Catalog excerpts

SCC Configuration Guide SCC – Portable, Low-Cost Signal Conditioning • Ideal for portable measurement systems • Wide variety of direct signal and sensor connectivity options • Wide range of analog and digital conditioning options • Measurement type selectable on a per-channel basis • Front-end signal conditioning for M Series, E Series, and some B Series multifunction DAQ devices Configure Your SCC System in Six Steps Step 1 – Select Your SCC Modules (Table 1) Analog input, analog output, and digital I/O modules have dedicated slots. You can select up to eight noncascaded modules for analog input and eight modules for digital I/O. You can install feedthrough modules in any slot, but they are especially useful for accessing counter/timers on your M Series, E Series, or B Series multifunction DAQ device. Step 2 – Choose an SCC Carrier (Table 2) SCC carriers are available either with a hinged lid or with configurable connectors using panelettes. Hinged lids provide quick access to the modules. Configurable connectors provide custom signalinterface options. Step 3 – Select Your Panelettes (Table 3) If you have chosen an SCC carrier with configurable connectors, you can also select connector and interface panelettes. Different carriers offer different numbers of panelette slots. Also, some panelettes occupy more than one slot. Step 4 – Determine Your Power Option (Table 4) You can power an SCC system using a +5 VDC, 120/240 VAC, or 7 to 42 VDC external power source. To indicate the power option for your SCC system, select 01, 02, or 03 as the last two digits of the part number of the SC-2345 or SC-2350 carrier. Please note that if you choose power option 01, it is possible to power your SCC system using the internal power source of your DAQ device. For DAQCard and DAQPad devices, the total power required by your SCC modules must be less than 800 mW (490 mW of analog power). For PCI or PXI and M Series or E Series multifunction DAQ devices, the total power required by your SCC modules must be less than 4.55 W (1.74 W for analog modules). Additional power modules are sold separately. To determine the power requirements of the modules in your SCC DAQ system, use the online SCC Advisor at ni.com/advisors. Step 5 – Select Your DAQ Device and Cable (Table 5) Select the DAQ device to control your system. Step 6 – Select Your Accessories Choose from rack/panel-mount kits and stacking kits. You can also select additional power kits separately if your application requires multiple power configurations.
Open the catalog to page 1
SCC Configuration Guide SCC Modules Strain Gages Force, Load, Torque, Pressure Signal Types Description Isolation amplifier Isolation amplifier Attenuator Lowpass filter Lowpass filter Lowpass filter Lowpass filter Frequency-to-voltage Thermocouple input Thermocouple input RTD input Strain (1⁄4-bridge, 120 Ω) Strain (1⁄4-bridge, 350 Ω) Strain (1⁄2-bridge ) Strain (full-bridge) Strain shunt calibration Full bridge input (350 Ω) IEPE accelerometer input Current input Isolated voltage output Isolated current output Isolated digital input Isolated digital output SPDT Relay Isolated...
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SCC carrier with a hinged lid SCC carrier with configurable connectors (side 68-pin interface) SCC carrier with configurable connectors (rear 68-pin interface) Number of Panel ette Slots Power Options Power Type Power Option AC transformer included. However, you must purchase a sepamte power cord to match your country':: power requirements. ^External power supply nol included._ Table 5. National Instruments DAQ Devices i 1 SCC Advhor - National Instruments - Microsoft Internet Explorer Fte E* »ew (jo Bookmarks Tools Help Select Your SCC Modules Expand a field snc seled modiJe(s) that meet...
Open the catalog to page 3
Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-TC Series Thermocouple Input Specifications SCC-TC Series Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise noted. Input Characteristics Description Thermocouple, spade connector Thermocouple, screw terminals The National Instruments SCC-TC01 and SCC-TC02 are single-input modules for conditioning signals from a variety of thermocouple types, including J, K, T, B, E, N, R, and S, and millivolt inputs with a range of ±100 mV. The NI SCC-TC modules include a 2 Hz lowpass filter, an instrumentation amplifier with a gain of 100, and buffered outputs for...
Open the catalog to page 4
Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules The National Instruments SCC-RTD01 is a dual-channel module that accepts 2, 3, or 4-wire platinum RTDs. Each channel of the NI SCC-RTD01 has an amplifier with a gain of 25 and a 30 Hz lowpass filter. In addition, the module has a 1 mA excitation source for powering the RTDs. 25 ±1.2% ±10 ppm/°C ±250 µV RTI ±1.6 µV/°C 10 ppm of full scale 5 minutes (SCC system only) BUY ONLINE at ni.com or CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.)
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NI SCC-SG Series Strain Gage Input/Excitation Description 120 Ω, quarter-bridge strain gages 350 Ω, quarter-bridge strain gages Half-bridge strain gages Full-bridge strain gages Shunt calibration Full-bridge strain gages, load cells, pressure sensors, torque sensors The National Instruments SCC-SG Series consists of dual-channel strain gage modules for conditioning quarter, half, and full-bridge strain gages and a calibration module. Each module is designed for a specific type of bridge configuration. Each channel of an NI SCC-SG module (except SCC-SG11) includes an instrumentation...
Open the catalog to page 6
Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules Description 0 to 48 V isolated counter/timer The National Instruments SCC-CTR01 is an isolated general-purpose counter/timer module for the SCC platform. This module performs in a wide variety of counter/timer tasks, including quadrature encoder measurement, edge counting, frequency measurement, pulse-widthmodulation (PWM) generation, and pulse-train generation. With optical isolation, the test system and UUT are protected from transient voltage spikes when the signals are connected to the SCC-CTR01. The SCC-CTR01 also features short-circuit...
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