Group: Newstart Motion Industries Ltd.
Catalog excerpts
Wo maks product* dovoutly, wo hopo you recognize our sincoro and rigorous approach from each product and we will have confidence each other. Wo always seek to satisfy our customers. *2>a«Q-flg3. ttiititnetfisffi'afj is«*8
Open the catalog to page 1Notes of product ordering PW series Precision Planetary Gear Boxes Rotio i=1:1-500:1Backlash Up to < 6 arcmin Output torque Up to 3,200N.m Frame size PW065-PW280 PW Series PW 15i| ff&fraKatt atiitb i=1:1-500:1 Up to < 6 arcmin Up to 3,200N.m PW065-PW280 S2 Output type SI: shaft S2: shaft with key HS46 S3: splined shaft K1: Hollow shaft 3fe?L ( ftBWJRS ) K2: Hollow with key W-M71 K3: SWpline hollow ffiifL T: Special require OP2(MOTOR) Input type wsAWh&mtt OP 2: Motor mounting mmmm p°Qffi* Site®® OP 1: shaft mounting mmm We make products devoutly, we hope you recognize our sincere...
Open the catalog to page 2PW Series PW precision planetary gear boxes technical data We make products devoutly, we hope you recognize our sincere and rigorous approach from each product and we will have confidence each other. We always seek to satisfy our customers. tKffiKtJ#ti0fJiUXS!lifii£nn, UMii®®—fHSffi, Xi&itiEigtSSffifstto
Open the catalog to page 3Type Stage Data PW Series We make products devoutly, we hope you recognize our sincere and rigorous approach from each product and we will have confidence each other. We always seek to satisfy our customers. RfBUtSttW® JSSJifi® S, #Miiifflfif—lli° ,
Open the catalog to page 4(1 (dimensions refer to the mounted motor-type ,the size can be changed (1 ,im#K ■'fHTWWtltt (2)dimensions refer to the frame of the boxes,the size can be changed We make products devoutly, we hope you recognize our sincere and rigorous approach from each product and we will have confidence each other. We always seek to satisfy our customers. m, SSiSiSfit—fSifiim,
Open the catalog to page 5PW Series Type S _ m Size/R't (l)dimensions refer to the mounted motor-type ,the size can be changed (1 WSWSM «]"&(.-ff lift (2)dimensions refer to the frame of the boxes,the size can be changed (2)ia<ir#tS!#|3£jSil 1*1 nii&nfStWM,ffl®KtTrTWW SMfc We make products devoutly, we hope you recognize our sincere and rigorous approach from each product and we will have confidence each other. We always seek to satisfy our customers. ,
Open the catalog to page 6Unit¥fiE: mm Type Stage Size/R* **■ (l)dimensions refer to the mounted motor-type ,the size can be changed (1 ,il®RnTW-fi'?S'K (2)dimensions refer to the frame of the boxes,the size can be changed We make products devoutly, we hope you recognize our sincere and rigorous approach from each product and we will have confidence each other. We always seek to satisfy our customers. ®fflBtf#M£l<)#iiSif!lffiinn, fiiffl,
Open the catalog to page 7PW-K1 hollow shaft with shrink disk mounting dimensions > - , A PW-K1 (1 (dimensions refer to the mounted motor-type ,the size can be changed (1 )ji®#tfcSf J!§fIEB8WfflWWM (2)dimensions refer to the frame of the boxes,the size can be changed (2)iSfi#t!ill<®iS#f,3 nPiSWWM.fflffiRTf'RrWWit'tl: We make products devoutly, we hope you recognize our sincere and rigorous approach from each product and we will have confidence each other. We always seek to satisfy our customers. SflEtJiiS&lSSfiSIjSiSijp, ffijH S,
Open the catalog to page 8All Newstart Planetary Gear Boxes Co. catalogs and technical brochures
17 Pages
17 Pages
21 Pages
16 Pages
10 Pages
17 Pages
ADR series
9 Pages
AD series
9 Pages
AE series
8 Pages
ABR series
9 Pages
AB series
9 Pages
PS series
12 Pages
PW series
18 Pages
PF series
10 Pages
PL/WPL series
11 Pages
Archived catalogs
AF series
6 Pages