Catalog excerpts

CRUCIBLESTANDS MUFFLERINGS CRUCIBLECOVERS SPOUTEXTENSIONS LAUNDERS HOTROD PYROMETERSHEATHS Morganite manufactures a full line of accessories to complementits extensive crucible range. Excel E Accessories:650 - 1000ٰC (1202 - 1832F)Excel Accessories:900 - 1400аC (1652 - 2552F) Salamander Accessories:1000 - 1600аC (1832 - 2912F) > ЕCrucible Stands Muffle Rings (rings increase the cold charge capacity of the crucible and can improve melt times)ՕCrucible Covers Spouts and Spout Extensions ՕCrucible Lifters Optimised glaze coatings tailored for specific temperaturerangesՕExcellent thermal conductivity and shock resistance High resistance to oxidation ՕGood wear resistance Good resistance to corrosive attack by chemical treatmentagentsՕConsistent performance High refractoriness ՕNon-wetting properties Foundry Products * : Hot Rod Pyrometer Sheaths ՕLaunders and Tubes Ladle Bowls ՕDegassing Tubes Plunger Mixers and Plunging Bells ՕCements and Castables Plates and Tiles ՕNeedle Valves and Nozzles/Down Spouts > Crucible accessories aremanufactured from premium grade rawmaterials to the same ISO9000:2000 quality standards as our crucibles. > *Detailed information on these products is available by request Proper safety clothing must be worn at all times. Ensure that no moistureis introduced into the melt and that all refractories and tools aredrybeforecoming into contact with molten metal. Provision should be made underneath the furnace to catch metal that may be discharged. > Excel E stands and muffle rings are used in conjunction with Excel E and Iso-Alustar crucibles for aluminium alloy and zinc applications in electric resistance and gas-fired furnaces. EXCEL stands and muffle rings areused in conjunction with Excel, Hi-Melt and Ultramelt crucibles intended for copper alloy and precious metal applications in gas and oil-fired furnaces.SALAMANDER crucible accessories areavailable as spoutextensions to increase pouring length and covers to exclude impurities from the melt. In addition a comprehensive range of graphitic Foundryproducts areoffered in the formof bothshaped and packaged refractories. Wealso supply crucible lifting devices. > For additional information on Morgan MMS products & services or to find a location nearest to you, please visit: MORGAN MMS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE SPECS AT ANY TIME. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY TYPOGRAPHIC ERRORS. size="-3">
Open the catalog to page 1
TOD EXCEL / EXCEL E MUFFLERINGS XRX/XRX_ETODBODHT (mm)(mm)(mm) HT XMX71350350280 XMX122415415255 XMX159527516305 BOD XMX143616615203 XMX30261661690 XMX102680666305 XMX162775775240 SALAMANDER STANDARDCOVERS XOTODHT (mm)(mm) XO17529 XO39732 XO511438 XO613544 XO814948 XO1417351 XO2018457 XO3022160 > ACCESSORIES XO4024565 XO6025767 XO10227370 XO9028668 XO10031773 XO22R31776 XO10131741 XO13033684 XO17036589 XO250413108 > Crucibles XO300445140 XO54555040 XO61661675 XO58777575 XO85085075 TOD SALAMANDER TILTERCOVERS XOTODBODH1H2 H1H2 (mm)(mm)(mm)(mm) XO2752792222942 BOD XO2793242672519...
Open the catalog to page 3
EXCEL and HIMELT are high quality carbon-bonded silicon carbide crucibles manufactured using the latest roller-forming techniques and are designed to cater for a range of non-ferrous melting applications. > Excel E is a high quality carbon-bonded silicon carbide crucible manufactured using the latest roller-forming techniques and incorporating a special multi-phase glaze protection system.This product range is designed for aluminium melting andholding applications. INDUX is a high quality ceramic bonded clay graphite crucible range manufactured to provide controlled graphite alignment and...
Open the catalog to page 4All Morgan Molten Metal Systems catalogs and technical brochures
Morganite® Crucibles
32 Pages
Noltina® Crucibles
32 Pages
Noltina® Crucibles
32 Pages
Alustar E50
2 Pages
ResCoat Coating
2 Pages
Z2e² PRO Coating
2 Pages
Degassing Rotors
2 Pages
Syncarb Z2 e2
1 Pages
Ladle Liners
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Excel & Himelt
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Morgan MMS Furnace Range
4 Pages
Crucible Lifter
2 Pages
Ingot Loader
1 Pages
Foundry Products
2 Pages
Ultramelt Crucible Brochure
6 Pages
Excel HiMelt Brochure
6 Pages
IsoAlustar Crucible Brochure
6 Pages
Salamander Crucible Brochure
4 Pages
Ultramelt Crucible Brochure
4 Pages
Indux Crucible Brochure
4 Pages
Starrbide Crucible Brochure
6 Pages
Excel E Crucible Brochure
4 Pages