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Wireless_Chassis - 1

NI CompactDAQ Wireless Chassis Choose from more than 50 hot-swappable I/O modules with integrated signal Measure electrical, physical, mechanical, or acoustic signals Stream continuous waveform measurements with patented NI Signal Streaming technology Simplify setup with zero configuration networking and a built-in web-based configuration utility Measure in minutes with NI-DAQmx software and automatic code generation 802.11 Wi-Fi connectivity for simple, versatile wireless DAQ Customize your NI CompactDAQ system | Learn More NI CompactDAQ 802.11 Wi-Fi chassis extend the reach of PC-based DAQ to remote sensor and electrical measurements from across the lab to around the world. By combining more than 50 sensor-specific NI C Series I/O modules with patented NI Signal Streaming technology, the NI CompactDAQ platform delivers high-speed wireless data transfer and ease of use in a flexible, mixed-measurement system. NI C Series I/O modules are available for a variety of sensor measurements including thermocouples, RTDs, strain gages, and load and pressure transducers. Each is hot-swappable and autodetectable for simplified installation. NI-DAQmx driver software is shipped with every chassis and includes the following: - LabVIEWSignalExpress LE for simple data-logging applications - API for LabVIEW, ANSI C/C++, C#, and Visual Basic .NET - DAQ Assistant code generation for NI LabVIEW, LabWndows™/CVI, and Measurement Studio - Example programs for all supported languages - NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) for system configuration and test The mark LabWndows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation. Wndows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. © 2012 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.

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All NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS catalogs and technical brochures

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  14. Digital I/O,

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  17. NI_PCI-6713.

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  32. NI_cDAQ-9174

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  33. NI_cDAQ-9178

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  34. NI_cDAQ-9181

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  35. NI_cDAQ-9188

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