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Load, Pressure, and Torque Measurement System Honeywell sensor and NI 9237 have same connector for a tool-free installation TEDS technology reduces software-configuration time 50 kS/s/ch sample rate for waveform data acquisition Ability to deploy over USB, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi with NI C Series carriers and LabVIEW SignalExpress LE data-logging software included with NI-DAQmx NI-DAQmx programming for USB, wireless, and Ethernet deployments Honeywell, the manufacturer of one of the most comprehensive lines of load, pressure, and torque sensors, and National Instruments, the creator of NI LabVIEW software and a pioneer of virtual instrumentation, are working together to provide a new generation of plug-and-play sensor systems for customers. Honeywell sensors now support an RJ50 connection featuring an embedded transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) chip to allow for plug-and-play connection to the NI 9237 C Series data acquisition module. The 10P10C (or RJ50) connector is used on the NI 9237 to help you quickly connect and disconnect the 10 pins needed for each channel of data. You can connect a Honeywell load, pressure, or torque sensor with NI connectivity to the NI 9237 just as you plug in a phone or Ethernet cable. TEDS Technology Honeywell sensors with NI connectivity can incorporate a TEDS chip. TEDS is an IEEE standard for storing sensor configuration data electronically. This data, which is stored on a chip on either the sensor or the connecting cable, contains information such as the sensor manufacturer, calibration data, and excitation level needed to operate. TEDS-compatible instrumentation, such as the NI 9237, can read this information from the chip and use it to automatically set up the sensor in software. Bus Options with C Series Hardware With NI C Series hardware, you can use one module, such as the NI 9237, stand alone or in a variety of carriers for USB, Ethernet, or wireless. Purchase the module and a compatible chassis or carrier for a complete system. To learn more about available modules and carriers, view the C Series Module Compatibility Chart under the Resources tab. NI Sensor Solution Bundle Bundle Contents Estimated Shipping Days : 17 - 22 Price : $ 7,035

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*ê CompactDAQ Chassis and Carriers USB-9162 1 -slot USB carrier 779471 -01 Subtract $ 420 ENET-9163 1 -slot Ethernet carrier 780501-01 Subtract $ 285 WLS-9163 1 -slot Wireless carrier 780495-01 Subtract $ 155 NI 9237 4-Channel input module for mV/V sensors with TEDS NI 9215 4-Channel input module for ±10V sensors 779011-01 NI 9219 4-Channel input module for ±10V/20mA sensors with TEDS 779781-01 (Included in price) 120 VAC Power Cord for CompactDAQ chassis, ENET-9163, and The 2m RJ-50 cable is sold in a pack of four to accommodate all The 10m RJ-50 cable is sold in a single pack so one will...

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NI LabVIEWSignalExpress, Windows, Include 1 Year SSP 779037-35 Add $1,100 NI LabVIEWFull Development System for Windows 776670-3512 Add $ 2,970 NI LabVIEWFull Development System for Windows 776670-3514 Add $ 2,970 NI LabVIEWFull Development System for Windows 776670-3518 Add $ 2,970 Estimated Shipping Days : 17 - 22 Price : $ 7,035 You have selected Tunisia as the country where you will use the product(s) (change). Honeywell Transducers Many Honeywell load, pressure, and torque transducers offer direct connectivity to the NI 9237 measurement module with TEDS technology. Contact Honeywell...

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Related Information • C Series Module Compatibility Chart © 2012 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.

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