Catalog excerpts

ÔÔ Press Shop ÔÔ Body Shop ÔÔ Powertrain ÔÔ Paint Shop & Assembly AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Murrelektronik is Your Partner
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VERSATILE PROCESSES IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY MARKET REQUIREMENTS: MURRELEKTRONIK OFFERS: Process-Optimized System Solutions Complete System Solutions igh Delivery Performance Worldwide H omprehensive Diagnostic Options C Support for Standard Fieldbus Systems Vibration-Proof Products High Machine Productivity xcellent Logistics for Fast Deliveries E ey Account Manager with in Depth K Global Sector Management for the Knowledge of the Automotive Industry Automotive Industry
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Murrelektronik Is Your Partner In The Automotive Industry From press, body and paint shops, aggregate produc tion to the final assembly – all processes in the auto motive industry have to be well-matched down to the smallest detail. They have to be reliable and highly available in order to avoid expensive downtimes. The material handling industry has an important cross-divisional function. Electric mono-rail systems or automated-guided-vehicle systems move vehicle parts between the different systems. At the same time, material handling serves as component storage between processes. These...
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body shop Compact Design Rugged Weld Spark Resistant Fast Startup (FSU) Robust and resistant components with IP67 protection are needed in the harsh industrial body shop environment. The modules have to be resistant to vibrations and to weld spatter. Compre hensive diagnostic options help to reduce downtime to a minimum. For tool changes on robots, fast start-up times are required and can be achieved with Murrelektronik’s Fast-Start-Up or QuickConnect concepts. Push-Pull RJ45 MVK Metal Push-Pull Push-Pull Power MVK Metal Safety MB Cap
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powerTrain edia Resistant M Impermeable pecific Cables for the S Automotive Industry The engine and transmission production requires components that are resistant to oil and lubricants. The installation solutions have to be cost effective and flexible because each system presents a new challenge. It is important that the components are small because space in the machines is limited. MVK Metal Cube67 MTPS Power Supply Unit MICO - 2 Channel Modlink MSDD Metal
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paint shop & assembly ompact Design C Flexible Mounting Options High Channel Density The multi-stage process of painting has to be flexibly organized, because in paint shops various vehicle types are often painted in different colors. High system reliability is required in order to avoid downtime. Installation solutions for final assembly have to be created flexibly because the requirements are continuously changing. Compact product dimensions facilitate handling. AS-Interface Impact20 Impact67 Modlight70 Torque Wrench
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Press shop Rugged Vibration-Proof Increased System Availability Worldwide Approvals Press shops are highly automated. All manufacturing steps are fully automatic. The components have to be resistant to vibration and shock. High quality components from Murrelektronik provide for the highest reliablilty and help to ensure machine availablity to reduce costly downtime. M12 Round Plug Connector MVK Metal MICO 7/8" Round Plug Connector Evolution
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Automotive Industry – Murrelektronik is Your Partner | 03_12 EN | Art.-No. 9811032 Murrelektronik GmbH | Falkenstraße 3, D-71570 Oppenweiler | P.O. Box 1165, D-71567 Oppenweiler Phone +49 7191 47-0 | Fax +49 7191 47-130 | info@murrelektronik.com | www.murrelektronik.com The information in this brochure has been compiled with the utmost care. Liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information is restricted to gross negligence.
Open the catalog to page 8All MURRELEKTRONIK catalogs and technical brochures
3 Pages
2 Pages
Ethernet Switch
2 Pages
789 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Mico Pro®
3 Pages
Exact12 ATEX
1 Pages
Engineering Excellence
2 Pages
Emparro67 Hybrid
2 Pages
2 Pages
Emparro MEF
2 Pages
Emparro Cap
2 Pages
Emparro 3-phase
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Cube67 Diagnostic Gateway
2 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Cable Entry Systems
2 Pages
6 Pages
AS-Interface Product news
2 Pages
Active Brake Recitifiers
2 Pages
48VDC Power Management
2 Pages
32 Pages
2 Pages
Ground Straps
2 Pages
2 Pages
Exact12 Safety
2 Pages
6 Pages
12 Pages
Interfaces: Service and Field
23 Pages
32 Pages
Hybrid Fieldbus Coupling
6 Pages
Customized Sets
8 Pages
Cube67 and Cube20
44 Pages
Connectors for Food and Beverage
16 Pages
Bulk Cable by Murrelektronik
44 Pages
AS Interface
24 Pages
MVK Metall Safety
8 Pages
Passive Connector Solutions
12 Pages
12 Pages
Modlight30-50-70 Signal Towers
12 Pages