Catalog excerpts

Technical Sales (866) 531-6285 orders@ni.com For user manuals and dimensional drawings, visit the product page resources tab on ni.com. Elegantly add wireless I/O to your NI CompactRIO system 2.4 GHz, IEEE 802.15.4 radio to communicate with up to 36 distributed WSN nodes per chassis Insert into any available slot in your CompactRIO chassis (one gateway per chassis currently supported) Up to 200 m outdoor range with line of sight Data from distributed WSN measurement nodes is available from the host or within your CompactRIO real-time application Overview The National Instruments wireless sensor network (WSN) platform delivers low-power measurement nodes that offer industrial certifications, reliable networking, and optional weatherproof outdoor enclosures for long-term, remote monitoring applications. Using the NI 9795 C Series WSN gateway, you can elegantly combine the benefits of distributed WSN monitoring with high-performance CompactRIO measurement and control systems. With this flexibility, you can create complete wired and wireless measurement and control solutions that meet your unique application needs. The NI 9795 plugs into any available slot in your CompactRIO chassis and manages the wireless network of distributed WSN measurement nodes. Through the RIO Scan Interface, WSN I/O data is made available in your deployed LabVIEW Real-Time application, where you can integrate WSN I/O with the rest of your measurement and control system. Conversely, you can also access WSN I/O data directly from a host machine connected to the CompactRIO system. Because the data is passed through the scan interface, you can use the NI 9795 only in CompactRIO chassis that work with the scan interface. Additionally, only one NI 9795 is supported per CompactRIO chassis at this time. With graphical NI LabVIEW software, you can easily configure your network, collect measurement data, trigger alarms through SMS or email, and even view monitoring data within a web browser. With the LabVIEW Real-Time Module, you can deploy embedded applications to run on CompactRIO to perform local processing, data hosting, and communication with other devices through serial or Ethernet. With the LabVIEW Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Module, you can customize the behavior of programmable NI WSN measurement nodes. Use this module to optimize node behavior for your application, customize sample and transmission rates, perform onboard analysis or data reduction, respond to digital value changes, perform local control of digital I/O lines, and even store data to flash memory. Back to Top Application and Technology System and Network Architectures NI wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are ideally suited for long-term remote monitoring applications focusing on subjects such as the environment, water quality, structural health, energy consumption, transportation, and machine conditioning. NI WSN measurement nodes can withstand outdoor and industrial environments and reliably monitor assets or surroundings to provide enhanced visibility into the overall health of your systems or processes. The NI WSN system is built on a low-power, reliable IEEE 802.15.4 network. The WSN gateway coordinates the wireless network, performing functions such as device authentication, message buffering, and network topology administration. The gateway, routers, and end nodes work together to form a mesh network. Measurement nodes can operate as routers or end nodes, providing the flexibility to extend the range of your sensor network. When nodes are configured as routers, they can repeat messages from end nodes and extend network range while acquiring measurement data.
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Figure 1. Choose from three different gateways that deliver unique connectivity options. Up to 36 measurement nodes can communicate with a single gateway, and each gateway can operate on any of 14 wireless communication channels to increase network size and ensure coexistence with other wireless devices. This allows a full WSN system to scale to over 2,000 analog channels (14 gateways multiplied by 36 nodes per gateway multiplied by 4 analog channels per node). Software Overview With NI-WSN software, you can easily configure your sensor network and quickly extract measurement data from your...
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@ P reject Explorer- Untitled Pfoject 4 ' c= | File Edit View Project Operate Icols Window Help Hems File 0 & Pioject: Untitled Project') f-Jjf Link Quality F/gure 2. M 9795 H/SN Sysfem m the LabVIEWProject Simply drag and drop I/O variables from the LabVIEW project to a LabVIEW block diagram for data extraction, logging, analysis, and presentation FilA Edit y™ ftujatt Opuhate Tools ^rdaa Hrip Figure 3. Extracting Nl WSN Measurement Data Using LabVIEW LabVIEW delivers a common development environment for all of your monitoring and control applications as well as rapid programming, easy...
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This also helps you achieve higher sample rates by customizing how the node acquires and transmits data. Exact sample rates depend on how many channels you are sampling, the analysis performed on each sample, and how many samples are transmitted back to the host, but programmable WSN nodes can achieve faster sample rates than those noted in the specifications. Refer to the LabVIEW WSN benchmarks white paper on NI Developer Zone for more information on increasing sample rates. Using a subset of LabVIEW analysis functions and floating-point math operations, you can preprocess data acquired by...
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Our Professional Services Team is comprised of NI applications engineers, NI Consulting Services, and a worldwide National Instruments Alliance Partner program of more than 700 independent consultants and integrators. Services range from start-up assistance to turnkey system integration. Visit ni.com/alliance. Back to Top ©2011 National Instruments. All rights reserved. CompactRIO, FieldPoint, LabVIEW, National Instruments, National Instruments Alliance Partner, NI, and ni.com are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of...
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