Catalog excerpts
Flex Circuits Thermofoil > Heaters Sensors Instruments >
Open the catalog to page 1Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are faced with increasing demands for smaller and more portable diagnostic devices with uncompromising accuracy. Devices with increased throughput and highly complex interconnect requirements. To help OEMs meet these challenges, Minco relies on state-of-the-art technology and innovative manufacturing techniques. Our unique capabilities mean we can create solutions that meet your exacting performance requirements. Medical breakthroughs are occurring faster than ever before. That֒s why leading OEMs rely on Mincos more than 50 years of experience to...
Open the catalog to page 2Thin, exible heaters consist of an etched-foil (Thermofoil > TM ) or wire-wound resistive element laminated between layers of insulation material such as polyimide, silicone rubber, mica, polyester or PTFE. Superior thermal performance ٖ Thermally ecient foil elements transfer heat for greater accuracy, faster warm-up, and increased throughput. Temperature uniformity Heating elements can be proled to oset variations in heat loss, ensuring a precise and consistent thermal system which achieves maximum yield. Compact and low mass ֖ Thin prole reduces heater space requirements to improve...
Open the catalog to page 3Integrated ex circuit with control electronics links to the heater and sensor for a compact system package in this countertop analyzer. Օ Wire-wound resistance thermometers accurately average temperature across critical surfaces for precise control. Minco manufactures a combination heater/ sensor/controller/ex circuit and assembles the sample carrousel that maintains accurate uid temperature in this oor standing analyzer. Օ Etched-foil heaters warm uid samples and keep them at a constant temperature. Thin and lightweight etched- foil heaters allow the robotics in analyzers to seamlessly...
Open the catalog to page 4Polyimide Thermofoil heaters maintain the structure of the scanner at a constant tem- perature to eliminate expansion/contraction registration errors. Օ Polyimide Thermofoil heaters rapidly introduce heat into the superconducting environment to provide emergency shutdown of the magnetic eld, and their small leadwires minimize the thermal leakage from the cryogenic environment during normal operation. Thermofoil heaters factory mounted to heat Օ High-density ex circuits oer sinks and integrated with RTD temperature highly reliable interconnect sensors process output from imaging systems...
Open the catalog to page 5Flex-Coils communicate from the external component to the internal component of a > middle-ear or cochlear hearing device. Օ Rigid-ex motherboards provide signal processing in middle-ear and cochlear implants as well as external hearing aids. Multi-layer ex circuits allow for the miniaturization of the motherboards for implantable neurostimulators in the brain. Օ Flex circuit inductive coil is used to recharge the power source. Flex circuits form the motherboard in external and internal infusion pumps to deliver a precise, regulated ow of life saving drugs. 6 6 6 >
Open the catalog to page 6Flex-Coils are wire-wound inductors that Minco integrates with ex circuits to enable magnetic ux telemetry communication in cardiac devices. Օ Flex-Coils combine telemetry coils > with exible or Rigid-Flex circuits > including optional piezoelectric annunciators for audible alarms. >
Open the catalog to page 7Asia Pacic Headquarters 20 Science Park Road #02-31 Teletech Park Singapore Science Park II Singapore 117674 Tel: (65) 6511 3388 Fax: (65) 6511 3399MED01101606RO Minco 2006 Worldwide Headquarters European Headquarters 7300 Commerce Lane Minneapolis, MN 55432 USA Tel: 1.763.571.3121 Fax: 1.763.571.0927 Usine et Service Commercial, Z.I. 09310 Aston, France Tel: (33) 5 61 03 24 01 Fax: (33) 5 61 03 24 09 Flex Circuits Thermofoil > ə HeatersSensors Instruments >
Open the catalog to page 8All MINCO catalogs and technical brochures
Archived catalogs
Flex Circuits Design Guide
32 Pages
Flexible Heaters Design Guide
64 Pages
Minco Corporate Overview
12 Pages