Meet Minitab


Catalog excerpts

Meet Minitab - 2

© 2010 by Minitab, Inc. Ail ti&b rweivcd. Rclcnc 1 » NUniUb'.Hw Minitab h*?)'. Oualitt Companion by Minitab' and OualiU Traner I» Minitab" aie nrntricd trademark» «>f \ii11iI4b. Inc. in tlwl'iiilcd State» Jiid «*licr «aminci. Capabilitv Siiruck. Frorc» C-apabikh SpacL. Rcportl'a<PM. and SWCmdc陙 arc ail tradcnuit* of Minilab. Inc. Six Simna" is a rcUcrcd tradenurk and wr\ic* mari <>f Motorola. Inc. .Ml other mari» rdcrcnccd marin ihc nrorx-rh of their rcsfxxtiw owncrv Minitab *».

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Meet Minitab - 7

BD 1 Getting Started Objectives In tin* chapter, vou: ■ 1 caru lu a\ lo use Mec/ Mmituh, pa^e I-1 ■ S:.ir1 \linitah. pac 1-^ ■ Opcn .iin 1 examine a worbdicct* paye 1-4 Overview Mort \1imlah iittnxhicc* vou In tlic niosl counuoiiK nsc<l fcahircs in Minitab. I hmu^houl thc book. sou use fnnetions. croate i*rapht» and lyncratc statistics. The contcnls of\hvt Mmiluh relate tu thc actions von need lo perfonn in suur osaii Minitab sessions. Vou use a satupln箧of MmitdbVfcattiici losec Ihc range of feature* nid statistics (lit Miulab provides. Mnst statistical cuuhses require a s⮩ries of seps....

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Meet Minitab - 8

Chapter I Typographical Conventions in this Book Oiaptcr UKClvtting ILi;\includes information on ncttini; answeisand usiiii; Mi fea turcs. ( 'liapler 11. Rcfcrcncv, pnn ido an overview of the \ luut .il ■ cmironinciit and a discussion jImmiI the Ivpc* and forint of data Huit Minitab uses. Von ran work llimiif^i Mcct Minitab in hvo a l'Yoni bciyiinin^tn end. followiii^ tlic ston of a fie tional online Ixiokstorc throii^li a coniimn workflou a B\ sclcclhn* a spcifie chapter lo familiarr/c vonncH witha parti ciibir area of Minitab Mari Minitab inboducacfialo^ boxes an<l Windows...

Open the catalog to page 8
Meet Minitab - 10

Chapter I Opening a Worksheet ■ U * Sillon wiidow Data window: - Coiumns - Rows U1/UM kt ut litl" 3 For more Information on the Minitab environnant, ee nvMtorro&frfcJfonnwif on page 11-2. Opening a Worksheet fini eau opcii a ne*-, cmpty worksheet il inj tinic. Yoii eau -ilvo open one <>r more files contaiti tlitj \\ lien \oii fipcn .i file. \ou cnpt fin content* of the file intn llic curicnl Miniljl) project. An\ clunijo von nuLc lo Ihc uorLshccI « hilc in llic pn> je cl '.mII nol .iffccl llic i n_MU.jl lik I lie cLiU fur the threc sliippiiii^ ce n ter* ire %tonxl in llic uorkihcct...

Open the catalog to page 10
Meet Minitab - 11

Opening a Wortaheet Getting Starled Openaworksheet CriiooK 111c» Open WorLtliccl. Olick I^kLin Minitab S^iiiipic Data folcltr iicar the Ixittom of clic dialoglxiv In tl iv S ample Data foldcr. double -cl ick Mecl M milab. Von eau change the dfailli foldcr for opening and saving Mmitab fik> In clwosing l<mls > Options > Ocncral 練----- 2? h t I ChooM SbippingDalaAriW. Ihcn elick (>|xii. If von get a mcMigc bov ebeck Do tn>t divplav tins message again, theii clickOK. To restore ibis movage for everv lime \ou open a uy>ifc*licctv rrttirn to Mmitab* detinlt settingv See Revtt>rin Mmitah'v...

