Catalog excerpts

Data Sheet Noise Figure Test Set The Noisecom 60 GHz Noise Figure test set has 4 separate sys- tems designed to perform Y-factor noise figure measurements using a high performance Spectrum Analyzer or a dedicated Noise Source receiver. Each system contains a highly stable V-band noise source, isolator(s), optional waveguide to coaxial transitions and Power output an optional pre-amplifier for use with a spectrum analyzer. The two standard calibration tables have ENR data points at 1 GHz Power input intervals.* System ENR is measured before the DUT connector and at the final output stage allowing for pre-test calibration of * Additional calibration points are available upon request. Final output Flatness Please contact your local sales office. Power input • 802.11ad, 60 GHz WiFi • Small Cell wireless backhaul • Wireless HD • 60 GHz WiGig Count on the Noise Leader
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Noise source Noise source Noise source Noise source Pre-amp Assembly Spectrum Analyzer Pre-amp Assembly Spectrum Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer Test Reciever System Block Diagram The above diagram illustrates all four Noise Figure system possibilities. If measuring on a wafer, the isolator waveguide is connected directly to the probe station. When connecting to an external LNA/receiver assembly via coaxial cable, WR15 - V transitions are available. The 60GTS system is for testing a fully assembled receiver circuit with enough output power to connect directly to the spectrum analyzer coaxially....
Open the catalog to page 2All Noisecom catalogs and technical brochures
NC3200 Coaxial Noise Sources
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Product Catalog
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Archived catalogs
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DSG9000 HD Radio
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NC346 10 MHz to 55 GHz
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Digital Noise Generators DNG7500
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Noise Diodes
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