Group: HT-Holding AG
Catalog excerpts

Rugged 5 Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch for applications with copper and fiber General Descriptior consists of models matching your application needs. The five ports can be equipped with RJ45 connec- tors or lockable headers of which two ports can be fiber. All ports have status LEDs, indicating the ac- tivity and speed of each port. The indication signals can also be accessed remote, same applies for reset The MAGBES solution is extremely compact and can be used as open fame solution or in a MIL hous- ing with connectors of your choice. Supply power is 5-36VDC and uses under any condition less than For the fiber ports, most Ethernet compatible trans- ceivers (acc. MSA) can be used. It allows the users to select the appropriate transceiver for each link. As managed switch, the product gives access to various switch settings to configure features like: Quality of Service, VLAN, Rapid Spanning Tree, etc.. To adjust these switch settings, MPL provides an ■ Fully manageable over Web Interface or Telnet ■ Copper or mixed Copper/Fiber versions These features make the MAGBES ideally suited for any rugged or indus- trial network applications. Due to the low power con- sumption, robust and flexible design, the products are well suited for any embedded system. It is the perfect fit, whether they are used in a rugged, hot or other harsh environment. The MAGBES makes it easy to set up a challenging network! MPL products are 100% designed and manufactured in Switzerland. All products are fanless, shock and vibration proof, low power, rugged, and long-term* available. The perfect solution for a system to be used in rugged environments. * Typically 10 years or more, 20+ years repair-ability OPEN-MAGBES for integration in existing Housing ^IflW MAGBES Manageable GigaBit Ethernet Switch System Status System Setup System Admin Poit Configuration Switch Statistics Poit Based VLAII Poit Moititoiing System Status Web Interface of MPL MAGBES Management Software MIL-MAGBES for rough use in Military Environments MAGBES for the harsh Industrial Environment Email: info@mpl.ch High-Tech • Made in Switzerland
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Technical Features Switch lookup Engine Jumbo Frame support Earthing Area support up to 1024 MAC entries with automatic learning and aging supports auto crossover (Auto MDI/MDIX) support polarity correction 2 LEDs for each copper port (Link/Activity and Speed indicators) 1 LED for each SFP (Link/Activity indicators) all LED for remote indication are available over lockable header board is prepared connect the shield of none RJ45 Ethernet cables, fixation possibility Copper Ports 2mm lockable header or high quality RJ45 connectors 1x internal on lockable 2mm header supports standard SFP...
Open the catalog to page 2All MPL catalogs and technical brochures
Datasheet PIP46R-GPU3
3 Pages
Datasheet μMAXBES C8F3
3 Pages
Datasheet μMAXBES C8F2
3 Pages
Datasheet μMAXBES C8F1
3 Pages
Rugged Open Frame CPU Boards
2 Pages
MPL AG Maritime Solutions
8 Pages
MPL AG Product Guide
24 Pages
8 Pages
MPL AG Company Profile
8 Pages