Catalog excerpts

moteurs & solutions pneumatiques The Safety Air Treatment Box (SAT Box) is a safety device aimed at protecting people & material against damages and accidents. Lubrication check and regulator Pressure regulator Placed upstream from your pneumatic actuators (motors, pistons or any portable pneumatic tools) the SAT Box provides numerous important safety features: - Emergency kill switch - Key safety lock - Downstream automatic air bleed Those Safety devices ensure an instantaneous air bleed in the downstream circuit when the emergency kill switch is hit. As a consequence, no residual energy may create an accidental motion after the stop. Additionally, no inopportune restart is possible as one needs to push either the “auto start” or the “remote start” button to start again. All these safety features are energized by air pressure, without any other energy source required. The SAT Box can be equipped as an option with a foot or hand remote control in order to keep control over the motor while keeping mobility. Remote control button (option) Auto start button Emergency kill switch (key as an option) «Gas type » connection Protection casing Pressure gauge Filter purge Automatic air bleed system Foot or hand remote control (option)
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moteurs & solutions pneumatiques Technical characteristics Auto start button Pressure gauge Emergency kill switch Key safety lock Automatic air bleed Operating pressure Overall dimensions Remote control start button Foot remote control option option All components are protected by a sturdy box allowing heavy duty use in construction workshops and sites. Hand remote control The SAT Box also includes a high capacity FRL unit for a precise air treatment and pressure regulation. Weight (empty) Handle & strap Temperature range Light and compact, it can easily be carried around thanks to the...
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Archived catalogs
Portable valve actuators
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