Catalog excerpts
E-2C Hawkeye Battle Management Command and Control Since introduction, the E-2C continues to demonstrate systems and capability growth to meet evolving mission requirements. Automatically Surveys Large Air, Land, and Sea Areas On station, E-2C simultaneously monitors all air and maritime traffic in a cylindrical volume greater than six million cubic miles. Passive Detection and Identification Beyond Radar Range Hawkeye’s electronic support measures system can pick up and identify emitting targets well beyond radar limits. Enhances Air Defense Systems United by high-speed digital data links,...
Open the catalog to page 2E-2C Hawkeye 2000 the tactical situation, and transfer of onboard tactical information to key battle group participants or land-based command centers. The AN/APS-145 radar system incorporates a significant extension in detection range over predecessor Hawkeye radar systems. It also includes several elements designed to optimize performance in the littoral environment, including an environmental processor, a triple pulse repetition frequency (PRF) mode, an automatic channel monitoring/ selection feature to provide the operator optimum radar channel utilization, and a variable rotodome speed...
Open the catalog to page 3management (CNS/ATM) developed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and augmented by Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), the Hawkeye 2000 will undergo a cockpit upgrade. The upgrade will provide the ability to comply with 8.33 KHz radio communication channel separation, enhanced mode S transponder, and required navigation performance (RNP) area navigation (RNAV) to operate in national and international airspace. In addition, the cockpit upgrade will improve the flight management software computer processing by updating the...
Open the catalog to page 4containing all the processing, I/O interfaces, and mass storage housed in an environmentally insulated package. The humanmachine interface designed into the ACIS allows the operators to perform many battle management functions. The ACIS and its Windows-like functionality allows the threeperson crew to perform missions that require a much larger crew size in other systems. Cooperative Engagement Capability Integrated into the Hawkeye 2000 and key to Theater Air Defense is the Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC). The CEC airborne Common Equipment Set (CES) provides a high capacity data...
Open the catalog to page 5Design and Production by AEW & EW Systems Media Services, Bethpage, NY • 3997-06 (9/06) • Approved for Public Information Under Control Number SPR-057-06 Copyright ©2006 Northrop Grumman Corporation • Airborne Early Warning and Electronic Warfare Systems 703-875-8417 • E-2C Hawkeye 2000 Specifications Dimensions Wingspan . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ft 7 in. (24.56 m) Width, wings folded . . . . 29 ft 4 in. (8.94 m) Length overall . . . . . . . . 57 ft 8.75 in. (17.60 m) Height overall . . . . . . . . . 18 ft 3.75 in. (5.58 m) Diameter of rotodome . . 24 ft (7.32 m)...
Open the catalog to page 6All Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS catalogs and technical brochures
Air Spaced Polarizer
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Ruby ? Cr3+: Al2O3
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Contract Crystal Growth
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Chandra X-Ray Observatory
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Advanced EHF Payloads (AEHF)
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Fire Scout Navy Brochure
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MQ-8B Fire Scout
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B-2 Spirit Bomber
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2 Pages
2 Pages
E-2D Advanced Hawkeye
6 Pages