Catalog excerpts

Component123456 Gripper123456 LEP-1 OKOK֖֖ GPP(I)-1(-ISO) OKOKOK֖ LEP-2 OKOK֖֖ GPP(I)-2(-ISO) OKOKOK֖֖ DAP(I)-1 OKOKOK֖ GPP(I)-3(-ISO) OKOKOK֖֖ DZA-1 OKOKOK֖ GPU(I)-10 OKOKOK֖֖ DAP(I)-2bb OK֖ GPU(I)-14 OKOKOK֖֖ DZA-2 OKOKOK֖ GPU(I)-20 OKOKOK֖֖ DAP-3 ֖OK֖ GPU(I)-25 OKOKOK֖ DZA-3 OKOKOK֖֖ GPL-30-1cc OK֖ DT Pushbutton OKOK֖֖ GPL-40-1dd OK֖֖ KUS-16-...-SD OKOK a ֖ GPL-45-2ee OK֖֖ KUS-20-...-SD OKOK a ֖ GPL-60-2ff OK֖֖ KUS-25-...-SD OKOK a ֖ GPL-75-2gg OK֖֖ VS-30 OKOK֖֖ GPPM-1X ֖֖OK VS-60 OKOK֖֖ GPPM-1Y ֖֖OK֖ PS OKOKOK֖ GPPMI-1 ֖֖֖ HE OKOKOK֖֖ GPPMI-1X ֖֖OK SHA-340 OKOK֖֖ GPPMI-1Y ֖֖OK֖ SHX-340 OKOK֖֖ GPPM-2X ֖֖OK SHA-470 OKOK֖֖ GPPM-2Y ֖֖OK֖ SVA-130 ֖OK֖ GPPMI-2 ֖֖֖ HE ֖֖֖OK GPPMI-2X ֖֖OK GPPMI-2Y ֖֖OK֖ GWU(I)-16 OKOKOK֖ GWU(I)-20 OKOKOK֖֖ No. > Description1508842 a only cable with angled plug 6.5x22 PNP with cable b min. angle of rotation 15ذ L=2000 mm c gripping distance 830 mm 2508850 ֘ 6.5x22 NPN with cable d gripping distance 1840 mm L=2000 mm e gripping distance 17֖45 mm 3508843 6.5x40 PNP with plug f gripping distance 32ؖ60 mm 4508844 M8x1x45 PNP with plug g gripping distance 4775 mm 5*508846 ֘ 3x22 PNP with cable L=2000 mm 6508847 8x8x59 PNP with plug 5*sensing distance0.6 mm >
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304 > INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SWITCHES Ref. No. 6.5 mm PNP, short-circuit and reverse polarity protected, sensing distance 2 mm, flush-mountable with LED > 1) L = 2000 mm 508842 > ؘ6.53.5 22L ؘ 6.5 mm NPN, short-circuit and reverse polarity protected, sensing distance 2 mm, flush-mountable, with LED > 1) L = 2000 mm 508850 > 6.5ؘ3.5 22L 6.5 mm PNP, pluggable, short-circuit and reverse polarity protected, sensing distance 2 mm, flush-mountable, with ring LED 508843 > ؘ 6.5 31 40 M8 x 1, PNP, pluggable, short-circuit and reverse polarity protected, sensing distance 2 mm, with LED 508844 > M8x1...
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305 > INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SWITCHES Ref. No. 3 mm PNP, short-circuit and reverse polarity protected,sensing distance 0.6 mm, flush-mountable with LED > 1) L = 2000 mm 508846 > ؘ32.6 22L 508847 8x8 mm PNP, pluggable, short-circuit and reverse polarity protected, sensing distance 2 mm, flush-mountable, with ring LED L = 2000 mm > 10 20 M3 LED (4x) 3 5 45 9 8x8 CONNECTION CABLE for proximity switch 3-pin, highly flexible, pluggable > 2) 1 m, with socket straight on one side 506487 1 m, with one-side angled socket 506488 > ؘ5 5 m, with socket straight on one side 504610 > L 30.5 5 m, with...
Open the catalog to page 3
306 > PNEUMATICS CONNECTIONS Ref. No. > 12 34 1Threaded outgoing air-throttle M5,with angled swivel connection, pluggable, 4 mm 505014 2Threaded outgoing air-throttle M5, angled, pluggable, ؘ 4 mm 505023 3Threaded outgoing air-throttle M5, angled, pluggable, 6 mm 505024 4Threaded outgoing air-throttle > 1 / > 8 ؔ,angled, pluggable, 6 mm 505016 5Connector, straight, pluggable, ؘ 4 mm 505193 6Connector, straight, pluggable, 6 mm 505197 > 65 987 1110 7Screw-connector M5, straight, pluggable, ؘ 4 mm 504928 8Screw-connector M5, straight, pluggable, 6 mm 505943 9Screw-connector > 1 / > 8 ؔ,...
Open the catalog to page 4
307 > PNEUMATICS CONNECTIONS Ref. No. 12Threaded outgoing air-throttle M3,angled,pluggable, 3 mm 507518 13Angled screw connector M3, pluggable, ؘ 3 mm 507517 14Screw-connector M3, straight, pluggable, 3 mm 507516 > 14 1213 PNEUMATIC HOSE black, ؘ 4 x 2.7, per mm 504983 black, 6 x 4, per mm 504745 > SERVICE ACCESSORIESRUSH-TYPE HAND GUN for easy relubrication of LEPs, SHAs and SVAs via lubricating nipples. 504720 > OIL CONTAINER (filled), 100 ml filled with oil Klؼber Paraliq P460, suitable for all Montech automation components 504721 >
Open the catalog to page 5
308 > STOP VALVE Ref. No. 46582 Pilot-controlled double check valve made of aluminium and black anodised, to maintain the actual state of a connected consumer in the case of pressure loss caused by an emer- gency stop or a fractured pipe > RETAINER FOR STOP VALVE 46914 > COVER for covering the hose connection in the linear unit LEP if an energy conducting chain is used. horizontal 504784 vertical 504780 > PROTECTIVE HOSE PG-29 (per mm)suitable for example for all linear units LEP, servo-horizontal axes SHA-340 and SHE/SVE-130 503693 > PROTECTIVE HOSE PG-36 (per mm)suitable for example for...
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