Die & mould spotting presses BV


Catalog excerpts

Die & mould spotting presses BV - 1


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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 3

QUALITY, INNOVATION AND TRADITION MILLUTENSIL is a worldwide leader in the production of die-mould spotting presses and die-splitters which facilitate safe adjusting, checking and maintenance operations. Founded in 1955, Millutensil always puts the customer first by engineering innovative, first-rate solutions based upon the needs of their customers. In working with top-tier companies across a variety of sectors, Millutensil strives for excellence by developing innovative solutions through cutting-edge technologies. Rather than solely taking on the role of a supplier, Millutensil aims to be...

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 4

DESCRIZIONE Per montaggio, aggiustaggio, controllo e riparazione degli stampi (termoplastici, pressofusione, termoindurenti, gomma e tranciatura) con possibilità di iniettare cere a bassa pressione negli stampi. COSTRUZIONE Struttura molto stabile con robusto basamento in acciaio saldato e normalizzato e piano base in ghisa. D BESCHREIBUNG Die Presse dient zur Montage,Justierung, Prüfung und Reparatur der Formen (Thermoplaste, Druckguss, Wärmehärtungsmittel, Gummi und Stanzwerkzeuge) mit der Möglichkeit, Spezialwachse unter Niederdruck in die Formen einspritzen zu können. BAUART Die sehr...

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 5

DESCRIPTION The press is used for splitting, adjusting, maintenance and try-out operations on dies and moulds (thermoplastics, die casting, thermosetting, rubber and blanking). It is also possible to inject special waxes at low pressure into the mould. CONSTRUCTION The very sturdy structure consists of a welded and normalized steel basement and cast iron baseplate. F DESCRIPTION Pour l’assemblage, la mise au point, l’entretien et les essais des outillages et des moules (pour matières plastiques, gommes, coulée sous pression et découpage) et pour l’injection, à basse pression, de cires dans...

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 6

■ A01 -8 Presse prova stampi ■ A01-8 Tuschierpressen ■ A01-8 Die & mould spotting presses ■ A01-8 Presse d'essai de moules ■ B01 -10 Presse prova stampi ■ B01-10 Tuschierpressen ■ B01-10 Die & mould spotting presses ■ B01-10 Presse d'essai de moules ■ C01 -12 Presse prova stampi ■ C01-12 Tuschierpressen ■ C01-12 Die & mould spotting presses ■ C01-12 Presse d'essai de moules

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 7

Presse prova stampi Tuschierpressen Die & mould spotting presses Presse d'essai de moules ■ G01 -18 Touch panel ■ G01 -18 Touch panel ■ G01 -18 Touch panel ■ G01 -18 Touch panel Presse prova stampi Tuschierpressen Die & mould spotting presses Presse d'essai de moules ■ H01-19 Accessori ■ H01-19 Zubehorteile ■ H01-19 Accessories ■ H01-19 Accessoires Presse prova stampi Tuschierpressen Die & mould spotting presses Presse d'essai de moules ■ I01 -24 Dati tecnici ■ I01 -24 Technische Daten ■ I01 -24 Technical data ■ I01

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 8

BLUE LINE La versione più piccola della serie BV Die kleinste Version der BV-Serie The smallest version of the BV series La version la plus petite de la série BV

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 9


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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 10

La versione entry level per stampi di piccole e medie dimensioni Entry-level-Version für kleine und mittelgroße Formen Entry level-version for small and medium size moulds Version entry level pour des moules de petites et moyennes dimensions BLUE LINE

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 11


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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 12

La versione advanced per stampi di piccole e medie dimensioni Idraulica gestita da servo valvole proporzionali elettroniche. Controllo del parallelismo tramite righe ottiche Heidenhain. Gestione con PLC Siemens e comandi tramite touch panel. Advanced-Version für kleine und mittelgroße Formen Hydraulik durch Servo-Proportionalventile elektronisch gesteuert. Kontrolle der Parallelität über Heidenhain Glassmaßstäbe. Steuerung mit Siemens SPS und Befehle über Touch-Panel. Advanced-version for small and medium size moulds Hydraulic system controlled by electronic servo proportional valves....

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 13


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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 14

BLUE LINE Con ribaltamento piano inferiore di 75° (opzione “R”) Mit unterem Kipptisch 75° (Option “R”) Lower plate tilting 75° (option “R”) Plateau inférieur basculant 75

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 15


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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 16

14 Con tavola rotante 0-180°/0-90°-120°-180°-240°-270° per stampi multicomponenti (opzione “G”) D Mit Drehteller 0-180°/0-90°-120°-180°-240°-270° fur Mehrkomponentenwerkzeuge (Option “G”) en With rotary table 0-180°/0-90°-120°-180°-240°-270° for multicomponent moulds (option “G”) f Avec plateau tournant 0-180°/0-90°-120°-180°-240°-270° pour moules (option “G”) a composants multiples

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 17

14 Con ribaltamento piano inferiore 75° (opzione “R”) + tavola rotante (opzione “G”) D Mit unterem Kipptisch 75° (Option “R”) + Drehteller (Option “G”) en With lower plate tilting to 75° (option “R”) + rotary table (option “G”) 14 Avec plateau inferieur basculant a 75° (option “R”) + plateau tournant (option “G”)

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Die & mould spotting presses BV - 18

TOUCH PANEL PER SERIE BV-E Millutensil è il primo costruttore al mondo ad aver introdotto l’uso del TOUCH PANEL nelle presse prova stampi. Il PLC elettronico “SIEMENS S7-1512” gestisce tutte le funzioni della pressa (serie BV-E). La visualizzazione avviene tramite un TOUCH PANEL “SIEMENS TP900” di ultima generazione. I vantaggi sono naturalmente il chiaro, facile e comodo utilizzo, così come l’enorme flessibilità nella personalizzazione di alcune funzioni, come per esempio il comando dei cilindri ausiliari. TOUCH PANEL FÜR BV-E SERIE Millutensil ist weltweit der erste Hersteller der ein...

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