Catalog excerpts
ITALIANO DEUTSCH Pусский Bipover_cop_no tasca META.indd 2
Open the catalog to page 1REDUCED SIZE DIMENSIONES REDUCIDAS DIMENSIONS RÉDUITES This compact and small-sized injection moulding machine, for its 2-platen closing system and 2-cylinder injection assembly solution, permits smaller footprint dimensions than a conventional design with an in line injection unit . Compacta y con ocupación del espacio reducida, por su sistema de cierre con dos planos y su solución de grupo de inyección bicilíndrico, respecto al inyector en línea, permite dimensiones inferiores. Compacte et d’encombrement réduit, grâce à son système de fermeture à deux plateaux et sa solution de groupe...
Open the catalog to page 3FULL DIGITAL CONTROL CONTROL TOTALMENTE DIGITAL CONTROLE COMPLETEMENT NUMÉRIQUE Thanks to its full digital control, the IMM offers high precision adjustment of pressure parameters, speed and machine temperature, providing many advantages in moulding repeatability. Gracias al control, completamente digital, posee una elevada precisión en la regulación de los parámetros de presión, velocidad y temperatura de la máquina, con consiguientes ventajas en la repetitividad del moldeo. Grâce au contrôle complètement numérique, elle offre une précision élevée dans le réglage des paramètres de...
Open the catalog to page 6This IMM represents an innovative series of machines with a 2-plate closing assembly and an injection unit equipped with a vector controlled electric motor for rotating the plasticizing screw. All the mechanical and hydraulic items of the “hydroblock” system on the 4 tie bars are on the moving plate with a fixed platen free from hydraulic or movable elements. Consequently, the tie bars are mounted on the fixed platen and supported on the moving plate by self-lubricating sliding bearings (reliability, precision). Innovadora serie con grupo de cierre de los moldes con dos planos, con grupo de...
Open the catalog to page 7BI-POWER: THE POWER YOU WANT BI-POWER: LA POTENCIA QUE Ud. QUERÍA BI-POWER: LA PUISSANCE QUE VOUS ATTENDIEZ This line of injection moulding machines permits the installation of various-sized moulds. In addition, the IMM can be easily adapted for improved opening stroke. Este grupo de prensas permite utilizar moldes con una amplia gama de dimensiones y pesos. Además, puede adaptarse fácilmente a las exigencias de carrera de apertura de los moldes. Cette gamme de presses permet d’utiliser des moules de dimensions et de poids très variés. En outre, elle peut facilement être adaptée aux...
Open the catalog to page 8The press is equipped with an integrated and modular system with variable delivery pumps and with an inverter with vector control on the plasticizing screw rotation to provide high efficiency and full performance during overlap operations (screw rotation, mould movements and ejection or cores movements) The automatic tie bars removal system is available as an option to provide flexibility during mould changes in difficult conditions, such as a low ceiling, bulky moulds, etc. (management). High stiffness platens and wide guides on the sides of the mobile plate provide increased control of...
Open the catalog to page 9This allows high speed control and high dynamic pressure adjustment equivalent to a servovalve performance, even in terms of precision, with clearly positive effects on IMM repeatability (repeatability - capable of guaranteeing a predetermined production standard). The digital network among the servopumps, proportional distributor, drivers and transducers provides high communication efficiency with the IMM control and also allows to monitor and set-up the components directly. The 2-metal cylinder on the IMM assures a wear resistant solution; the plasticizing unit is equipped with heater...
Open the catalog to page 11BIPOWER: RELIABILITY, COMFORT AND EFFICIENCY UNDER ANY CONDITIONS BIPOWER: FIABILIDAD, CONFORT Y EFICIENCIA, EN CUALQUIER CONDICIÓN BI-POWER: FIABILITÉ, CONFORT ET EFFICIENCE, QUELLES QUE SOIENT LES CONDITIONS The cables guided by accessible conduits are all external to IMM’s bed. Cableados, todos externos, guiados por canales accesibles. Tous les câblages sont externes et guidés dans des canaux accessibles. Thanks to CANbus system, the electric cabinet is simple and easy to maintain. Armario eléctrico que, gracias a la adopción del sistema CANbus, resulta ser especialmente simple y de...
Open the catalog to page 12CANBUS: WITH DIGITAL YOU CAN Negri Bossi is the only company in the world that has created an innovative series of hydraulic machines with digital communication networks (CANbus) since 1998, when they did so for the first time. These IMMs provide state-of-the-art performance with maximum simplicity. Ya desde el 1998 Negri Bossi, única empresa en el mundo, realiza una innovadora serie de máquinas hidráulicas equipadas, por primera vez, de una red de comunicación digital (CANbus) con prestaciones de vanguardia con la máxima simplicidad. The CANbus system (Controller Area Network) is a control...
Open the catalog to page 15The main features and advantages provided are: Las principales peculiaridades y las consiguientes ventajas son: Les principales particularités et les avantages qui en découlent sont: 1) The use of only one CPU to control the IMM interface, the machine cycle and the remote communication. This reduces the possibility of breakdown (reliability). 1) Empleo de una única CPU para el control de la interface del operador y del ciclo de la máquina, además de para la comunicación remota. Esto comporta una reducción de la probabilidad de rotura (fiabilidad). 1) Utilisation d’une seule CPU pour le...
Open the catalog to page 176) Direct transmission of the switch-over signal from the position or pressure transducer to the variable delivery pump. This improves repeatability (repeatability). 7) The use of magnetostrictive digital and sealed (P56) position transducers with a 2 micron resolution and 10,000 detections/ second of the controlled positions to simultaneously transmit information regarding position, speed and intervention points. This simplifies the system, making it more reliable and increasing press repeatability. 8) The availability of the measurements supplied by the magnetostrictive position...
Open the catalog to page 19All NEGRI BOSSI catalogs and technical brochures
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Sentesi Global
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23 Pages
7 Pages
6 Pages
7 Pages
7 Pages
Vesta 220
1 Pages
Cartesian Robots
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Vector Hybrid Machine
23 Pages
CanBiMat Multi Material machines
23 Pages
CanBel Full Electric Machine
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CanBio Hydraulic Machine
23 Pages