Catalog excerpts
© 2010 by Minitab, Inc. Ail ti&b rweivcd. Rclcnc 1 » NUniUb'.Hw Minitab h*?)'. Oualitt Companion by Minitab' and OualiU Traner I» Minitab" aie nrntricd trademark» «>f \ii11iI4b. Inc. in tlwl'iiilcd State» Jiid «*licr «aminci. Capabilitv Siiruck. Frorc» C-apabikh SpacL. Rcportl'a<PM. and SWCmdc陙 arc ail tradcnuit* of Minilab. Inc. Six Simna" is a rcUcrcd tradenurk and wr\ic* mari <>f Motorola. Inc. .Ml other mari» rdcrcnccd marin ihc nrorx-rh of their rcsfxxtiw owncrv Minitab *».
Open the catalog to page 2BD 1 Getting Started Objectives In tin* chapter, vou: ■ 1 caru lu a\ lo use Mec/ Mmituh, pa^e I-1 ■ S:.ir1 \linitah. pac 1-^ ■ Opcn .iin 1 examine a worbdicct* paye 1-4 Overview Mort \1imlah iittnxhicc* vou In tlic niosl counuoiiK nsc<l fcahircs in Minitab. I hmu^houl thc book. sou use fnnetions. croate i*rapht» and lyncratc statistics. The contcnls of\hvt Mmiluh relate tu thc actions von need lo perfonn in suur osaii Minitab sessions. Vou use a satupln箧of MmitdbVfcattiici losec Ihc range of feature* nid statistics (lit Miulab provides. Mnst statistical cuuhses require a s⮩ries of seps....
Open the catalog to page 7Chapter I Typographical Conventions in this Book Oiaptcr UKClvtting ILi;\includes information on ncttini; answeisand usiiii; Mi fea turcs. ( 'liapler 11. Rcfcrcncv, pnn ido an overview of the \ luut .il ■ cmironinciit and a discussion jImmiI the Ivpc* and forint of data Huit Minitab uses. Von ran work llimiif^i Mcct Minitab in hvo a l'Yoni bciyiinin^tn end. followiii^ tlic ston of a fie tional online Ixiokstorc throii^li a coniimn workflou a B\ sclcclhn* a spcifie chapter lo familiarr/c vonncH witha parti ciibir area of Minitab Mari Minitab inboducacfialo^ boxes an<l Windows...
Open the catalog to page 8Chapter I Opening a Worksheet ■ U * Sillon wiidow Data window: - Coiumns - Rows U1/UM kt ut litl" 3 For more Information on the Minitab environnant, ee nvMtorro&frfcJfonnwif on page 11-2. Opening a Worksheet fini eau opcii a ne*-, cmpty worksheet il inj tinic. Yoii eau -ilvo open one <>r more files contaiti tlitj \\ lien \oii fipcn .i file. \ou cnpt fin content* of the file intn llic curicnl Miniljl) project. An\ clunijo von nuLc lo Ihc uorLshccI « hilc in llic pn> je cl '.mII nol .iffccl llic i n_MU.jl lik I lie cLiU fur the threc sliippiiii^ ce n ter* ire %tonxl in llic uorkihcct...
Open the catalog to page 10Opening a Wortaheet Getting Starled Openaworksheet CriiooK 111c» Open WorLtliccl. Olick I^kLin Minitab S^iiiipic Data folcltr iicar the Ixittom of clic dialoglxiv In tl iv S ample Data foldcr. double -cl ick Mecl M milab. Von eau change the dfailli foldcr for opening and saving Mmitab fik> In clwosing l<mls > Options > Ocncral 練----- 2? h t I ChooM SbippingDalaAriW. Ihcn elick (>|xii. If von get a mcMigc bov ebeck Do tn>t divplav tins message again, theii clickOK. To restore ibis movage for everv lime \ou open a uy>ifc*licctv rrttirn to Mmitab* detinlt settingv See Revtt>rin Mmitah'v...
