Catalog excerpts

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© MVG 2022 Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Actual products may differ in appearance from images shown.
Open the catalog to page 2
+Introduction At MVG, we produce our antennas with outstanding performance in mind. It begins with a careful design process, alternating between simulations and measurements. It extends through fabrication, using the most advanced machining techniques of quality materials to achieve mechanically tight tolerances. This is why all our antenna specifications are outstanding. It is also why we can guarantee the best electrical performance/operational bandwidth trade-off in the industry. + Antennas Designed for Outstanding Performance The MVG antenna design team is an experienced...
Open the catalog to page 3
Quick Guide CATEGORY • Dual-Ridge Horns • Electric Sleeve Dipoles • ain/efficiency reference for omni-directional antennas; G CTIA ripple test; chamber reflectivity evaluation • Magnetic Dipoles • Gain/efficiency reference for omni-directional antennas; CTIA ripple test; chamber reflectivity evaluation • Gain reference for automotive antenna test ranges • Wideband gain reference for automotive antenna test ranges • Wideband Dipoles • ideband gain reference for omni-directional antennas; W CTIA ripple test; chamber reflectivity evaluation; efficiency reference; measurement accuracy...
Open the catalog to page 4
WEBSITE PRODUCT PAGE www.mvg.link/ reference-antennas
Open the catalog to page 5
Quick Guide CATEGORY • Open-Ended Waveguides • ual Linear Polarized Minimum D Scattering Probes for Planar Near-Field • lanar and spherical near-field low frequency measurements; P Illumination of CATR systems • Open Boundary Quad-Ridge Horns • Low frequency PNF/CNF measurements; wideband antenna measurements in SNF and Compact Antenna Test Ranges; reflector feed for high gain applications • Compact Range Feed Horns • llumination of compact antenna test range systems; I Illumination of reflector antennas; direct range illumination • ual Polarized CATR Feed for CrossD Polarization Reduction...
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Open the catalog to page 7
Quick Guide CATEGORY • Omni-directional High Power Antennas • Wideband transmitter; direction finding applications • ideband transmitter; direction finding applications W • Wideband Transmit Airborne Antenna • Air-to-ground high power emission applications • lanar Antennas For Integrated P Application • General transmitting and receiving applications at 24 GHz; radar and radio link point-to-point • Planar Antennas For WLAN Application • eneral transmitting and receiving applications from 2.1 to 5.8 GHz; G radar doppler and radio link point-to-point • lanar Antennas For Wireless P...
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WEBSITE PRODUCT PAGE www.mvg.link/ telecommunication-antennas
Open the catalog to page 9
Quick Guide CATEGORY • NSS Antennas For Embedded G Application • rofessional GALILEO/GPS P Terminal Antenna • Reference applications covering GALILEO E5, E6, L1 bands, GPS L5, L2, L1 bands and GLONASS L2, L1 bands • eference applications covering GALILEO E5, E6, L1 bands R and GPS L5, L2, L1 bands • i-directional data transmission (activity, environmental or localization) B for Argos 3 user applications (ships, shipping containers, etc.) • OSPAS-SARSAT C Ultra Compact Terminal Antenna • Localization, safety and rescue applications • MC/EMI testing as well as radio link testing E • EMC Dual...
Open the catalog to page 10
WEBSITE PRODUCT PAGE www.mvg.link/ positioning-antennas
Open the catalog to page 11
Measurement Probes and Feeds INTRODUCTION MVG probes and feeds are dedicated microwave sensors to characterize a device under test. Antenna specifications are tailored to the specific measurement range and technique used, either based on Near-field or Far-field methods. Near-field methods have the advantage of requiring compact systems; the measurement distance is only a few wavelengths. Transformation is then used to determine the far-field, which can be implemented by means of an analog approach, as in CATR systems, or by means of a numerical approach. The latter requires the field to be...
Open the catalog to page 12
+Wide bandwidth Reducing the number of probes required to perform a wideband test has many advantages. Probe interchanging during a wideband test will modify the measurement conditions over the frequency band under test. Conversely, a single wideband probe preserves the measurement accuracy and allows an uninterrupted sweep, therefore shortening the measurement time. +Dual linear polarization integrated orthomode junction allows simultaneous The acquisition of the orthogonal field components, therefore speeding up the measurement process. Furthermore, MVG probes do not require complex...
Open the catalog to page 13
+Auto-balanced ortho-mode junction MVG has developed an innovative ortho-mode junction in a circular waveguide, providing excellent isolation between the polarizations and single mode excitation over 1:1.5 bandwidth, without the need of a feeding network based on 0°/180° hybrid couplers. This technology is derived from conventional ortho-mode junctions in circular waveguides, consisting of orthogonal feeding points that are offset along the axis of the coupler, and is aimed at solving the common drawbacks of traditional techology. In particular, conventional couplers have an asymmetry which...
Open the catalog to page 14
Which Measurement Probe or Feed for Which Configuration? PLANAR AND CYLINDRICAL NEAR-FIELD Frequency Range DUAL POLARIZED MINIMUM SCATTERING PROBES OPEN BOUNDARY QUAD-RIDGE HORNS OPEN-ENDED WAVEGUIDES • inimum waveguide cross-section M f or low backscattering • Tailored for Planar Near Field • onstant radiation pattern shape over C frequency • uitable for PNF/CNF in the low-end S of the frequency band (1.5 octaves) • Lightweight • qualized beamwidths E • ow profile and lightweight L VHF/UHF band probe • ndustry standard for PNF/CNF I measurements • Integrated absorber panel Main...
Open the catalog to page 15
Frequency Range HIGH PRECISION OFFSET PARABOLIC REFLECTOR CLOSED BOUNDARY QUAD-RIDGE HORNS DIAGONAL HORNS • igh gain H • Stable phase center over frequency • xcellent on-axis cross-polar E discrimination • Stable phase center over frequency • xcellent cross-polar discrimination E and port-to-port isolation • High gain • Equalized beamwidths • Extremely low sidelobes x DUAL POLARIZED PROBES Main Characteristics LOG-PERIODIC ANTENNAS • High polarization purity • Equalized beamwidths • ntry-level solution E for FF measurements COMPACT ANTENNA TEST RANGE Frequency Range CATR FEEDS FOR...
Open the catalog to page 16All MVG catalogs and technical brochures
6 Pages
StarBot 4300
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SG Evo
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Mini-Compact Range
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16 Pages
SAR and HAC test benches
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Absorber Product Overview
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Positioning Equipment Catalog
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RCS Pylon
8 Pages
RF Systems and Units
12 Pages
INSIGHT Brochure
12 Pages
12 Pages
12 Pages
12 Pages
144 Pages
Absorber Catalog
48 Pages
SAR and HAC test benches
28 Pages
RF Safety Catalog
28 Pages
144 Pages
MVG Antenna Catalog
116 Pages
Power Combiners
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
Antenna Product Overview
20 Pages
2 Pages
SG 3000F
6 Pages
SG 64
6 Pages
Pulse Modulator
2 Pages
Catalogue Antennas
116 Pages