Catalog excerpts

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SHAPING THE FUTURE OF 5G OTA TESTING V ISION – The connected society enabled by 5G 5G Smart cities Internet of Things lays the foundation for a connected society in the near future. A world where everything that benefits from being connected will be connected. The Internet will shift from computer screens and smartphones into the physical world, where objects will communicate directly with each other. Examples range from automated factories with production and logistics efficiencies reaching new heights to self-driving cars and services, farming, medical services, consumer electronics,...
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5G FR1 and FR2 Antenna Measurement and OTA Testing Solutions Overview C HALLENGE – Technological requirements that pave the way to 5G What is 5G? 5G is the first-generation of wireless mobile standard developed for more than voice and data use. 5G networks will allow ten times higher bandwidth, manage a very large number of connection and ensure quick and reliable transmissions. Based on user experience, system performance, enhanced services, business models and management operations 5G connections will depends on the development of three cornerstones: ➊ ENHANCED MOBILE BROADBAND SPEED AND...
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O ver-The-Air (OTA) testing challenges for the 5G network Tests and measurements of 5G enabled devices and base transceiver stations (BTS) differ significantly from what was done before. From a technical perspective, introducing mmWaves devices into our telecommunications network poses a number of testing challenges. The RF architecture in 5G devices and the higher frequencies used will require tests traditionally performed through coaxial cables in RF labs to be tested OTA, as there won’t be any physical connectors available in the devices. In addition to antenna testing, all other RF...
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5G FR1 and FR2 Antenna Measurement and OTA Testing Solutions Overview I MPACT – Product development towards the 5G era 5G is an evolving standard, and most importantly, the amount of applications and use cases are expected to increase over time as 5G is deployed in new industries and markets. This will drive a continuous need for new test solutions, as well as adaptations of existing solutions to be introduced. One of the bigger challenges in the 5G markets is the test capacity increase needed for 5G product development, as most tests will be done OTA instead of through cables. We can see...
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S OLUTION – Portfolio of test solutions for 5G MVG offers a wide selection of solutions based on near-field, far-field and compact range measurement techniques for Antenna, EMC, RCS, and Radome testing. Our solutions support the measurement needs of the Aerospace & Defense, Telecommunications, and Automotive industries, as well as Academic and Research institutes. MVG will benefit from 5G technology as our technological expertise is a trusted asset to both the Telecom and Aerospace & Defense markets. Technologies traditionally applied in our products mainly used in A&D markets can be used...
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5G FR1 and FR2 Antenna Measurement and OTA Testing Solutions Overview Single-probe systems Multi-probe systems As a testing technology, the highly effective multi-probe systems have evolved with the development of cellular and connectivity technologies in the last 25 years. They are today a reference for OTA testing of wireless devices. While concepts such as testing in near- and far-field (NF, FF) is less critical in current 1-4G standardization, OTA testing and performances of devices is likely to be a critical issue for 5G, including the necessity to test at system level the devices in...
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Q UICK GUIDE – MVG 5G Antenna Measurement Solutions Little Big Lab System name StarLab 50 GHz • m-Wave Antenna m Measurement • m-Wave OTA m Testing • TS antenna B testing Mini-ComMini-TScan pact Range • hased-array P MiniLab • oT measurement I • 2M M • martphone S • adiation R • mm-Wave Antenna Measurement • mm-Wave OTA Testing • ear-eld / N Spherical • Far-eld / Spherical • Compact Range • Near-eld / Planar • Optional: Near-field / Spherical Near-field / Cylindrical • Near-field / Spherical • 50 - 110 GHz • 8 - 50 GHz 1 optional • ther bands O possible upon request support column: 30 x 30...
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5G FR1 and FR2 Antenna Measurement and OTA Testing Solutions Overview 5G Antenna Test & Measurement Products System name StarMIMO • IMO, diversity M and beam-forming OTA testing • irtual drive testing V • nd-to-end E performance testing • assive MIMO M testing StarWave • ntenna A Measurement • TA Testing O • TS antenna B testing Frequency bands • Vehicle testing measurement measurement • OTA testing • inear array antenna L • MIMO measurement measurement • inear array antenna • Sub-system L measurement antenna • TIA certifiable C measurement measurement • ear-field/Spherical • ull spherical...
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System name Compact Range • pace-borne S antenna measurements • ayload testing P • hased-array P antenna testing • igh-gain antenna H testing • rray illumination A assessment • rray element A failure • Compact Range • Near-eld / Planar • ptional: O Near-field / Spherical Near-field / Cylindrical • Near-field / Planar • ear-field / N cylindrical or Spherical - optional • Small: 2 - 110 GHz* • edium: M 700 MHz - 110 GHz* • arge: L 700 MHz - 110 GHz* • uring full rotation D of the DUT, the radiating parts of the DUT must stay within the quiet zone • epending on D the scan length and antenna...
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5G FR1 and FR2 Antenna Measurement and OTA Testing Solutions Overview System name T-DualScan G-DualScan • ntenna A measurement • ulsed P measurement • hased-array P antenna measurement • ntenna A measurement • ulsed P measurement • hased-array P antenna measurement • ear-field / Planar N • ear-field / N Cylindrical • ear-field / N Spherical • ar-field / Spherical F • ingle-probe: S 800 MHz - 110 GHz • ulti-probe: M 800 MHz - 18 GHz • ulti-probe: M 70 - 800 MHz upon request • ingle-probe: S 200 MHz - 18 GHz, divided in subbands (up to 40 GHz upon request) • ulti-probe: M 400 MHz - 6 GHz (400...
Open the catalog to page 11All MVG catalogs and technical brochures
6 Pages
StarBot 4300
6 Pages
SG Evo
8 Pages
16 Pages
Mini-Compact Range
4 Pages
20 Pages
16 Pages
SAR and HAC test benches
6 Pages
Absorber Product Overview
12 Pages
Positioning Equipment Catalog
140 Pages
RCS Pylon
8 Pages
RF Systems and Units
12 Pages
INSIGHT Brochure
12 Pages
12 Pages
12 Pages
12 Pages
144 Pages
Absorber Catalog
48 Pages
SAR and HAC test benches
28 Pages
RF Safety Catalog
28 Pages
144 Pages
MVG Antenna Catalog
116 Pages
Power Combiners
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
Antenna Product Overview
20 Pages
2 Pages
SG 3000F
6 Pages
SG 64
6 Pages
Pulse Modulator
2 Pages
Catalogue Antennas
116 Pages