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Catalog excerpts

DX100 - 1

MULTIPLE WINDOW DISPLAY MULTIPLE ROBOT CONTROL Option: DXM100 Controller (smaller cabinet) Dynamic Next-Generation Controller n Features robust PC architecture. Provides system-level control for robotic workcells. Key Features n Patented multiple robot control n Faster processing, high n Integrated cell (system-level) control capabilities n Open communication n Energy savings n Compliant to safety standards n Controller connections through back of unit optimize floorspace n Patented multiple robot control (up to 8 robots/72 axes), as well as I/O devices and communication protocols. Dynamic interference zones protect robot arm and provide advanced collision avoidance. n Fast processing speed provides smooth interpolation. n Advanced Robot Motion (ARM) control provides high performance. Best-inclass path planning dramatically reduces teaching time. n Small, lightweight Windows® CE programming pendant features color touch screen with multiple window display capability. Unique cross-shaped navigation cursor reduces teaching time. All operator controls are located on pendant. Program file names can be up to 32 characters long. n Convenient compact flash slot and USB port facilitate memory backups. n Conserves power during robot idle time, providing up to 25% energy savings. n Highly flexible fieldbus support. Easy connection to information infrastructure through standard network options. n Compliant to ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999 and other relevant ISO and CSA safety standards. Includes dual-channel E-Stop functionality, integrated speed monitoring and manual brake release for robot. Optional Category 3 functional safety unit. n Often eliminates need for separate PLC and human machine interface (HMI). Delivers significant cost savings at system level, while decreasing workcell complexity and improving overall reliability. n Connections to controller cabinet are made through the back of the unit, optimizing floorspace. n DX100 control cabinet allows for up to three external axes and can be remotemounted. DXM100 supports up to two external axes. Top- or side-mount expansion options available for DX100 controller only. n Easy maintenance with reducer status check function, enhanced troubleshooting and alarm recovery, and 20% improvement in MTTR.

Open the catalog to page 1
DX100 - 2

DX100 Robot Controller DX100 Controller DX100 ROBOT CONTROLLER SPECIFICATiONS 650 The DX100 supports I/O expansion via: • EtherNet/IP • Remote I/O • DeviceNet • Discrete I/O, NPN or PNP • Profibus-DP • Analog I/O • Mechatrolink II • Other networks available • CC-Link The DXM100 supports I/O expansion via: • EtherNet/IP • Remote I/O • DeviceNet • CC-Link Collision Avoidance Collision Detection Machine Lock Safety Interlock Controller Dual-Channel Emergency Stop & Safety Gate user interface. Programming Pendant includes: Dual-channel Emergency Stop Pushbutton, 3-Position Enable Switch with...

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