Catalog excerpts

High Voltage & High Power Improved Designs Approved Quality High Technical Performances … MICROELETTRICA SCIENTIFICA The Independent Resistor Builder .. Since 1952
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Presentation Certified ISO 9001 & ISO 14001, Microelettrica Scientifica Resistances (MS Resistances) is part of Knorr Bremse Group. Since 1952, we design and manufacture High Voltage Equipment, such as: Neutral Earthing Resistors (NER), Harmonic Filter Resistors, High voltage Load banks, Starting & Braking Resistors, Neutral Earthing Switchgears (NES) and Contactors. Global Quality & High Technical Performance is the key of our policy to gain & maintain the confidence of our customers & partners From Alaska to the desert of Saudi Arabia through the high mountains of Chile, our resistors...
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Neutral Earthing / Grounding Resistors This is the most common & easiest to implement solution when the neutral of the Transformer or Generator is available. The advantage of this solution becomes even greater where Nickel Chromium stainless steel resistance grids are used. No IEC standard defines the NERs in overall. They deal with part of the design such as IP Level, Insulation Level... IEEE - 32 standard defines the way the Equipment should be sized. As per this standard, allowed temperature rises of Neutral Earthing Resistor having Stainless Steel grids are: -760°c above ambient for 10,...
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Technologies M.S. Resistances uses different technologies of Resistances Elements to suit the particular applications we handle. All technologies are metal type of grids made of Nickel Chromium Stainless Steel They are all developed and manufactured in our main factory in Milano RL & CL Those Resistance grids are cut from stainless steel sheets of various thicknesses. Resistance value is defined by cutting an appropriate number of slots using technical procedure which ensure a constant radiating surface and constant stiffness of grid elements. JF JF grids elements are produced from a...
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Resistive Load Banks The Load Banks are used to accurately mimic the operational load that a power source will see in real application. Load banks are used in a variety of applications. They are mainly Resistive, Reactive or Capacitive load banks. A Resistive Load Bank converts Electrical Energy into Heat Energy via power resistors. This heat must be dissipated from the load bank, either in air or in water, by forced or natural convection. Accessories In order to fulfill the growing demand, we are proposing a wide range of accessories in association with our main activities: Current...
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Management Hakam ELASSAD: Managing Director Tel: +33 477 29 39 81 E-Mail: Hakam.Elassad@MSResistances.com Marketing / Sales Bernard AUDOUARD: Sales Manager Tel: +33 477 29 39 82 E-Mail: Bernard.Audouard@MSResistances.com Agencies / Partnership Malaysia Indonesia Japan United Arab Emirates Russia Turkey Thailand Egypt: Argentina Chile South Korea Irak & Jordan Algeria
Open the catalog to page 6All MS Resistances catalogs and technical brochures
Single Pole Outdoor Type
4 Pages
Single Pole Indoor Type
2 Pages
Voltage transformers
11 Pages
Load Banks
2 Pages
Neutral Grounding resistors
4 Pages
Damping Resistors
24 Pages
Neutral grounding resistors
22 Pages