Catalog excerpts

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- the Unique Advantages & Benefits. A 44 year old ISO 9001 Certified well established instrumentation Company, employing over 150 skilled Dedicated Service to Domestic (Indian) Industries & Exporting products to over 85+ countries. Among very few companies in the world to offer "Comprehensive Calibration Solutions" in Multiple Parameters - Temperature, Pressure, Electrical (Signal), Level and Flow (& work is on to add more...) duly supported by an Accredited Calibration Lab (per ISO/IEC17025:2005 Standards). Calibration Standards & Systems Portable Temperature, Pressure & Signal...
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Flow Meters are devices that measure the amount of Liquid, gas or vapor that passes through them. Some Flow Meters measure Flow as the amount of Fluid passing through the Flow Meter during a time period (such as 100 liters per minute). Other Flow Meters measure the totalized amount of Fluid that has passed through the Flow Meter (such Flow Meters consist of a primary device, transducer and transmitter. The transducer senses the Fluid that passes through the primary device. The transmitter produces a usable Flow signal from the raw transducer signal. These components are often combined, so...
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Electro-Magnetic Flew Meters Nagmag Series Under volumetric Flow Measurement, Electro-Magnetic Flow meter is used for Fluid Flow Measurement of any conducting Liquid like water or slurry that is Flowing in closed pipes. Unlike Turbine Flow meters, it is obstruction less and hence no drop in pressure is observed in the process line. Since there are no moving parts hence maintenance is very less. Many Flow meters have to be recalibrated if the property of the Liquid changes, like corrosiveness, density, viscosity, acidity and alkalinity. In case of Electro-Magnetic Flow meters, the...
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Coriolis Mass Flew Meters Nagmass Series Direct Mass Measurement sets Coriolis Flow Meters in the top apart from other technologies. Mass Measurement is not sensitive to changes in pressure, temperature, viscosity and density. With the ability to measure Liquids, slurries and gases, Coriolis Flow Meters are universal meters. Coriolis Mass Flow Meter uses the Coriolis effect to measure the amount of Mass moving through the element. The Fluid to be measured runs through a U-shaped dual tube that is caused to vibrate towards & away from each other at their resonant frequency. Due to the...
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Vertex Flew Meters Nagtex Series Under certain conditions vortices regularly form downstream of an object (bluff body) placed in a Flowing Fluid and shed on alternating sides of the stream. This phenomenon is commonly called a Karmen vortex street. The resultant vortex frequency is proportional to the Fluid Velocity and hence the Flow rate can be calculated by counting the number of vortices being produced. This is achieved placing a pressure transducer, thermistor, or ultrasonic sensor just behind the bluff body which picks up the high and low pressure and Velocity fluctuations as the...
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Positive Displacement Flew Meters Nagpd Series Positive displacement Flow meters are unique as they are the only meter to directly measure the actual volume. All other types infer the Flow rate by making some other type of Measurement and equating it to the Flow rate. With PD meters, the output signal is directly related to the volume passing through the meter. This includes bi-rotor types (gear, oval gear, helical gear), nutating disc, reciprocating piston, and oscillating or rotary piston. Uniform rotation means low pressure loss Long service lifetime Very low noise and vibration Easy...
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Nagscnic Series FLUID / LIQUID APPLICATION (PORTABLE/CLAMP-ON TYPE) Transit Time flowmeters measure the time it takes for an ultrasonic signal transmitted from one sensor, to cross a pipe and be received by a second sensor. Upstream and downstream time measurements are compared. With no flow, the transit time would be equal in both directions. With flow, sound will travel faster in the direction of flow and slower against the flow. Because the ultrasonic signal must cross the pipe to a receiving transducer, the fluid must not contain a significant concentration of bubbles or solids....
Open the catalog to page 8All Nagman Instruments & Electronics (P) Ltd. catalogs and technical brochures
Product Catalog Hand Book
48 Pages
MTC 650
2 Pages
ETC 600/ETC 600-2
1 Pages
MTC 1200
2 Pages
Centre for Calibration
4 Pages
Level Transmitters
4 Pages
Level Calibration System
1 Pages
Tri-Phase Metering Systems
4 Pages
Foreign Principal Products
8 Pages
Test Bench
24 Pages
Product Flier
4 Pages
Product Catalog Hand Book
48 Pages
GCL & GCH Series
2 Pages
HHP Series
2 Pages
PHP2 Series
2 Pages
Model BBS-VH
2 Pages
Model BBSD
2 Pages
2 Pages
Model 1500HN
2 Pages
Model 1200HN
2 Pages
Model MTC650
2 Pages
Model MP650
2 Pages
Model 650H
2 Pages
Model 350H
2 Pages
Model MP40R
2 Pages