Open the catalog to page 11
Meet Minitab - 12

CKiptet I VVhat's Next ■ Nuinbcr of delivcrv <l.i\s m IVlivcn itattB ("On linic" iruliciilcs tha thc book shipinciit «vas rccciml on lime: "Bjck entier" imlirat» tlut thc booL is uot currcntlv in itock "IjIc" indicites thc l«xik vhipniciit w;is rcccivtxl si\ or more day\after orclcrcdi ■ OisLuice froni *hippiiit;cciiter toclclivuy location For more information abou data type% see M'mHob Dota on page 11-5. What's Next \ow \on Itivc-i woriulicct npcri, you arc rcidv to stjrt nsiny Miiiil.ih. In thc Meet Minitab

Open the catalog to page 12
Meet Minitab - 13

on 2 Graphing Data Objectives in lliis chaptcr, uni: Cmtcand interpret an iiulividnal value plot, page 2-2 ■ Orcatca Imtograni uith groupa, page 2-4 i Ivdil a liistograui, page 2-> ■ Arrange multiple liծ*lugraimon llie viint page. p;yc 2-6 i\tcevs I Iclp. page 2~H ■ Crcatc and interpret KsittcrpInK page 2*9 t Kdit a scallerplol. page 2-10 Arrange multiple grapta oit ihc saine page» page 2-12 i IVinl graphs. page 2-M ■ Save a pmjcct, page 2-1 > Overview Before contintfmg a statutical analwb. von can me grapli> lo explore data and jsnoa relationdiips among tlic variables. Հlwx graphwre...

Open the catalog to page 13
Meet Minitab - 14

Chapter 2 [xplorinq the Data ■ \hihl\ lu change inust graph clments, nicha fonb, swiiboh, line*, placement of ticL marks. .hhI data disp|j\. aficr Ehegrsph is creoted ■ Abilih io auIonwlicalU updalc graph* 1lus cliapter explore* llic shippint; tenter (Uta \ou opciiccl in tlie prs iom cliuptcr. iisin騧 ^rapliv tt *<4iiparc mkmiiv explore variabilit cliccL nomiality and examine t lit- relationsh䩮p bclwvcii variable*. For more Information on MJnitab grapH go to Gropbs In ihc Miniiab Help Index and Uien douWe-cfcck ihe Owvfcwentry for *taife on Mlmtab graphe Toattew ihe Help index, choose H<Hp »...

Open the catalog to page 14
Meet Minitab - 16

Chapter 2 [xplorinq the Data Interpret 1 lie indivkliial value plots sliou each ccntcr lia** ;i diffcrciil mcaii dclivcn tinie. r6SUlt$ I lie Western ccntcr ha* a lowcr shippin^ timc Hun thc C" ,incl kastcrn tentera I hc variation wilhin each shippint; ccntcr sccim hU ml thc taine. Create a grouped histogram \nothcr way lo compare thc Ihrce ihippingcenleil h to croate a ronped Imtogrant. h hiv li riispla\s thc hbloyraim for cach ccntcr on thc umc t;rjplit 'I hc gtoupcd imtogram will show how much thc data froin c;ich shippingccntcrowrlap 1 (llioosc (*ranh > I li\h>i*ram 2...

Open the catalog to page 16
Meet Minitab - 17

Exploring the Data Graphing Data Interpret Asyon saw in thc indniditil vainc plot, thc nicans for cach ccntcr arc diffrent, hc rcsults incaii dcliven ti mes are: Central-da>> Kastem 鯗 4.452 days Western-2.081 days I lie ^rouped histo^ram ho\ta thc Central nul ! a sU mimi!ir> arc siniiLir in incan dcli\cr\ thne and spread of<lcliver\ lime. In contrasta the Western ccntcr incaii delivcrv Unie isshorter and les» spread ont* Ghapter \jtai\zing Data* shows hou to detect stastisti(all\ si^nificant diffrences ainocic ineans min anahsisof variante Il your data change, Mlnitab can...

Open the catalog to page 17

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