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Kenics Static Mixer
1 / 12Pages

Catalog excerpts

Kenics Static Mixer - 2

or over 30 years,in thousandsof installations worldwide, Kenics In the HEV Static Mixer, > Static Mixers have setthe standard for in-line mixing and heat transfer performance. Chemineer incorporates ad- vanced technology into every Kenics Mixer to give you reli- able,uninterrupted performance that you can depend on for the long term.The result:maximum operating efficiency and overall cost savings. In the KM Static Mixer, thepatented tab geometry maximizes the conversion of turbulent energy into efficient mixing.The HEV pro- duces complete stream uniformity through controlled vortex...

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Kenics Static Mixer - 3

enics Mixers provide preciseblending and dispersion of all flow- able materials, with no moving parts, by redirecting the flow pat- terns present in the open pipe. Many applications in the chemical, refining, polymer, food, pulp and paper, water and wastewater treat- ment and other major processing industries have shown significant improvements in processing speed, control and cost savings using Kenics Mixers.These high-efficien- cy mixers also handle other critical processes such as: Each tab of the HEV StaticMixergenerates a pair of streamwise counter-rotat- ing vortices that produce...

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Kenics Static Mixer - 4

enics KM Series Static Mixers feature a patented helical mixing element which produces complete radial mixing and flow division for any combination of liquids, gases, or solids. > ? Mixing elements are inserted in the customerגs existing housing? Precisely controlled to assure proper fit and ease of installation in any standard or custom pipe size > Mixer dimensions match all stan-dard pipe sizes.Mixer housings feature plain, threaded, weld prep or flanged ends for easy installa- tion.Flange styles include raised face slip-ons, weld neck, lap joint, ring joint and Grayloc-type hubs in all...

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Kenics Static Mixer - 5

EV high-efficiency static mixers handle all turbulent-flow mixing applications regardless of line size or shape.Mixing is accomplished by controlled vortex structures generated by the patented low- profile tab geometry.This provides uniform blending while limiting mixer length to less than 1-1/2 pipe dia- meters.Complete mixing is achieved with pressure losses 75% less than conventional static mixers.Typical applications for the HEVinclude all low-viscosity liquid-liquid blending processes, as well as gas- gas mixing.The HEV is ideal for processes where pressure loss and length are...

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Kenics Static Mixer - 6

rom bench to production, KenicsStatic Mixers provide you with the mixer performance to match your process needs.Your guaranteed satisfaction is the result of the advanced technologies we use to analyze and solve your mixing problems. > Thorough understanding of funda- mental fluid mechanics principles is a necessary starting point for developing effective mixing equip- ment.In our state-of-the-art test lab, we use the latest technology to evaluate mixer concepts and generate the next evolution of equipment to handle your most difficult mixing challenges. > CFM analysis of the flow field...

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Kenics Static Mixer - 7

0.1000.0100.0011000100 0001 000 000Re 10001001011050100Q The standard technique used formeasuring the degree of mixing in pipe flow is the coefficient of variation, CoV.The coefficient of variationis the ratio of the standard deviation of component concentra- tion to its mean concentration.The coefficient of variation achieved at the mixer discharge is dependent on the inlet coefficient of variation (CoV) > 2 Others P CoV / CoVo =1.0 cP 1 KenicsD=150mmSG=1.0 .0001 10 000HEV-4 By analyzing the inlet stream conditions, final mixture quality can be predicted for all Kenics Mixer designs. The...

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Kenics Static Mixer - 8

n addition to our standard staticmixer line, Chemineer manufac- tures a range of products designed to meet your specializedprocess requirements. > ? Used for applications with low flow rates in full-scale and pilot plant operations? Exclusive edge-sealed mixing elements attached to housing wall? Plain ends accommodate a wide variety of common fittings? Standard 22-gauge 316SS housings available in diameters from 3/16" to 1/2" > ? Used for process applications,including polymers, plastics, adhesives, hydrocarbon processing, and food industries? Effective for both heating andcooling of...

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Kenics Static Mixer - 9

We manufacture Kenics StaticMixers and Heat Exchangers in our ISO 9001 certified facility in North Andover, Massachusetts. ISO certification allows us to offer customers 100% guaranteed qualityproducts, and representsour ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction. CEDS > (Chemineer Expert DesignSystem) is a comprehensive com- puter program developed by Chemineer that interprets process design data and selects only those mixers that it has verified for process and mechanical design integrity.Chemineer field engineers use this technology via laptop computers to provide you with immediate...

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Kenics Static Mixer - 10

enics Mixers are used in numer-ousindustries for a variety of blend- ing, dispersion, heat transfer and residencetime control applications. > ? Fertilizer and pesticide preparation? Gas/liquid dispersion ? Dilution of feed concentrates > ? Starch conversion ? Chemical addition ? Mud dilution ? Steam injection ? Blending reactants & catalysts ? Thermal homogenization ? Plug flow finishing reactors ? Preheating polymers prior to devolatization > ? Chlorination and oxidation ? Organic/aqueous dispersions ? Dilution of acids and bases > ? Metals recovery by solvent extraction? Chemical addition...

Open the catalog to page 10

All NOV Inc. catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. BT-6

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  3. HE-3

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  4. 20 HT/GT

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  5. Merlin range

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  6. KM Mixers

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  7. KMX-V Mixers

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  8. ChemSeal

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  9. MR Mixers

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  10. Maxflo WSE

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  11. RL-3

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  12. XE-3

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  13. HS Agitators

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  14. HT & HTM

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  15. WVM Mixers

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  16. SC-3

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  17. IBC Mixers

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Archived catalogs

  1. HT

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