L1064 Series


Catalog excerpts

L1064 Series - 1

11064 Sries by NORTMBtN UGMT3 A commercial hritage. Inilially dcsigncd (or Ataskar 1 ItsbcfTnan. Lugger s aie well known by commercial and pleasure trafl operators for their long hfe and smooth. quiet op驩ration lurtioctiarsed and attercooie* The L1064T1 features a mechanical fuel dellvery System and liqiad cooied lurbocharger for enhanced fuel cfficiency. Heal for the commercial operator who runs full throttte for long periods, the L1064T1 is designed for long hours and s*mplifted maintenance The L1064A also has a bquid cooied turbocharger, with an aftercooier and electronic DE 10 fuel infection Featunng a conservt? 0 42-0 51 FWHPIoCID ratio, the L10G4Ais the right engme for semi-displaccment trawlers and small work beats Ail the L1064 diesel engmes are US EPA Tto II compilant with an in-line design that makes the m perfect repower engmes for older m-line six cylinder machines. Ironclad niarmualion. The Lugger 1064 (106 mm bore^ cylmder). 4.5 liter, diesels have heavy-duty tractor btocks. This high torque design provides a strong foundation; but a manne engine is only as good as its marmization and no ones process ts as thorough as Lugger The expansion tank and liquld cooied exhaust manifold are cast non. Some engmes onry use bypass water to COOl their manifolds Lugger int♩grales the two pass manifold into the cooling sysiem mam stream to assure even temprature control and lo etirnmale hol spols that can stress mtal cornponents iMf RPM horses us. Paper pontes. Light -duty, small-drspJacement diesels operate at speeds up to 4200 RPM Thts means h*gh piston speed and short life t ugger power cornes from cubic inch d驩placement and kmg stroke design. W*h a maximum RPMolori*y240Gor2&0aMarea)mmended cruise of 200 RPM less. a higher perceniage of the avalable ho rsc power is usablc. Lowcr RPM ateo me ans less noise and wear. more complۨte fuel combustion and longer He. Wet liners protect your investment. L ugger cylmder liners are surrounded by coolant for betler beat dissipation. The hners are replaceabJe to reduce owrhaul costs. UnJikc Jlineriess" throwaways, a 1 ugger can be rebuiR in the beat EasvioBvewttti Low RPM i.uggers are naturatty quiet A spcial ilencer-fflCf reduces air mtake norse. The cast rocker arm cover reduces valve noise and traps trankease oil vapors to keep your engine room ttean 1064s have two counter-rotating balancing shahs to provide smooth op鯩ration. Loweropcrabng costs, Oed infection, long stroke and prcise fud metenng ait add up to excellent fuel economy. L1064T Turbo Chanjeii b L1064A Turbo Afiercooletl Il 1rs nat me re. it canl hreaft. That's why the pipes, hoses. belts and gaskets that cause problems on other engmes have bec ri engmeered away This also makes t uggers easy to mainlain. Service pomts are on a single s**e for easy access and the in-kne design grves you elbow room in the engine room Iakc power nom loth eaDs The full line of opbons and accs so n騩s tels you design an engine that is cuslom buill to malch your vessel's needs. With an optional front power lake-ofi your Lugger can power your vesseTs hydrauhc auxtery Systems. fsmorcthan an engine,yourL1064 Isa lotal marine power syslem. Ihorougfi ttstiaj. Evoy Lugger engine rs thoroughry testcd and quality controled belore it leaves our factory. to ensure the reltabilrty. durability and quality Luggers are known tor DCrelays and circuit breaker 12 or 24 vott [jatlery chargjng altcmator. * Cupro-nickel beat exchanger Romovablo ond covers make cleaning easy » Cupro-nickel marine gearoi "ooler ■ Spin on oil «ter » Moided bcltguard protects -.[>t.^fiy 12or 24 votl starter ■ Easy access lube oil Ml LIOBOTt 100HP Service Side  USCG approved fuet Ti lt r with vont arul drain ■ Gear dnven, bronze and stamtess seawaterpump No drive betl

Open the catalog to page 1
L1064 Series - 2

Thse are the features that make a good engine block intoagri MCI - hour cyfcnder, four cycle, m line, liquid cooled. OVOfftead valve, manne diesels with heavy duty industriel engine blocks ■ Reptaceabte. wet cyfinder hners loi long lile. kAvei rebut Id costs ■ Bimetallic valves have et h of ne plaled stems arxJ rotalofs Repiaceable valve seats and guides - Balanced crankshan with induction hardened tournais and rolled filets * Twogear oyrven.counter r olabng h balanang shafts ter smoolh opration ■ Three ring aluminum alloy pistons with Ni Resist insert for the top nng Koyslone ptston nng...

Open the catalog to page 2
L1064 Series - 3

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Open the catalog to page 3
L1064 Series - 4

OUTPUT HORSEPOWER TORQUE FOOTPOUHDS I - - ■ J 1 I w "j;  -w * <n o> i- a h s! SI lis 2.9 ^ 3 fis! Ha lit* * tn (H* u> *j - - oj鯻 o 3 S S 2 2 OUTPUT KILOWATT TORQUE NEWTONHETERS OUTPUT HORSEPOWER ssêsssssISKS I i il FUEL USGAUHR l 1 Sa * M Cd1 k fii } fi s > | {I S | 5 * ? 8 S 3 ■* tn tu os s s i nTrl u -o × Q OUI o FUEL LITER / HOUR OUTPUT KILOWATT

Open the catalog to page 4

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