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Catalog excerpts

ds-153 - 1

Technical Sales Requirements and Compatibility | Ordering Information | Detailed Specifications | Pinouts/Front Panel Connections For user manuals and dimensional drawings, visit the product page resources tab on ni.com Nl X Series Multifunction Data Acquisition Nl X Series devices for USB, PCI Express, and PXI Express are the most advanced data acquisition devices ever designed by National Instruments. They feature significant improvements in onboard timing and triggering and optimizations for use with multicore PCs. X Series devices integrate high-performance analog, digital, and counter/timer functionality onto a single device, making them well-suited for a broad range of applications, from basic data logging to control and test automation. OS Information Driver Information Software Compatibility PharLap NI-DAQmx ANSI C/C++ Windows 7 LabVIEW Real-Time Module Wndows Vista x64/x86 Measurement Studio Visual Basic Comparison Tables Model Analog Outputs (AO) Update Rate

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Model Number Analog, Digital Analog, Digital Analog, Digital Analog, Digital Analog, Digital Back to Top Application and Technology NI-STC3 Timing and Synchronization Technology NI X Series multifunction DAQ devices include the NI-STC3, an ASIC designed by NI for advanced timing, triggering, and synchronization. This technology includes the following: Four counter/timers with more functionality than ever before, such as the ability to create a finite pulse train with a single counter A 100 MHz timebase for faster triggering response and more precise generation of analog and digital sample...

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ds-153 - 3

With NI-DAQmx and intuitive LabVIEW graphical programming, you can easily develop applications that take advantage of today's multicore systems so you can perform acquisition, signal processing, and data logging on different CPU cores. Simultaneous Sampling X Series Some X Series devices for USB and PXI Express offer simultaneous sampling, with the same channel counts and connectivity as multiplexed devices. Unlike multiplexed devices that reduce sampling rates as you add more channels, you can use simultaneous sampling devices to maintain sampling rates as you expand the number of...

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ds-153 - 4

LabVIEW Professional Development System for Windows Automatic code generation using DAQ Assistant and Instrument I/O Assistant Tight integration with a wide range of hardware Advanced measurement analysis and digital signal processing Open connectivity with DLLs, ActiveX, and .NET objects Capability to build DLLs, executables, and MSI installers Real-time advanced 2D graphs and charts Complete hardware compatibility with IVI, VISA, DAQ, GPIB, and serial Analysis tools for array manipulation, signal processing statistics, and curve fitting Simplified cross-platform communication with network...

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ds-153 - 5

NI offers design-in consulting and product integration assistance if you need NI products for OEM applications. For information about special pricing and services for OEM customers, visit ni.com/oem. Alliance Our Professional Services Team is comprised of NI applications engineers, NI Consulting Services, and a worldwide National Instruments Alliance Partner program of more than 700 independent consultants and integrators. Services range from start-up assistance to turnkey system integration. Visit ni.com/alliance. Back to Top Detailed Specifications Specifications listed below are typical...

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ds-153 - 6

USB Signal Stream, programmed I/O NI USB-6341/6343 Overvoltage protection (AI <0..31>, AI SENSE, AI SENSE 2) Input current during overvoltage condition Settling Time for Multichannel Measurements Accuracy, full scale step, all ranges Analog triggers Typical Performance Graph Analog Output Number of channels NI 6341 Maximum update rate 900 kS/s Timing accuracy Timing resolution Output range Output coupling Output impedance Output current drive Overdrive protection Overdrive current Power-on state

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8,191 samples shared among channels used Output FIFO size Data transfers USB Signal Stream, programmed I/O NI USB-6341/6343 AO waveform modes: Non-periodic waveform Periodic waveform regeneration mode from onboard FIFO Periodic waveform regeneration from host buffer including dynamic update Settling time, full scale step 15 ppm (1 LSB) Slew rate Glitch energy Recommended warm-up time Calibration interval AI Absolute Accuracy Table Nominal Range Residual Gain Error (ppm of Reading) Gain Tempco (ppm/°C) Reference Tempco (ppm/°C) Residual Offset Error (ppm of Range) Offset Tempco (ppm of...

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Nominal Range Positive Full Scale 10 Residual Gain Error (ppm of Reading) Negative Full Scale –10 Gain Tempco (ppm/°C) Reference Tempco (ppm/°C) Residual Offset Error (ppm of Range) Offset Tempco (ppm of Range/°C) Absolute Accuracy at Full Scale* (μV) Absolute Accuracy at full scale numbers is valid immediately following internal calibration and assumes the device is operating within 10 °C of the last external calibration. Accuracies listed are valid for up to one year from the device external calibration. AbsoluteAccuracy = OutputValue · (GainError) + Range · (OffsetError) GainError =...

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Debounce filter settings Recommended Operation Conditions low transitions; selectable per input Electrical Characteristics Edge counting, pulse, pulse width, semi-period, period, two-edge separation

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Counter measurements Position measurements X1, X2, X4 quadrature encoding with Channel Z reloading; two-pulse encoding Output applications Pulse, pulse train with dynamic updates, frequency division, equivalent time sampling 100 MHz, 20 MHz, 100 kHz Internal base clocks External base clock frequency 0 MHz to 25 MHz; 0 MHz to 100 MHz on PXIe-DSTAR NI PXIe-6341 50 ppm Base clock accuracy Gate, Source, HW_Arm, Aux, A, B, Z, Up_Down, Sample Clock Inputs Routing options for inputs Any PFI, RTSI, many internal signals NI PCIe-6341/6343 Any PFI, PXIe-DSTAR, PXI_TRIG, PXI_STAR, many internal...

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Analog input function Clock, Sample Clock Timebase Start Trigger, Pause Trigger, Sample Clock, Sample Clock Timebase Analog output function Gate, Source, HW_Arm, Aux, A, B, Z, Up_Down, Sample Clock Counter/timer functions Start Trigger, Pause Trigger, Sample Clock, Sample Clock Timebase Digital waveform generation (DO) function Start Trigger, Reference Trigger, Pause Trigger, Sample Clock, Sample Clock Timebase Digital waveform acquisition (DI) function Device-To-Device Trigger Bus Input source NI PCIe-6341/6343 PXI_TRIG <0..7>, PXI_STAR, PXIe-DSTAR NI USB-6341/6343 None Output destination...

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All NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS catalogs and technical brochures

  1. NI 9381

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  2. NI 9402

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  3. BNC-2121

    3 Pages

  4. Counter/Timer

    10 Pages

  5. NI PXIe-6612

    12 Pages

  6. ds-392

    7 Pages

  7. ETC_196

    9 Pages

  8. ds-293

    13 Pages

  9. ds-353

    14 Pages

  10. ds-361

    5 Pages

  11. NI WSN-3202

    13 Pages

  12. cat_ni31xx

    5 Pages


    7 Pages

  14. Digital I/O,

    9 Pages

  15. NI PCIe-6321

    15 Pages

  16. NI USB-6509

    8 Pages

  17. NI_PCI-6713.

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  18. NI_PCIe-6363

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  19. NI_EVS-1464

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  20. ds-37

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  21. NI4065

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  22. 4daqsc253

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  23. NI_PCI-5122

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  24. NI_FPT-1015

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  25. NI_PXI-2501

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  26. cat_FET

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  27. 4daqsc253-265

    17 Pages

  28. usb-datasheet

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  29. NI_9478

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  30. NI_cDAQ-9171

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  31. NI_cDAQ-9174

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  32. NI_cDAQ-9178

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  33. NI_cDAQ-9181

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  34. NI_cDAQ-9188

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  35. NI_cDAQ-9139

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Archived catalogs