, DigiRail OEE transmits data natively to Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS,...
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Communication Wireless Modbus Gateway AirGate Modbus is a multifunctional device that can be used as a wireless repeater, Modbus master multiplexer, Modbus network wireless segment or as an RS485 USB converter. • Wireless branches for any wired RS485 network node • Four operation modes • Automatic configuration of a wireless tree topology network • Connects devices up to 1000 meters apart • Easy-to-use configuration software AirGate Modbus Modbus RS485 network extension Scalable wireless network USB to RS485 Converter Fast and reliable solution for interfacing between PCs and RS485 or RS422...
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Software Interface SCADA – Supervisory Software SuperView is an industrial process control and supervision software (SCADA) that presents a visual development model to the user for building applications. Besides the communication with Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP devices, it is also possible to use SuperView workstations as Client and Server to manage geographically distributed processes on TCP/IP networks. SuperView Mobile Dashboard and IoT Cloud Platform NOVUS Cloud is a platform focused on Internet of Things solution that expands the horizons of data viewing. Combined with NOVUS devices,...
Open the catalog to page 11All Novus Automation catalogs and technical brochures
Climate Air+
2 Pages
2 Pages
Temperature Controller N1020
1 Pages
Electronic Thermostats
2 Pages
2 Pages
NXperience Trust Flyer
2 Pages
Novus Cloud Flyer
1 Pages
LogBox Wi-Fi Flyer
2 Pages
LogBox LTE Flyer
2 Pages
DigiRail IoT Flyer
2 Pages
TL400 Datasheet
4 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
DigiRail OEE
2 Pages
Temperature Transmitters
2 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages
pressure transmitter np785
1 Pages
2 Pages
Modular Controller Flyer
2 Pages
LogBox Wi-Fi
2 Pages
1 Pages
Egg Incubator
2 Pages
AirGate-Modbus NOVUS
2 Pages
2 Pages
Novus Reach Declaration
1 Pages
TxBlock & TxRail
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Flyer TxRail-USB
1 Pages
Flyer DigiGate Profibus
2 Pages
Flyer N323RHT
1 Pages
Flyer RHT Climate
2 Pages
Data Logger LogBox-RHT-LCD
2 Pages
N 480
1 Pages
NT 240
1 Pages
Archived catalogs
AirGate Catalog
2 Pages
DigiRail Signal Conditioner
2 Pages