Catalog excerpts
WORLDWIDE FORCE PROTECTION Batlistic missiles in the hands of nations hostile to the U.S. pose a global threat to U.S. and allied forces. Coupled with the prolifration of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons technology, this threat cr魩tes a growing menace to friendly military forces and civilian assets Worldwide. To counter this threat. the Missile Dfense Agency is developing the Ballistic Missile D⩩fense System (BMDS), a joint, layered dfense architecture designed to intercept and destroy enemy ballistic missiles. BENEFITS OF ABL SPEED-OF-LIGHT LETHALITY a Rapid global mobility deploys...
Open the catalog to page 2AIRBORNE LASER KEY FEATURES Beam Contro! System Locttheod Martin - Target acquisition and traching - Fire-control engagement sequBnc-ing and aim point slection - Shapes and adjusts power and intensity of High Energy Laser (HEL) beam - Provides stable line-of-sight control to target - Calibration and diagnostics for autonomous ream'me oprations and post-mission analysis Bartfo Management Booing - Human-machine interface - Surveillance and trackmg - Launch and impact point pr驩dictions - Theaterinteroperabilityand communications - Target dtection, identification, prioritization and nomination...
Open the catalog to page 3Mluminator Optical Bondi Lockheed Mflrtin - - State-ot-the-art. diode-pumped ; solid-staie lasers - Beam shaping and transfer. and ; alignmenl optics - Lightweight composrte bench and ; spaceframe - Modufar design as line replace- ; able unit (LRU) (or ease ot maintenance Advanced Resonntor AlignmenI System Noittirap Gnnmmirt - "Benchless" laser resonator supports distributed optics - Active bench alignaient System isoltes optics 'rom disturbances - Diagnostics suite measuies high energy laser (HEL) performance - Fasi stearing mirrors provida stable handoH to beam contrai System i\)...
Open the catalog to page 4MISSION EXECUTION DETECTION. With the aircraftflying in friendly and protected airspace, ABL's Battle Management System uses infrared sensors to scan the horizon for hot missile exhaust plumes. Sensors can operate autonomously or can be cued by other BMDS sensor assets. ACQUISITION. Once a boosting missile is located, ABL's three low-power laser Systems track and characterize the missile. The Active Ranging System atop the aircraft ABL ENGAGEMENT measures the distance to the target. The Track llluminator Laser (TILL) then acquires data on the missile's speed and lvation to support a BMC4I...
Open the catalog to page 5The Missile Dfense Agency, U. S. Air Force and industry teammates Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman have combined their significanttechnical strengths, skills and exprience to demonstrate the feasibility of directed-energy weapons for boost-phase intercept. Together we offer unique capabilities and the long-term commitment needed to develop the Airborne Laser for ballistic missile d驩fense. g/c ce® Boeing, which has integrated the nation's most cntical airborne Systems into a wide range of aircraft, provides the modtfied 747-4D0F aîrcraft lhat is the platfon for ABL, and the...
Open the catalog to page 6All Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS catalogs and technical brochures
Air Spaced Polarizer
2 Pages
Ruby ? Cr3+: Al2O3
2 Pages
2 Pages
Contract Crystal Growth
1 Pages
Chandra X-Ray Observatory
2 Pages
Advanced EHF Payloads (AEHF)
2 Pages
Fire Scout Navy Brochure
6 Pages
MQ-8B Fire Scout
6 Pages
B-2 Spirit Bomber
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
E-2D Advanced Hawkeye
6 Pages
E-2C Hawkeye 2000
6 Pages