Catalog excerpts

Flow control solutions Expect results every process
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your process performance and reliability, Metso approaches each process and application as a specific challenge. Neles control, on-off and ESD valves, accessories, intelligent devices and software products are engineered to meet these challenges. They provide innovative, fundamentally simple construction, operation and maintenance features to optimize process performance at the lowest cost. Testing capabilities Metso has an extensive quality assurance program covering all manufacturing activities. All components or valve units are tested before delivery. For modulating control valves the...
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MAPAG works in Horgau, Germany Systems and software Metso FieldCare™ - device and asset management Metso FieldCare is a totally open solution based on FDT technology to provide an accurate information flow during the commissioning, operation or maintenance of a production process. It provides a single tool with which to manage any device, in any communication protocol, and its web-enabled interfaces allow for the information to be distributed anywhere across the user‘s network in real time. Its ability to show both standard configuration parameters and device-specific functions eliminates...
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POTENTIAL FAILURE Neles SwitchGuard™ - suitable for all critical and high-cycle switching applications Neles SwitchGuard™ is our new intelligent controller for pneumatic on/off valves. SwitchGuard replaces separate solenoid valve and limit switches, enabling also stroking time and profile configuration. Featuring unigue on/ off valve diagnostic, it enables you to predict failures in process critical and high-cycle switching applications and check valve condition remotely without visiting the fi eld. With this unprecedented visibility to valves you can plan your maintenance actions well...
Open the catalog to page 4
Control Valves Series Design Size range Pressure classes Temperature range Standard body materials *) Leakage rate Bulletin reference Reduced Cv trims, Q-Trims V-port segment valves RA, RE Wafer, flanged 10x ISO Rate D/class IV, optionally ISO rate D/class V (min. 20 bar Δp) General, Reduced severe Cv trims, Q-Trims, Cryogenic Finetrol eccentric plug valves FC, FG Flanged, DN eccentric 25 - 250 / rotary 1” - 10” plug valve High performance triple eccentric disc valves L12, L6, LW & LG, L1 & L2 BD Wafer, lugged, double flanged 110 General, Heat 185000 severe traced, S-Disc, Cryogenic,...
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On-off Valves Series Design Temperature . . . Leakage range . , ' rate X series ball valves XT-seat bore, Metal /I"-16" ASME -330to ported, seats Service Options* General Steam Series Design D series ball valve body mate- Service Options* Steam jacket, high tempe- rature, Cata- lyst handling, gland pack- Series Design High performance triple eccentric disc valves LW&LG, double body mate- Service Options* High tight- ness, Erosion sion, Cryo- genic & high High cycling,
Open the catalog to page 6
Size range Pressure classes Standard Temperature body materange rials *) Leakage rate Leakage rate Leakage rate Leakage rate X series ball valves XA, XB, XC, XU, XT - seat supported, XG, XM trunnion mounted Full or DN reduced 25 - 400 / bore, Metal 1” - 16” seats High Cryogenic, MTBF, high temSIL 3 perature certified Size range Pressure classes Standard Temperature body materange rials *) D series ball valves D2C, D2D, D1F Full or reduced port, Stemball construction High Cryogenic, MTBF, high temSIL 3 perature certified Size range Pressure classes Standard Temperature body materange rials...
Open the catalog to page 7
Smart products Series Supply Power Supply pressure ND9100 - standard, intrinsically safe, ND9200 - explosion proof Intelligent valve controller Taken from the 1.4 - 8 bar / 4...20 mA, control 20 - 115 psi signal or fieldbus powered Supply Power Taken from the 1.4 - 8 bar / 4...20 mA, control 20 - 115 psi signal or fieldbus powered Temperature range HART, Profibus PA, FOUNDATION FieldBus Supply pressure Temperature range Neles ND9300® ND9300- stainless Intelligent valve controller steel enclosure, intrinsically safe and explosion proof HART, Profibus PA, FOUNDATION FieldBus Supply pressure...
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Series Type Pressure input Torque output Quadra- Spring- Powr diaphragm Spring return Application based products Series Design Size range . Pressure Tempera- Body ture range materials Service Options , Capping valve nelesACE basis weight control valve chip fill switches ball surface together with, 2"-20" ASME -40 to Basis weight control unit Pocket feeder valve
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Analog positioners Series Split range Pneumatic positioner Ambient temperature Vibration effect Bulletin reference Limit Switches Temperature range Communication Bulletin reference Switch Type Explosion proof, intrinsically safe, general purpose Inductive proximity, -40 to +82 °C / reed, mechanical -40 to +176 °F micro, VCT Intrinsically safe, general purpose Inductive proximity, -40 to +80 °C / -40 to DeviceNet, VCT +176 °F Modbus, AS-I General purpose Inductive proximity, -40 to +80 °C / mechanical micro, -40 to +176 °F VCT
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Valve options Type Size range Pressure classes Low noise and anticavitation trim for ball, segment and eccentric plug valves Q2 trim for high aerodynamic noise attenuation Diffuser Pressure classes Size range Flow balancing trim for triple eccentric disc valves Size range Pressure classes Option 1 threaded directly into a Finetrol® or T5 valve body. Option 2 wafer style. Can be mounted between flanges. A-plate Noise attenuator plate DN 25 - 1000 / for noise reduction. 1” - 40”
Open the catalog to page 11
Vanha Porvoontie 229, P.O.Box 304 North America 44 Bowditch Drive, P.O.Box 8044 South America Asia Pacific 20 Kallang Avenue, Lobby B, #06-00 PICO Creative Centre Jianguo Lu Yi, Chaoyang Dist ro Jebel Ali Freezone, Dubai United Arab Emirates = For further information please contact one of our regional offices, or visit our o
Open the catalog to page 12All Metso Automation catalogs and technical brochures
12 Pages
EtaCrush® series
1 Pages
more capability brochure
4 Pages
Neles Flow Control Solutions
12 Pages
Crushing and screening solutions
51 Pages
Primary gyratory stations
9 Pages
Process Capacity IPS
6 Pages
Slurry Hose System
20 Pages
Mill discharge pumps
8 Pages
Slurry pump basic
204 Pages
8 Pages
Metso Slurry Pump program
16 Pages
Vasa HD
4 Pages
Metso Balance Cranes (MBC)
8 Pages
Aftermarket Training
2 Pages
Hot Kiln Survey
2 Pages
8 Pages
Dryers and Coolers
6 Pages
Coke Calcining Systems
8 Pages
Metso pebble lime cooler
4 Pages
Spiral Dewaterers
8 Pages
LIMS dry drum
4 Pages
HGMS cyclic
5 Pages
12 Pages
HGMS Continuous
8 Pages
8 Pages
LIMS iron ore
12 Pages
1 Pages
Inclined Plate Settler
8 Pages
Microcel Flotation Columns
6 Pages
Flotation Machines DR
8 Pages
Feed Forward for Flotation
2 Pages
Flotation Machines RCS
8 Pages
Tube press
8 Pages
Tube press booster range
8 Pages
Metso in filtration
8 Pages
High efficiency cyclones
2 Pages
Air Classifiers
4 Pages
Gearless AG/SAG Mills
2 Pages
Vertimill for limeslaking
2 Pages
Grinding and enrichment
12 Pages
Flue Gas Desulfurization
4 Pages
Ball mills
2 Pages
Apron feeders
8 Pages
Wobbler feeders
4 Pages
Lokotrack CT3.2 and CW3
2 Pages
HRC 800
8 Pages
MP1250 Cone crusher
6 Pages
Metso screening media
114 Pages
Trellex dust control
8 Pages
Metso lining and sheeting
44 Pages
Trellex wear lining solutions
16 Pages
Trellex PSV conveyor rollers
4 Pages
Trellex flexopipe
8 Pages
Trellex belt cleaning
12 Pages
Trellex loading stations
8 Pages
Trellex Cer-Lag
4 Pages
Trellex belt guiding system
8 Pages
Trellex conveyor accessories
12 Pages
Jamesbury Valve Solutions
28 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
Metso DNA Drive Controls
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
6 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
4 Pages
Alkali Analyser
4 Pages
6 Pages
Neles SwitchGuard
6 Pages
Pneumatic Actuator
10 Pages
Butterfly Valves
20 Pages
Series 3000 Ball Valves
4 Pages
Neles Manual Gear Actuators
2 Pages
Actuator Accessories
2 Pages