Sun visors and special gratings


Catalog excerpts

Sun visors and special gratings - 1

Facade cover, technical racks cover, sun visor, handrailing cover, double roofing, claustra, air conditionning louver, suspended ceiling, roadscreen cover. > Habillage de faade, habillage mural, habillage de gaines techniques, brisesoleil, habillage de garde corps, sur toiture et sous toiture, claustra, grilles da璩ration, faux plafonds, barrires routires anti-訩blouissement, habillage dҩcrans routiers. RECOMMENDED FOR : Tertiary buildings, all industrial buildings, school buildings, sports and entertainment buildings, blocks, infrastructures RECOMMAND POUR : Bɢtiments tertiaires et commerciaux, btiments universitaires et scolaires, hpitaux, bⴢtiments administratifs et publics, btiments sportifs, habitat collectif, infrastructures routires, b⨢timents industriels . > Tolsun ,the new aesthetic solution meeting the touch of your architectural project. The exclusive shape of Tolsun is due to its special curved louvers. The new manufacturing process ensure an enhanced resistance to the bad weather, an excellent protection against sun impact and allow energy saving. Tolsun combines rugged durability, lightweight and easy installation.It is delivered in many colors or materials for all vertical or horizontal applications. > Tolsun,la solution esthtique qui respecte votre projet architectural.Ses ventelles finement incurves lui conf驨rent son aspect exclusif. Rsistant, son nouveau procd驩 de fabrication garantit une parfaite tenue aux intempries, rduit l驒impact du soleil, permet dimportantes ҩconomies dҩnergie. Lger, facile poser, en applications verticales, horizontales ou brise soleil, Tolsun est propos頩 en nombreux coloris. >

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Sun visors and special gratings - 2

La formulation ci-dessous est un guide pour les prescripteurs et bureaux dҩtude.Certaines conditions dapplication peuvent nҩcessiter leur modification le cas chant. The following is a format for architectural and engineering specification. This format is to be used as a guide.Certain conditions of the intended application, however, may require modifications. 驫 Habillage vertical > (brise soleil, surtoiture, sous toiture, grille daҩration, faux plafond, bar-rire routire anti-騩blouissement, habillage dҩcran routier...) Facade covers > (sun visor, double roofing, diffuser, suspended ceiling,...

Open the catalog to page 2
Sun visors and special gratings - 3

Pour թcoulement des eaux Used for sewerage circuits Օ Facile installer :modle SM avec corniਨre vitant la cration de feuillure 驕 Easy to install :SM type with frame added Maille de sթcurit Safety pitch :meet the 20 mm ball requirement 镕 Rsiste aux charges roulantes :caillebotis press en acier galvanis驩 chaud Strength suitable for vehicule traffic :hot-dip galvanised steelpress-locked grating > Modըle SM avec cornire / SMType Modle Standard sans corni訨re / Standard Type MODELESM avec cornire / SM TYPE with angle frame a bc Charge roulanteLongueurMaille de scurit詩Barre portanteRef.(mm)(mm)(mm)...

Open the catalog to page 3
Sun visors and special gratings - 5

Chimie, pթtrochimie, sidrurgie ...:passerelles et racks de galeries techniques. Rapide et facile 镠 poser :livraison en demi-lments pour faciliterla manipulation. 驕 Mines et carrires :passerelles de transporteurs bandes. 蠕 Signalisation et publicit :passerelles dacc钨s aux panneaux. Chasse-pied intթgr. Toutes industries :passerelles de pont roulant. 镕 Conforme la norme NF En ISO 14122 moyens dӒaccs aux machines. 蔕 Equipement portuaire et matriel de levage :passerelles de transporteurs,de grues. S镩curit :pouvoir antidrapant renforc驩, sol drainant. Durable et robuste :Tմle dacier galvanisҩ...

Open the catalog to page 5
Sun visors and special gratings - 6

Օ Scurit :- Chasse pied hauteur 150 mm- Antid驩rapant (passgrip) - Pas dimpression de vertige - Assure lҒcoulement des liquides Grande largeur :600 mm.Grande longueur :4 m Mat镩riau :Acier galvanis en continu ou galvanis 驠 chaud Grande portթe entre appuis :2 m, clissable pour grandes longueurs 镕 Safety :- Toe plate (150 mm high)- Non-skid (passgrip type) - No dizziness - Suitable for liquids draining Great width :600 mm.Great length :4.0m > Utilises habituellement en milieu industriel :- Equipement de ponts roulants - Passerelles de rack - Galeries techniques - Circulation en toiture Commonly...

Open the catalog to page 6
Sun visors and special gratings - 7

Passavants de ptroliers.Planchers de wagons et de camions frigorifiques. Vhicules publicitaires - plateformes mobiles. Plaques de d驩sensablage pour vhicules ou caravanes. Installations de gaz :compression, manutention de mthane. Installations p驩trolires, passerelles sur toits flottants, postes de charge- ment de camions ou wagons-citernes. Fabrication et manutention des poudres et explosifs. Installations de bord de mer, appontements. Raffineries, conserveries. Industries agro-alimentaires. Industrie base de soufre. NERVOPAL plein / Floorings or walkways for tankers, movable platforms.Gas...

Open the catalog to page 7
Sun visors and special gratings - 8

Porte / Span (mm) 5007009001000110013001500 Profil 1 Charge / Load 165110807055 Fl驩che / Deflection (mm)1,73,24,55,55,7 Profil 2 Charge / Load 26018514513011010070Flche / Deflection (mm)1,32,53,23,74,66,57,5 Flooring :Information requested :steel framework drawing with dimensions ofsupports spans, beam types and location of appliances.Our engineering department will offer a solution specifically designed to customers requirements by producing layout drawings, specifications and assembly instructions. Utiliser des agrafes.En cas de vibrations assurer le blocage lat钩ral de louvrage par...

Open the catalog to page 8
Sun visors and special gratings - 10

Ventilation des gaines techniques Օ Diffusion et orientation du flux lumineux pour clairages encastrs 驕 Acier galvanis chaud 頕 Fabrication la demande sur plan Uses :- ventilation shaft- light flow diffusion for embedded appliances Օ Hot dip galvanised steel Manufactured upon request according to specifications > Max.span > Y x L (mm)Maille rectangulaire incline (entraxe) 350 x 350 > X L Rectangular sloped pitch 30 x 48X x Y (mm)Charge / Weight (daN)400Barres portantes / Load bar 35 x 2A (mm)Bordure / Edging strip 35 x 3B (mm)Entretoises inclines Sloping transverse bars 50 x 2C (mm) > 48 35...

Open the catalog to page 10
Sun visors and special gratings - 11

Les caillebotis FT sont principalement utiliss en couverture de tablierspour passage de fort tonnage :Ponts, cluses rampes d驒accs portuaires. Par rapport aux solutions classiques, ils ont lavantage de ne n蒩cessiter aucune maintenance, de pouvoir tre souds directement sur la charpente mꩩtallique et dҪtre trs peu agressifs. FT Gratings are commonly used for heavy traffic flow :roadways, bridges,locks. No maintenance required :these gratings can be welded directly onto the steel substructure.Advandtage :very safe for tires. > Ensemble autoporteur compos de rails Decauville supportant un...

Open the catalog to page 11

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