Catalog excerpts

Technical Sales (866) 531-6285 orders@ni.com Requirements and Compatibility | Ordering Information | Detailed Specifications | Pinouts/Front Panel Connections For user manuals and dimensional drawings, visit the product page resources tab on ni.com. High-Density Industrial Digital I/O for USB – 96-Channel, 5 V TTL/CMOS Portable digital I/O device Built-in, selectable pull-up/pull-down resistors 96 bidirectional I/O channels (5 V TTL/CMOS) Direct connection to 5 V logic devices and most solid-state relays High-current drive (up to 24 sink or source) Low-cost solution with superior features for data acquisition, manufacturing test, and industrial control applications Optional power supply for additional sourcing current Per-channel selectable debounce filters for digital input lines Overview The NI USB-6509 is a portable, industrial data acquisition device with 96 channels of digital I/O. It is compatible with TTL, CMOS, and 5 V digital logic levels. You can individually configure each port of eight lines for input or output. You can drive external digital devices, such as solid-state relays (SSRs), with current up to 24 mA per line using power available over USB. In bus-powered mode, the USB-6509 can source up to 215 mA total across all digital output lines. Use the optional 12 VDC power supply for additional sourcing current. A USB-6509 is ideal for general-purpose data acquisition applications as well as industrial control and automated manufacturing test. With high-current drive, you can connect the digital I/O device directly to a wide array of 5 V electronic devices, sensors, and actuators. Industrial digital I/O devices are designed to incorporate the latest hardware technologies for applications requiring ease of use, high reliability, and performance. The USB-6509 takes advantage of NI-DAQmx measurement services software to speed up application development with features such as the DAQ Assistant, automatic code generation, and high-performance multithreaded streaming technology. Back to Top Requirements and Compatibility OS Information Windows 2000/XP Driver Information Software Compatibility ANSI C/C++ Measurement Studio Visual Basic Visual C# Visual Studio .NET Application and Technology Hardware Industrial Feature Set NI industrial digital I/O devices offer a set of high-reliability features designed to automate even the most demanding applications. Programmable power-up states provide safe operation when connected to pumps/valves/motors/relays Digital I/O watchdogs detect computer or application crashes and ensure safe recovery Change-detection triggers your application and performs a read operation after a digital event with minimal processor usage Programmable input filters eliminate glitches/spikes and remove noise
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Programmable input filters eliminate glitches/spikes and remove noise Glitch-Free Startup with Programmable Power-Up States Using programmable power-up states, you can configure the initial USB-6509 output states in software to ensure consistent, reliable operation when connected to industrial actuators such as pumps, valves, motors, and relays. A USB-6509 holds these output states after receiving power, so your computer can boot and your software application can begin running. Programmable power-up states are glitch-free, meaning the outputs never go through an incorrect state during power...
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Ordering Information For a complete list of accessories, visit the product page on ni.com. Part Number Recommended Accessories Part Number Software Recommendations LabVIEW Professional Development System for Windows Advanced software tools for large project development Automatic code generation using DAQ Assistant and Instrument I/O Assistant Simplified cross-platform communication with network variables Advanced measurement analysis and digital signal processing Measurement Studio .NET tools (included in LabWindows/CVI Full only) Open connectivity with DLLs, ActiveX, and .NET objects The...
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Support and Services System Assurance Programs NI system assurance programs are designed to make it even easier for you to own an NI system. These programs include configuration and deployment services for your NI PXI, CompactRIO, or Compact FieldPoint system. The NI Basic System Assurance Program provides a simple integration test and ensures that your system is delivered completely assembled in one box. When you configure your system with the NI Standard System Assurance Program, you can select from available NI system driver sets and application development environments to create...
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Digital Input Characteristics Input voltage Input high voltage Input high current (Vin= 5 V) — Digital Output Characteristics Low-level output current (IOL) High-level output current (IOH) Output high voltage (VOH), at –100 μA 4.3 V 5.0 V — at –2 mA The total current sinking/sourcing from one port cannot exceed 100 mA. Total current sourced by all DO lines simultaneously should not exceed 215 mA for bus-powered configuration. If more sourcing current is required, use an optional external power supply Total current sourced by all DO lines simultaneously should not exceed 215 mA for...
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100-pin female 0.050 series SCSI If you need to clean the module, wipe it with a dry towel. Safety Standards This product is designed to meet the requirements of the following standards of safety for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use: Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or the Online Product Certification section. Hazardous Locations This device is not certified for use in hazardous locations. The Nl USB-6509 device is intended for indoor use only. Maximum altitude Electromagnetic Compatibility This product is designed to...
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Pinouts/Front Panel Connections
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©2010 National Instruments. All rights reserved. CompactRIO, CVI, FieldPoint, LabVIEW, Measurement Studio, National Instruments, National Instruments Alliance Partner, Nl, ni.com, NI-DAQ, and SignalExpress are trademarks of National Instruments. The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. A National Instruments Alliance Partner is a business entity independent from...
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