Catalog excerpts
Lead Screws -Straight- Type SSurface MMaterial Right-hand Fine Pitch Left-hand Right and LeftPrecision Treatment Thread Right-hand Thread Screw hand Screw Right and Left-hand Screw MTSR MTXR MTSL MTSW MTSY MTSBR MTXBR MTSBL MTSBW MTSBY Black Oxide 1045 RMTSR RMTSL RMTSW Carbon Low Temperature Black Chrome Plating Steel MTSRL MTSLL (Long Size) (Long Size) 303 Stainless Steel MTSTR MTSTL - Single Pitch Error --- ±0.02mm, Accumulated Pitch Error --- ±0.15/300mm Right-hand Screw / Left-hand Screw / Fine Thread Right-hand Screw E L Dimension Tolerance of MTSRL - MTSLL: 0~+5 6.3 Part Number MTSL25 MTSRL32 ·Right-hand Screw/Left-hand Screw/Right and Left-hand Screw/Precision Right and Left Hand Screw .88 ENon-Returnable P ( 6 ) D Right-Hand Thread (Y) 3.2 (Y) 30 L (Y) 3.2 (Y) E Incomplete threaded portion near the center (80mm) is not usable. E ØDh7 - 30mm part includes incomplete-thread portion by about 1.5 pitches at both ends (in total about 3 pitches). QRight-hand Screw / Left-hand Screw D *8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 50 (Right-hand Thread) MTSR MTSBR RMTSR MTSRL MTSTR D≤32,L≤1000 (Long Size) (Stainless Steel) (Left-hand Screw) MTSL MTSBL RMTSL MTSLL MTSTL D≤32,L≤1000 (Long Size) (Stainless Steel) (ED8 available for MTSRonly) and MTSBR and RMTSR MTS_, MTST_, MTSB_, RMTS_ L 1mm Increment 50~500 MTSRL / MTSLL L 100mm Increment - 80~1000 - 100~1200 800~2000 150~1200 800~2000 200~1200 800~2000 - Pitch P D 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 50 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 8 ED dimension 22, 36, 40 and 50 are not available in Stainless Steel. D dimension 25, 28 and 32 are available for Right-hand Screw only. E The both ends of MTSRL and MTSLL have not been processed. For use, additional machining (chamfering, processing of the shaft ends, etc.) is required. QLeft/Right Screw / Precision Left/Right Screw Part Number Type (Right and Left Hand Screw) MTSW MTSBW RMTSW D≤32,L≤1000 (Precision Right and Left Hand Screw) MTSY MTSBY ( EPrecision Right and Left Hand Screws are available only in * marked sizes. ) D 10 12 *14 *16 18 *20 22 *25 *28 *32 36 40 50 MTXR(Right-hand Thread) MTXBR(Right-hand Thread) L 1mm Increment (X)(Y) 80~1000 100~1200 When D=10~14 50≤(X)≤460(485) When D=16~50 50≤(X)≤560(585) 150~1200 200~1200 Pitch P D (X)=(Y) (X)=(L-80<30>)/2 (Y)=(L-80<30>)/2 EDimensions in < > are for Precision Right and Left Hand Thread. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 50 2 3 D Min. L~200 8 8.60 8.60 MTSR(Price in table) 10 12 8.60 Price in table MTSBR x1.1 14 8.90 16 10.10 MTSL(Price in table) 18 11.90 12.40 Price in table 20 MTSBL x1.1 22 12.90 25 14.30 EStandard price of this 15.00 product = the price in 28 32 18.70 the table x Rate EPrices of RMTSR and 36 26.00 RMTSL are MTS_ + Prices in 40 29.50 the table below 50 33.50 QRight and Left-hand Screw L201~400 L401~600 L601~800 L801~1000 L1001~1200 17.30 17.30 