Catalog excerpts

Thermal Characterization of Polymers Thermoplastics, Thermoplastic Elastomers, Elastomers and Thermosets Analyzing & Testing
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The World of Polymers Polymer materials have greatly changed the world we live in – without them, the world would not be as we know it today. There is something innately fascinating about them, yet we've become accustomed to their integral presence in our everyday lives. And today, the possibility of recycling them makes them even more interesting from an ecological and economical point of view. Henri Braconnot’s work in the 1830s is perhaps the first modern example of polymer science. He, along with others, developed derivatives of the natural polymer cellulose, producing new,...
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Thermal Analysis During their production, processing and application, polymers are subjected to temperature-dependent structural changes. Therefore, thermal analysis for characterization of polymers is widely practiced today in research and industry. More and more applications are being backed up by national and international standards (ISO, EN, ASTM, DIN, etc.). Thermal analysis techniques give insight into the thermal properties of polymer materials and products and gain information regarding the condition or processing history of specific samples relative to reference samples. This makes...
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Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is the most frequently employed thermal analysis method. It can be used to analyze nearly any energetic effect occurring in a solid or liquid during thermal treatment. DSC analysis in accordance with ISO 11357 provides the following valuable information for the development and quality control of polymers: Product Identification and Characterization Melting/crystallization temperatures Melting/crystallization enthalpies Cross-linking temperatures Cross-linking enthalpies Degree of crystallinity Glass transition...
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DSC Systems Made for Polymer Applications The DSC 300 Caliris® Classic is a robust, economical entry-level instrument with excellent performance for quality control and teaching. This system has an optional automatic sample changer with 20 samples and a touch display. The DSC 300 Caliris® Select allows the sensor module to be interchanged with an identical module, while the DSC 300 Caliris® Supreme allows the module to be freely interchanged with any available module. A large automatic sample changer and a coupling option are available for DSC 300 Caliris® Select/Supreme. The P-Module was...
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Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Thermogravimetry (TG), or Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), is a well proven thermal analysis method for measuring mass changes as a function of temperature or time. TGA is used in the research & development of various substances and engineering materials – both solids and liquids – in order to obtain knowledge about their thermal stability and composition. In recent decades, TGA has been used increasingly in quality control and assurance for raw materials and incoming goods, as well as in the failure analysis of finished parts, especially in the...
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Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA) Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA) generally refers to the simultaneous application of thermogravimetry (TG) and DSC to one and the same sample in a single instrument. Main advantages are the identical test conditions for the TGA and DSC signals (same atmosphere, gas flow rate, vapor pressure of the sample, heating rate, thermal contact to the sample crucible and sensor, radiation effect, etc.). In addition, sample throughput is improved as more information is simultaneously gathered from each test run. Mass changes Temperature stability Estimation of...
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Thermal Analysis Coupled to Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) Top-level polymer research and characterization can be achieved by coupling the thermoanalytical methods of TGA, DSC, STA, TMA and DIL to a mass spectrometer (MS), gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC-MS) or Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer. These hyphenated techniques may also include simultaneous coupling of the MS and FT-IR or GC-MS and FT-IR to the thermal analyzer. In addition, the unique adapter allows for coupling even when used in combination with an Automatic Sample Changer (ASC). TGA-FT-IR coupling via an...
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Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)/ Dilatometry (DIL) Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) and dilatometry (DIL) are two of the most important characterization techniques in the field of thermal analysis. DIL determines the length change of samples under a negligible load (DIN 51045). The closely related TMA method also determines the dimensional changes of solids, liquids or pasty materials as a function of temperature and/or time under a defined static load (ISO 11359, DIN 51 005, ASTM E831, ASTM D696, ASTM D3386). With the TMA 402 F3 Hyperion® Polymer Edition, measurements can be carried out in...
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Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) allows for the quantitative determination of the mechanical properties of a sample under an oscillating force and as a function of temperature, time, frequency and strain (DIN 53513, DIN EN ISO 6721, DIN 53440, DIN-IEC 1006, ASTM D4065, ASTM D4092, ASTM D4473, ASTM D5023, ASTM D5024, ASTM D5026, ASTM D5418). The results portray the linear viscoelastic properties, typically depicting them as a graphical plot of E’ (storage modulus), E” (loss modulus), and tan δ (loss factor) versus temperature. The DMA 303 Eplexor® series...
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Dielectric Analysis (DEA) A variety of questions may arise during the curing process of reactive resins. At which temperature, or after how much time, does the resin begin to cure? How high is the reactivity? When is curing completed? Is the curing profile identical for every position in the mold? How can the curing cycle be optimized in order to save energy and costs? Is there any potential for post-curing? For investigation of the curing behavior of thermosetting resin systems, composite materials, adhesives, paints and coatings, dielectric analysis (DEA) in accordance with ASTM E2038 or...
Open the catalog to page 11All NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing catalogs and technical brochures
DMA 303 Eplexor
24 Pages
LFA 717 HyperFlash® Series
28 Pages
DSC 300 Caliris Series
28 Pages
STA 509 Jupiter Series
28 Pages
TG 309 Libra Series
24 Pages
DEA 288 Ionic
20 Pages
STA 2500 Regulus
12 Pages
NTA Guarded Hot Plate Series
16 Pages
TMA 402 F1/F3 Hyperion®
16 Pages
Rosand Series
20 Pages
Accelerating Rate Calorimetry
20 Pages
NTA HotBoxes
16 Pages
DIL 402 Expedis Select/Supreme
28 Pages
DIL 402 Expedis Classic
16 Pages
Product Overview
12 Pages
NETZSCH Energy Solutions
40 Pages
Advanced Materials Testing
32 Pages
NTA Fire Testing Systems
20 Pages
Kinetics NEO
20 Pages
TG-FTIR - product brochure
24 Pages
TA-QMS Coupling
28 Pages
Kinexus Prime DSR Series
20 Pages
Kinexus Prime Series
20 Pages
HMOR 422
1 Pages
1 Pages
Cone Calorimeter TCC 918
12 Pages
Thermal Insulation Materials
24 Pages
SBA 458 Nemesis®
24 Pages
NETZSCH NEVIO Instrument Series
24 Pages
LFA 427 - product brochure
24 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages