

Catalog excerpts

MK8-2500 - 1 Professional drones & flying robots

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MK8-2500 - 2

Loca�on Lower Saxony strengthen the region HiSystems High Tech from Lower Saxony Since 2006 HiSystems develops and distributes hardware and so�ware for Mul�Kopter under the name MikroKopter. The development, the final assembly and testing of the MikroKopter takes place in Germany. Key components of the electronics are also made in the region. When choosing the supplier of MikroKopter components we try, if possible, to rely on local companies. By now there are many more Mul�Kopter systems available on our MikroKopter electronics (OEM) are based. From north-west Germany we ship MikroKopter...

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MK8-2500 - 3

The most important features and func�ons: Redundancy Increased safety through dual electronics. The failure of the flight control, a ba�ery or even an engine can be compensated. Naviga�on system Our copters use GPS, Glonass and Galileo at the same �me. So a waypoint flight or a hovering flight is point accurate. The MikroKopter-Tool A powerful tool With our free so�ware "MikroKopter-Tool" different types of waypoint flights can be planned and simulated. Flight simula�on in Kopter Tool A planned waypoint flight can be virtually simulated in the MikroKopter-Tool and flown off. Any planning errors can...

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MK8-2500 - 4

Compact, lightweight, cost-efficient, reliable Proven technology even more compact - the MK8-2500 Thanks to the telescopic boom, the MK8-2500 only needs a small 600x600mm space for transport. For the flight, the booms are then pulled out. This makes the MK8-2500 powerful and easy to fly. Whether photo camera, measuring sensors or special solu�on. A universal holding device allows you to decide freely about the payload to be carried. So you can customize the scope of supply according to your needs - we are happy to advise you! The basic features: - Extendable arms - Payload up to 2,5kg - Long...

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MK8-2500 - 5

The MK8-2500 THERMO New perspec�ves with different eyes Whether industrial applica�ons, research and technology, nature and wildlife observa�on or agriculture. The field of thermography has become an important part of mul�copter applica�ons in recent years. For us as a mul�copter manufactory, the combina�on of our MikroKopter with thermal imaging cameras from Optris or Flir is therefore more than logical. With the THERMO extension, we have created the perfect diagnos�c tool to create completely new perspec�ves in this field of applica�on. Applica�on areas > Inspec�on of solar systems >...

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MK8-2500 - 6

The MK8-2500 AGRAR Precision Farming with the MikroKopter The analysis of the cul�vated fields from the air is becoming increasingly important. For example, a mul�-spectral camera can be used as an AGRAR extension. Hereby the vitality of the plants can be measured and analyzed by determining the amount of light. An op�miza�on of the fer�liza�on process, a more precise needs analysis for pes�cides and the analysis of the plants a�er irriga�on can be carried out quickly with the MikroKopter. Applica�on areas > targeted ac�ons against pests > efficient fer�lizer deploy (economic, prevent...

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MK8-2500 - 7

The complete solu�on in the field of surveying and geodesy You have to carry out evidence safeguards? Need a 3D model of a terrain? Or want to perform volume calcula�ons? The GEO extension allows quick and easy data acquisi�on from the air. So with the MikroKopter also the measurement of hard-to-reach objects is easily possible. And if necessary also reproducibly as o�en as you want. Applica�on areas > Crea�on of large-scale orthofotos The pictures created with the GEO and an appropriate so�ware determine the volume of the desired areas. > Genera�on of detailed height and volume models >...

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MK8-2500 - 8

The MK8-2500 LIGHT We bring light into the dark It does not ma�er if it's a rescue mission, assistance with searching for a person, the illumina�on of filming loca�ons or as a mobile lamp. With our LIGHT extension you bring light into the dark wherever you need it right now. Depending on the applica�on, the luminosity can be adjusted and, if necessary, extended by further luminous bodies. For example, e.g. ultra-bright 43200 lumens just as feasible as only 4000 lumens. Applica�on areas > Illumina�on of applica�on areas > Assistance in searching for people in the night > Ligh�ng of loca�ons >...

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MK8-2500 - 9

With our SPECIAL extension you are even more flexible than before. Whether special sensor, transport solu�on, rescue equipment or special request, we also manufacture special mounts and special mounts for your applica�on. And every special solu�on is as quick and easy to change as the standard solu�ons under the MikroKopter. Applica�on areas > Wherever normal solu�ons do not work

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MK8-2500 - 10

Ground station The ground station is an transmitter from Graupner. Incl. Special transmitter console, live image monitor and real-time telemetry with voice output. Charging technology With the Polaron charging station, 2 batteries can be charged simultaneously. Part of the MK8-2500 standard are 4 high-performance 6S 4500 mAh lithium polymer flight batteries. Servo Gimbal Lightweight and universal servo camera stand for small and big ones Cameras. The holder can be manually adjusted in pitch and roll direction. An automatic compensation takes place via the MikroKopter flight control....

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MK8-2500 - 11

Op�onal equipment for the MK8-2500 Range extender The RangeExtender connects your MikroKopter wirelessly to a Windows PC or Android tablet. This way, a waypoint flight can be transmi�ed via the KopterTool and the flight can be followed live. We support a wide range of camera solu�ons on our MikroKopter. And if the standard does not fit: We also manufacture individual special solu�ons. Op�onally, the electronics of the MikroKopter Redundant can be set up or retrofi�ed. So the MikroKopter can be flown safely even if the main electronics fails. In photogrammetry, accuracy counts. The hot shoe...

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MK8-2500 - 12

Chilean Plateau Reliability even in extreme heights Traffic measurement Long flight �mes The Chilean filmmakers Company Octocam is working successfully for years with MikroKopter drones. Even under the most adverse condi�ons they succeed breathtaking filmings in the rough areas of the Chilean Plateau. Powered by HiSystems: The Fraunhofer Ins�tute uses a flying robot with MikroKopter technology to analyze overtaking. Here it came to an air�me of daily 9 hours. Search & Rescue Life rescue from the air Antarc�c Reliability in harsh areas Real-�me image transmission and high-resolu�on cameras with...

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