Catalog excerpts
8F-2, No.32, Taiyuan St. Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan MOLDING INNOVATION Moldex3D eDesignSYNC for NX is the quick design validation and optimization tool embedded in NX. It enables designers to synchronize design changes and evaluate manufacturability directly in their familiar design environments. This also helps sharing common communication between designers and mold makers. Therefore, they can predict and avoid potential molding defects in the earliest phase of the plastic injection molding process. ■^^H Surface View Home Curve Analysis Render Assemblies Tools /gS. Through Curves ^ Face B|end ^ SwePl Aesthetic Face Blend - Realize Studio . . Shape Surtax- tf>L™ Extension JJJ Styled Blend T «, . 5urfact sh„t Surface * Surface Operations ▼ Match Edge \ Menu- [No Selection Filter Entire Assembly More Offset Trimmed More X-Form r. . Enlarqe More L-d ^ Injection Molding Components |~-Part Insert EJHST Cooling System MOLDING INNOVATION Select objects and use MB3, or double-click an object • Melt front animation playback supported • Result display of fiber orientation supported • Result display of cooling channel supported • Supported user-interface for computation parameter settings MOLDING INNOVATION Page 1 of 3
Open the catalog to page 1MOLDING INNOVATION 8F-2, No.32, Taiyuan St. Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan Remote computing supported Sequential analysis supported XY plot setting supported: Run data included in tree menu Supported Language Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese Melt front animation playback supported Users can inspect the static melt front at specific percentage step or view the animated flow pattern with identified fluency. MOLDING INNOVATION
Open the catalog to page 28F-2, No.32, Taiyuan St. Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan MOLDING INNOVATION Result display of fiber orientation supported If the selected material used in this project contains fiber, fiber computation will activate automatically. Taking fiber orientation analysis into account will take more time to run the analysis. Fiber orientation is shown in filling and warpage result. ■■■[E] View Log File r~| Melt Front Time |~| Frozen Layer Ratio □ Fiber Orientation in X Direction r~| Fiber Orientation in ¥ Direction |~| Fiber Orientation in Z Direction T~| Fiber Orientation (Skin) Fioer...
Open the catalog to page 38F-2, No.32, Taiyuan St. Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan MOLDING INNOVATION Result display of cooling system supported Cooling channels are displayed in two results of cooling analysis: Cooling Efficiency and Temperature. Cooling efficiency shows the percentage of heat withdrawn by each cooling channel. Temperature result shows the temperature distribution of cavity and cooling Cooling Efficiency Support user-interface for computation parameter settings There are two categories: Cooling and Task. For cooling section, users can enable network analysis or define cooling steady state...
Open the catalog to page 48F-2, No.32, Taiyuan St. Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan MOLDING INNOVATION Remote computing supported Users can set the number of tasks in Local Host Mode. The number of cpu cores that will be used on current host. Alternatively, users can run remote computing by Computer manager. Analysis Setup Analysis Sequence Setting Analysis : I Full Analysis -C FPC W Process Condition Computing Setting Computation Parameter Task manager •• Local host mode IP address: |Add new servei •» | Cancel Default Sequential analysis supported Users can run analysis continuously based on existing result....
Open the catalog to page 58F-2, No.32, Taiyuan St. Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan MOLDING INNOVATION XY Plot Setting Supported By XY Plot Setting, users can set the text, upper limit, lower limit, or spacing of XY Curve. By report function, users can generate reports in PDF format. Analysis Sequence Setting Analysis iRBng-F Process ComMon Packing time (seci C ampotir.; Stfflog Advanced □ Ensure enough mesn layers Folder k COUCSI JICHT.O_SAWPLI._UOC Remjrt |Mew nje Ibr wtuei moortg tr«i MOLDING INNOVATION
Open the catalog to page 68F-2, No.32, Taiyuan St. Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan MOLDING INNOVATION Run data included in tree menu for each run Run data is listed in tree menu so users can inspect it directly. Run data includes mesh data, material information, and process condition. Each of them can be expanded or collapsed. Process Condition Process Condition fi-fij Runl El-^J Cooling MOLDING INNOVATION
Open the catalog to page 78F-2, No.32, Taiyuan St. Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan System and Software Requirements Support Contact If you have any question or comment, please email with your contact information to or talk with your local resellers. We will be happy to assist you as soon as possible. Copyright © 2014 CoreTech System Co., Ltd. (Moldex3D) all rights reserved. Tai Yuan Hi-Tech Industrial Park 8F-2, No.32, Taiyuan Street, Chupei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan Moldex3D eDesign and Moldex3D eDesignSYNC are registered trademarks of CoreTech System Co., Ltd. Any other...
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