17.30 18.00 20.20 23.70 24.90 25.70 28.70 30.10 37.20 51.90 59.00 67.20 22.50 22.50 22.50 23.70 25.10 26.30 27.70 33.20 36.80 37.40 45.90 62.30 71.60 82.20 29.80 29.80 31.20 33.30 34.80 37.10 44.00 48.90 50.00 61.10 83.00 95.40 109.70 35.20 35.20 38.80 41.00 42.90 44.80 55.20 61.30 62.40 76.50 103.70 119.30 137.20 46.70 47.70 50.90 62.60 67.90 71.60 86.70 114.10 137.70 166.20 L801~1000 L1001~1200 51.90 52.60 50.50 53.10 54.00 57.20 66.70 72.10 85.10 93.00 110.50 119.40 149.70 60.40 64.40 68.20 79.60 85.80 101.40 110.70 131.40 142.20 178.00 L801~1000 L1001~1200 240.00 257.10 284.10 327.70 359.60 435.80 263.20 290.70 335.30 367.80 445.70 Unit Price D Min. L~200 L201~400 L401~600 L601~800 10 31.10 35.40 40.20 45.70 12 31.60 35.80 40.70 46.40 36.00 40.90 45.40 MTSW(Price in table) 14 31.70 16 31.90 36.20 41.20 46.80 Price in table 18 32.30 36.30 41.30 49.80 MTSBW x1.1 20 32.00 36.70 41.40 52.40 22 37.80 43.20 48.60 61.40 EStandard price of this 39.30 45.70 52.00 65.80 product = the price in 25 the table x Rate 28 46.80 54.20 61.50 77.80 EPrices of RMTSW is 32 49.00 57.80 78.90 84.20 MTSW + Prices in the 36 58.40 68.70 79.00 100.10 table below 40 60.90 72.80 84.80 107.50 50 71.90 88.40 104.90 133.20 QPrecision Right and Left Hand Thread Part Number Unit Price Type D Min. L~200 L201~400 L401~600 L601~800 14 219.90 224.60 229.50 234.60 MTSY(Price in table) 16 235.60 240.60 245.90 251.40 20 260.40 266.00 271.70 277.80 MTSBY Price in table 25 300.50 306.90 313.50 320.40 x1.1 28 329.90 336.80 344.10 351.60 32 400.00 408.40 417.10 426.20 Part Number Type Part Number - L - (MC, MQ) MTSR20 - 456 - MC8 4 Tapping 5 MC Alterations ENon-Returnable P.88 MQ Unit Price D L800 / 900 L1000 / 1100 L1200 / 1300 L1400 / 1500 L1600 / 1700 L1800 / 1900 16 30.20 37.00 43.70 50.40 57.10 63.80 18 31.70 38.70 45.80 52.80 59.80 66.90 20 33.10 40.50 47.80 55.20 65.60 69.90 22 41.50 50.70 59.90 69.10 78.30 87.50 MTSRL 25 42.80 52.30 61.80 71.30 80.80 90.30 MTSLL 28 44.60 54.60 64.50 74.40 84.30 94.20 32 50.40 61.60 72.80 84.00 95.20 106.40 36 70.60 86.20 101.90 117.60 133.30 149.00 40 77.70 95.00 112.30 129.60 146.90 164.20 QRight-hand Screw/Left-hand Screw, Stainless Steel Part Number Unit Price Type D Min. L~200 L201~400 L401~600 L601~800 L801~1000 L1001~1200 10 12.40 24.80 32.30 42.80 50.60 12 12.40 24.80 32.30 42.80 50.60 MTSTR 14 12.80 25.80 33.90 44.70 55.70 16 14.50 29.10 36.00 48.00 59.50 69.50 MTSTL 18 17.00 33.90 37.80 49.90 62.70 71.20 20 17.90 35.80 39.90 53.10 66.20 77.20 25 80.40 125.30 167.90 213.40 246.40 289.40 28 97.70 155.90 213.90 260.60 316.90 381.50 MTSTR 32 111.80 183.50 243.00 312.20 389.80 460.50 QFine Pitch Right-hand Screw Part Number Unit Price Type D Min. L~200 L201~400 L401~600 L601~800 L801~1000 16 133.00 161.00 287.00 301.00 316.00 MTXR 20 149.00 182.00 327.00 343.00 359.00 16 140.00 170.00 298.00 314.00 327.00 MTXBR 20 157.00 192.00 339.00 357.20 373.20 QLow Temperature Black Chrome Plated Products Part