Open the catalog to page 11CKiptet I VVhat's Next ■ Nuinbcr of delivcrv <l.i\s m IVlivcn itattB ("On linic" iruliciilcs tha thc book shipinciit «vas rccciml on lime: "Bjck entier" imlirat» tlut thc booL is uot currcntlv in itock "IjIc" indicites thc l«xik vhipniciit w;is rcccivtxl si\ or more day\after orclcrcdi ■ OisLuice froni *hippiiit;cciiter toclclivuy location For more information abou data type% see M'mHob Dota on page 11-5. What's Next \ow \on Itivc-i woriulicct npcri, you arc rcidv to stjrt nsiny Miiiil.ih. In thc Meet Minitab
Open the catalog to page 12on 2 Graphing Data Objectives in lliis chaptcr, uni: Cmtcand interpret an iiulividnal value plot, page 2-2 ■ Orcatca Imtograni uith groupa, page 2-4 i Ivdil a liistograui, page 2-> ■ Arrange multiple liծ*lugraimon llie viint page. p;yc 2-6 i\tcevs I Iclp. page 2~H ■ Crcatc and interpret KsittcrpInK page 2*9 t Kdit a scallerplol. page 2-10 Arrange multiple grapta oit ihc saine page» page 2-12 i IVinl graphs. page 2-M ■ Save a pmjcct, page 2-1 > Overview Before contintfmg a statutical analwb. von can me grapli> lo explore data and jsnoa relationdiips among tlic variables. Հlwx graphwre...
Open the catalog to page 13Chapter 2 [xplorinq the Data ■ \hihl\ lu change inust graph clments, nicha fonb, swiiboh, line*, placement of ticL marks. .hhI data disp|j\. aficr Ehegrsph is creoted ■ Abilih io auIonwlicalU updalc graph* 1lus cliapter explore* llic shippint; tenter (Uta \ou opciiccl in tlie prs iom cliuptcr. iisin騧 ^rapliv tt *<4iiparc mkmiiv explore variabilit cliccL nomiality and examine t lit- relationsh䩮p bclwvcii variable*. For more Information on MJnitab grapH go to Gropbs In ihc Miniiab Help Index and Uien douWe-cfcck ihe Owvfcwentry for *taife on Mlmtab graphe Toattew ihe Help index, choose H<Hp »...
Open the catalog to page 14Chapter 2 [xplorinq the Data Interpret 1 lie indivkliial value plots sliou each ccntcr lia** ;i diffcrciil mcaii dclivcn tinie. r6SUlt$ I lie Western ccntcr ha* a lowcr shippin^ timc Hun thc C" ,incl kastcrn tentera I hc variation wilhin each shippint; ccntcr sccim hU ml thc taine. Create a grouped histogram \nothcr way lo compare thc Ihrce ihippingcenleil h to croate a ronped Imtogrant. h hiv li riispla\s thc hbloyraim for cach ccntcr on thc umc t;rjplit 'I hc gtoupcd imtogram will show how much thc data froin c;ich shippingccntcrowrlap 1 (llioosc (*ranh > I li\h>i*ram 2...
Open the catalog to page 16Exploring the Data Graphing Data Interpret Asyon saw in thc indniditil vainc plot, thc nicans for cach ccntcr arc diffrent, hc rcsults incaii dcliven ti mes are: Central-da>> Kastem 鯗 4.452 days Western-2.081 days I lie ^rouped histo^ram ho\ta thc Central nul ! a sU mimi!ir> arc siniiLir in incan dcli\cr\ thne and spread of<lcliver\ lime. In contrasta the Western ccntcr incaii delivcrv Unie isshorter and les» spread ont* Ghapter \jtai\zing Data* shows hou to detect stastisti(all\ si^nificant diffrences ainocic ineans min anahsisof variante Il your data change, Mlnitab can...
Open the catalog to page 17All MINITAB Ltd catalogs and technical brochures
Minitab 17 Learn What’s New
8 Pages
Minitab 17 Getting Started
87 Pages
Minitab16 WhatsNew
12 Pages