Catalog excerpts
M1276A Sries NORTHERN LIGHTS Heiiamiitv. miraiiiiitv. simpiiciiv. The Northern LlghtsM1276A1 &A2 Sries generator sels are built lo be run al high loads. Based on the solkl reliability o( a lour-valve Lugger diesel enginc, the MI276A's can produce rellable on-board power, willi a kilowall range ol 23^280 kW at 60 Hz (1800 RPM), or 185-230 kW at 50 Hz (1500 RPM), Il sans witft engineering. Northern 1 ighls engineers its generalors around some important core princlples. At Ihe torefront, is the commitment to creating power in a reliably elticient package. The cast Iron exhaust manlfold is combiner with Ihe expansion tank and heat exchanger housings on the M12/6 s驩ries into a durable, robus jacket waercooling sys'em. H Us noi mre t canl breU Advanced engineering has minimized the number ol hoses, belts and gaskets. Most service points are convcniently located on a commonslde. M^eA'sarealsodesIgned lo allow lor longer Urne between oil changes lhan comparable models. Electronics equal hetter luel conome The ultra high pressure electronic fuel Injection on the M1276A sries allows lor qutek, smoke-less starts - even when cotd * and tmproves luel econorny. The electronic control unt promoles protection Dy sett-dlagnosis. Kccp R ntt,kcc* R nmiiR Saloly and pence ol mind corne standard wlth your Northern Ughts jeneralor sut as well. Northern 1 Ighls DC Logic System conlinually monitors vrlol enginc functions. Tho niitomalic AC voltage regulator keeps voltage to +/ 1% to help protect the most sensilive instruments and electronics Irom power tfps and surges. Automatic safety shutdowns for low oll pressure and high coolant tempթrature are standard features Dl theM1?76Alamity. Cl eau quiet opration. Compact and high powered, the Ml 276A's are also engineered lor comtorl wvttti Icaturcs likc isolation mounts to reduce vibration. The closed-ioop crankease vent, inlake sllercers and 235-280 kW 60HZ/1800RPM 200-230 kW 50HZ/1500 RPM valve covers help keep your engine room rcmaricably clean and quiet. Optional Northern Ughts Innovations llke InSep and our super altenualed sound enclosures can dramattcally reduce the generator set's sound signatures. EasettcusmiifitiMi With Northern I ights'lamous commonality In parts, and easy customlzation, your M127GA sertes generator set can be as unique as your vessel. You have enough worries on the high seas. Your power g鮩nration System shouidnt be onc ot them. And thanks to Ihe reliabilily, durability and sirnplictty ol Northern Lights* M1276A sries, it doesnl have to be. * Junction box conlains AC terminal stnp. aukxnabt AC voltage regulaloc wrth fuse, DC System reiays and OC circuit 驕 Jackel-water cooled, cast iron oxhaust manifoW Two pass coolanl flow for evan temprature control Cupronickel beat exchanger with removabie ends for easy cleaning Miite IMRONO poryurethane pain* Wekfcdstcel base with dnp pan helps koep engine room iJean and sale ■Su镯e kJbrication oil tm Batlery charging altemator - MokJed berguaiu orotecls operator Hydrolasbc vibration isolation mounts for smooth opration M1276A2 235 kW/1800 RPM 200 KW/1500 RPM Service sj rie. - Fuci filtcr yvith diain Spin on c«l filtor with lull ftow and bypass clments m one can NORTHERN UGHTS
Open the catalog to page 1M1276A Sries Separate your set from the ordinary. (ngineBlock Six cylinder. in-line, lour cycle, liquid cooled, overhcad cam» tour valve, marine diesel with a heavy-duly, casl iron, industrial-grade engine Wock. 镕 Heplaceable, wet type cylinder llners are hardened and prcision machined for long Mfe. Fngine is rebuildable lo original faclory spcifications. ■ Uquid cooled cylinder liner lop reduces temp驩ratures by up to 130°F (72°C) lor durablllty and head gasket llfe. Ralanced, torged crankshaft with induction hardened journals tor long lile. Օ Replaceable valve seals and guides. Four...
Open the catalog to page 2Options to customize your power System. Design your non generator sel Hre are just some ol the options you can choose for customizing your Northern Ughts to match your spiK:ial requirements. Thse are not slap-dasM add-ons. hac:h is engineered to be part of an integrated power System working In concert to enhance your comforl. salety and oase ot vossel op訩ration. Your Northern Lights reprsentative wll help your naval architect and boatbuilder spectty the ultimate sel for your vessoL Addiiioul comril panels Add an add鮮lional control panel, to replace or complment your syslem's standard panel...
Open the catalog to page 3table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:9.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:12.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:14.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:21.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:33.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font8 { font:12.00pt "Georgia", serif; } NORTHERN LIGHTS C Oulput mm2 60Hz.1800RPM"kW 236 kW 280 kW 50Hz, 1600 RPM* kW 200 kW 230 kW Voltage r۩gulation willi PMG */. 1% */-...
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