Catalog excerpts

MPI-8E PORTABLE 8-CHANNEL DATA LOGGER 8 analog channels Graphic LCD touch screen Internal memory 2 GB USB port on the front panel RS-485 communication port Power supply from internal battery, 230 VAC or 12 VDC (e. g. car lighter socket) Heavy-duty case 8 ANALOG INPUTS: Independent setup for input sensors: RTD sensors (Pt100, Pt200, Pt500, Pt1000) 2- or 3-wire, thermocouples (J, K, T, E, N, B, R, S), transducers with 4-20mA (4-20mA current loop can be supplied from the device) or 0-20mA current loop output, transducers with linear resistance output 0…100 ohm, 0…1000 ohm, transducers with linear voltage output –1 V…+1 V. ALARMS & CONTROL, OUTPUT RELAYS: 4 alarm and control thresholds for each channel. The alarm mode is indicated by a LED on the front panel or an appropriate message on the display. An alarm threshold exceedance can be recorded in the event log. An alarm threshold can change data recording rates. Recording data to internal 2GB memory. Local access to recorded data through USB port on front panel. Protected files with the encrypted checksum. Recording frequency from 3 s to 24 h; possible to define two switched frequencies depending on alarm threshold state. COMMUNICATION WITH THE MASTER SYSTEM: RS-485 port, ASCII or Modbus RTU protocol. VIEWING THE RESULTS: Graphic LCD to
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USE OF INTERNAL BATTERY: The battery operating time is rated for approximately from 70 hours (when RTD sensors are connected) to 8 hours of operation (when 4-20mA transducers are connected and supplied from the device) Charging the battery does not require a interruption of device operation. The battery is charged from an external source of 230 VAC or 12 VDC (e.g. from car cigarette lighter). PORTABLE HOUSING: The housing is made of plastic (polypropylene, ABS). With the reinforced and highly waterproof (IP67 when closed or IP54 when open) case cover, the device can be operated in...
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TECHNICAL DATA INPUTS Number of inputs: Galvanic separation between channels: Galvanic separation from supply voltage: Maximum input voltage: Measurement accuracy: RTD input configuration Current: Connection: Wire resistance compensation in the 3-wire connection: Wire resistance compensation in the 2-wire connection: Maximum resistance of wires (to the sensor): TC input configuration Cold junction compensation: Cold junction compensation range: Maximum input voltage: Maximum resistance of wires (to the sensor): R input configuration Transducer resistance range: Conversion characteristic:...
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USB port connector: Power switch: RS-485 SERIAL PORT Signals output on terminal block: Galvanic separation: Maximum load: Transmission protocol: Maximum length of line: Transmission rate: Parity control: Frame: Maximum differential voltage A(+) – B(-) Maximum total voltage A(+) – B(-) – "neutral" or B(-) – "neutral": Minimum output signal of transmitter: Minimum sensitivity of receiver: Minimum impedance of data transmission line: Short-circuit / thermal protection: INTERNAL MEMORY Capacity: Maximum number of stored records: Recorded format: USB type A Standard switch on / off A(+),...
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Table of sensors type: INPUT TYPE RANGE Pt100 / Pt1000 -200 do +850 °C Pt100+ / Pt1000+ -50 do +150 °C Ni100 -60 do +250 °C J (Fe - CuNi) -200 do +1000 °C K (NiCr - Ni) -250 do +1300 °C T (Cu - CuNi) -270 do +400 °C E (NiCr - CuNi) -270 do +1000 °C N (NiCrSi - NiSi) -50 do +1300 °C B (Pt30Rh -Pt6Rh) 300 do +1800 °C R (Pt13Rh - Pt) 0 do +1750 °C S (Pt10Rh - Pt) 0 do +1750 °C 4-20 / 0-20 mA -9000 do +99 999 R -9000 do +99 999
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MPI-8, MPI-8/4
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