Number Unit Price Type D Min. L~200 L201~400 L401~600 L601~800 L801~1000 8 11.80 13.30 13.70 10 13.30 16.40 17.60 23.50 26.50 12 14.50 19.50 21.20 29.40 35.30 RMTSR 14 17.80 25.80 28.90 36.30 43.80 (Price of MTSR + Price in the Table) 16 19.20 27.80 32.60 40.10 47.60 RMTSL 18 22.70 33.40 36.50 48.80 58.80 (Price of MTSL + Price in the Table) 20 26.50 36.70 40.50 57.60 62.90 RMTSW 22 32.90 49.20 54.00 76.10 93.80 (Price of MTSW + Price in the Table) 25 33.50 49.90 55.00 76.10 93.80 28 40.00 57.50 68.40 105.90 130.10 32 48.20 75.60 90.40 141.20 174.30 E For Low Temperature Black Chrome plated products, add the plating prices to the non-plated product prices above. Part Number Type L2000 67.20 70.40 73.60 92.20 95.00 99.20 112.00 156.80 172.80 Ex. RMTSR25-480 (Price of MTSR25-480: 36.80)+55.00=$91.80 6 MCx2 8 Code D L 1mm Increment D Pitch P 16 20 100~1000 150~1000 16 20 2 2 Spec. .714 EFor Fine Pitch Right-hand Screw nuts, please see Nut listing pages.WP MQx2 MC(Left End) MQ(Right End) Ordering Code MC24 MC: machined on the left end, MQ: machined on the right end D MC - MQ Selection Range 8 3, 4 10 3, 4, 5 12, 14 3, 4, 5, 6 16 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 18 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 20, 22 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 25, 28 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 32 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 36, 40, 50 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24 XNot applicable to MTSRL, MTSLL Price Adder 711 11 QRight-hand Screw Long/Left-hand Screw Unit Price Part Number Type QFine Pitch Right-hand Screw Part Number Type ·Low Temperature Black Chrome Plated Products ENon-Returnable P.88 D ØDh7 Left-Hand Thread D Incomplete Threaded Portion 80 L Part Number Type 8 QVolume Discount Rate D Right-Hand Thread D (X) ·Fine Pitch Right-hand Screw ENon-Returnable P.88 QRight / Left Screw Right-Hand Thread Precision Right and Left Hand Thread D Incomplete Threaded Portion 80 L D P.88 Quantity 1 2~4 5~9 10~ EFor larger quantity orders "Days E Unit price for the product is found with price in the table multiplied by each table. to Ship" may differ from published Price in the table x Multiplier = Unit Price (Round to nearest $0.10) Rate Price List 5% 10% 15% catalog term.D P .87 (EX) MTSBR20-480 27.70x1.1=30.47 $30.50 E Volume Discount Rate is not applicable to MTXR, MTXBR, MTSY and MTSBY. L (X) $16.00/piece $8.00/piece EA flat charge of $21.60 for 3 or more identical pieces. (Except Express T) XExpress T is not available for Stainless Steel Type and Precision Right and Left Hand Threads. ·MTSRL / MTSLL 3.2 L Left-Hand Thread Express T Express A 6 E X=Y for Right and Left Hand Threads and Precision Right and Left Hand Threads. Left-Hand Thread Right and Left-hand Screw L - 480 - 1800 MTSY MTSBHL (P .717) BGHKB (P .869) MTSBHR (P .717) 2.00 712
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