Catalog excerpts

For over 50 years, Gardner Denver Nash has been providing the most reliable compressors and vacuum pumps designed for refinery requirements. NASH is the industry standard for flare gasrecovery, vent gas boosting, vapor recovery (vacuum) and crude tower ejector hybrid systems. Whyare we successful? Because we make you successful by eliminating unscheduled down time.Our liquid ring vacuum pumps and compressors are renowned for: rugged design construction - making them tolerant to carryover from process upsets Օlow maintenance requirements - best up-time in the industrycool-running - making...
Open the catalog to page 2
Ability to handle carryover Minimal process problems resulting in moreuptime; Intended for severe applications Long design life of 40+ years Highest reliability No internal lubrication required Less maintenance required; less downtime No metal-to-metal contact Constant wear-free performance > Cool Running, Minimal temperature risebetween inlet and discharge Ideal for explosive gases and vapor recovery applications Only one moving part Simple and reliable operation >
Open the catalog to page 3
Gardner Denver Nash is committed to helping you meet the stringentenvironmental legislation which prohibits the flaring of waste gas. Our HP andNAB compressors are the ideal choice for recovering fuel gas and condensing valuable hydrocarbons, making moremoney for the refinery. When reviewing the total life cyclecost of a flare gas compressor system,the NASH liquid ring system providesmore value and better reliability than any other technology, hands down.Liquid ring compressors run cool andthey clean the gas as they compress iteliminating the need for downstream aftercondensers...
Open the catalog to page 4
Whether you are building a new vacuum crudedistillation tower or upgrading an existing one, GardnerDenver Nash can provide the most efficient system available. NASH ejectors and pumps (hybrid systems) are much more efficient than steam ejector vacuumsystems. This is supported by our engineering designexpertise, high quality manufacturing practices, and the broad range of pump models available for this service. The annual cost of operating a tower vacuum systemwill be several times the original equipment cost. We recognize that most companies keep a tight rein oncapital investmentswhether...
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In refineries, even relatively clean gas streams maysubject a compressor to carryover and wear duringprocess upsets. At times, entrained liquids, gums, pastes, or particulate must be handled on a continuous basis. These situations are best served by NASHcompressors, which scrub the gas stream and removecontaminants without wear.The NASH compressor is very soundly built, with aheavy rigid shaft and bearings designed for long life of20 years. It uses a liquid piston to create the pumping action with its rugged cast rotor, eliminating the needfor close-fitting metal surfaces and the...
Open the catalog to page 6
NASH pumps are used extensively as the vacuum source on therotary drum and disc filters used for solvent dewaxing, waste watertreatment, and additive/lubricant production. Their ability to remove water and handle carryover more efficiently and reliablymakes them the ideal choice for these installations. > Non-sparking and cool-running NASH pumps are used to recoverhydrocarbon vapors vented from storage tanks. The condensate ofthe vapor can be used as the seal liquid in order to:avoid contamination of the recovered product Օeliminate wastereduce the pump size by condensing the gas vapors...
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Gardner Denver Engineered Products Div. 9 Trefoil Drive Trumbull, CT 06611 U.S.A. phone:203 459 3900+1800 553 NASHfax:+1203 459 3988 nash@gardnerdenver.com GardnerDenverNash.com > OIL&GAS-S-963C-01072007 All Rights Reserved size="-1">
Open the catalog to page 8All Nash catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
XM-150 Compresso
2 Pages
CL series
4 Pages
liquid ring compressors
8 Pages
905 series
4 Pages
Vectra SX series
6 Pages
Vectra GL series
8 Pages
6 Pages
Vectra XL series
8 Pages
2BE1 series
1 Pages
2BE4 series
4 Pages
Vectra XL
1 Pages
Vectra XL 750 & XL 950
1 Pages
Vectra GL
1 Pages
TC/TCM Two-stage
2 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
Paper Industry
8 Pages
NASH Vacuum Pumps
2 Pages
Pharmaceutical Industry
8 Pages
Wittig Rotary Vane
2 Pages
TC/TCM Brochure - English
4 Pages
4 Pages
"SV" Standardized Systems
102 Pages
VectraPak Brochure - English
6 Pages
CL Brochure - English
8 Pages
Nash 905 Brochure - English
4 Pages
2BE4 Data Sheet - English
2 Pages
Nash - New Series Vectra SX
4 Pages
Nash - Oilsealed packages
6 Pages
Nash - Filter Applications
6 Pages
Nash - Paper Industry
5 Pages
Archived catalogs
TC-TCM Data Sheet - English
2 Pages
P2620 Data Sheet - English
1 Pages
2BV7 Data Sheet - English
2 Pages
2BV5 Data Sheet - English
2 Pages
2BE3 Data Sheet - English
1 Pages
2AV2 Data sheet - English
2 Pages
2AV1 Data sheet - English
2 Pages