Catalog excerpts

MICROGRAPH ANALYSIS CHALLENGES IN QA/QC In today’s fast-moving environment, reducing the projects turnaround time, meeting productivity targets, while reducing operating cost can be challenging without a smart automated approach. To avoid product recalls, meet increased customer demands and get products right the first time, a thorough investigation of the materials microstructure is key. Defect analysis, inclusion analysis, grain sized analysis are only a few approaches that can give meaningful insights into the quality of products. QA/QC has a unique challenge of working with real world,...
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ADVANTAGES OF DEEP LEARNING IN QA/QC The challenge in modern QA/QC is that the manufacturing environment is increasingly driven by stringent efficiency requirements in the name of productivity. Guaranteeing product quality often runs contrary to pushing the bottom line, meaning defect and contaminant analysis must be carried out quickly as well as effectively. Automation and digital integration are central to the push for greater productivity in manufacturing environments. The concept of automating production typically brings to mind the robotic arms of assembly lines, but manufacturers are...
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S O LV E C H A L L E N G E S YO U CO U L D N OT B E F O R E Powders analysis Automated size and shape measurements is essential to determine the quality of powders. MIPAR can analyze particle agglomerates, satellites and overlapping powders. Polarized Grains Measuring grain size through image analysis is critical to most metals and ceramics research. MIPAR can detect grain boundaries, simple and complex, from any material you encounter. Weld analysis Weld analysis is important in product design, especially in automotive, aviation and construction industry. MIPAR can be trained to identify...
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OUR VISION The Vision for MIPAR is to empower users to solve a wide variety of image analysis problems, without sacrificing user-friendliness. MIPAR’s powerful image analysis engine, combined with straightforward algorithm development, enables users to obtain accurate, reliable results for their unique images. Simple. Uniquely Powerful. MIPAR is a revolutionary image analysis software, capable of identifying and measuring features from nearly any image one can capture. Detect Develop a Recipe to detect any features you desire. Batch Process Process multiple images with the same Recipe using...
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B AT C H P R O C E S S Process Multiple Images and Save Time Once a Recipe has been developed in the Image Processor, it can be applied to other similar images in the Batch Processor. Image Processor Batch Processor Processed Image Editor A N A LY Z E Review Processed Images The Processed Image Editor allows you to review the results from the Batch Processor, and make manual edits if need be. Once you are satisfied, you can generate various feature measurements from your images. Mipar - Image Analysis Software
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VA L U E G A I N E D Replace manual analysis, increase efficiency Rely on quantitative, not qualitative analysis Identify flaws before your customers do Meet increased customer demand without compromising accuracy Be in line with suppliers and internal R&D departments Provide higher level of data quality to your customers Recover software investment quickly I HAVE USED THEM ALL: OPEN SOURCE, COMMERCIAL… THERE’S JUST NOTHING LIKE MIPAR. IT’S AMAZING - Adam/Metallurgy MIPAR HAS TAKEN OUR CHARACTERIZATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL - Bobby/Aviation GREAT PRODUCT WORTH INVESTING IN -...
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I N D U S T R I E S T H AT U S E M I PA R Aerospace Automotive Medical devices Electronic devices Energy Mipar - Image Analysis Software
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Intuitive Design Recipe Engine Solves problems faster Solves problems other products cannot Batch Processing Automate analysis on thousands of images Learns optimal settings for unbiased analysis Quality Assurance Experts On-Call Review batch results before you measure Live trainings Colorize Metrics Color-code objects according to their measurements and reveal trends Free “Recipe Store” Custom Recipes built in minutes to hours Decades of image analysis experience 9 Mipar - Image Analysis Softwar
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M I PA R B A S E : P R O T O T Y P E , O P T I M I Z E , E X E C U T E Build and run application specific solutions utilizing modern tools in a user friendly environment, without any programming. Available Extensions: Deep Learning Trainer: assemble and train true deep learning detection models. 3D Toolbox: optimized for FIB-SEM, segment, reconstruct and measure 3D volumes of data. Report Generator: output customizable Microsoft Office Word reports with a single mouse click. M I PA R E X P R E S S : E X E C U T E AT S C A L E Run validated recipes on one image or a sample set and generate...
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Learn More Recipe Store Submit Your Images Free Trial Over 50 pre-built Recipes. Always free. Get custom Recipes from Experts. Download your 14-day trial today! Mipar - Image Analysis Software
Open the catalog to page 11All MIPAR catalogs and technical brochures
Porosity Analysis
2 Pages
Cracks and Pores
2 Pages
Aerial Applications
2 Pages
Fibers Analysis
1 Pages
Fiber Cross Sections
2 Pages
Coarse Fibers
2 Pages
Satellite Particles
2 Pages
Powder Particles
2 Pages
Particle Sorting in Asphalt
1 Pages
2 Pages
Cracks in Particles
2 Pages
Ti Alloy Microstructure
1 Pages
Gamma Prime Detection
1 Pages
Alpha Beta in Ti
1 Pages
Twin Grains Analysis
1 Pages
Grains Analysis
1 Pages
Largest Grain
1 Pages
Ceramics Grains 2
2 Pages
Ceramic Grains
1 Pages
Beta Grains in Ti
1 Pages
2 Pages
Additive Manufacturing
1 Pages
Metals infographic
1 Pages
Ceramics infographic
1 Pages
Battery Flyer
1 Pages
Banner 2
1 Pages
Banner 1
1 Pages
AMP 2019 Article
7 Pages
4 Pages
MIPAR Brochure
6 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
Deep Learning
1 Pages