Catalog excerpts

Contents1Stairs & Stairways2/3Types of stairsIndoor > Spiral stairsWinding stairs Straight stairs staircase 456 interior stairs 789Outdoor escape stairs 10/11 12 13 balcony stairs 14 15Industrial staircases16 17Tank staircases18Single stringer staircaseStaircases with protection cages19Modular staircase20Industry System Railing21Technical remarks / Steps22Banisters23References24-31Our product range32Projectmanagement 33Production sites34/35Your inquiry36 > Technical status August2005 size="-1">
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Staircases have always hadsomething fascinating. For manycultures, they have been an indis-pensable element for ritual andpolitical actions. The giant stairs ofthe Mayas pyramids in Mexico arejust one out of many examples to prove this fact.However, you donҒt have totravel far in time and space to findstaircases as symbols of powerand importance. Many public buil-dings, built by the turn of the cen- tury in Europe and especially inGermany, are distinguished bytheir giant staircases. >
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Compared to the massivestone staircases of the past,todays staircases are light andalmost delicate. Their fascinationresults from the esthetical play ofmaterial and light in space. Theirshape, based on their function, has a timeless quality of design.A staircase has alwaysbeen regarded as more than anauxiliary to surmount differences inelevation. Did you already noticethe important role a staircase plays in numerous TV shows? >
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4 Spiral stairsfor indoor use > With the prices per sq.m. ofhousing space always rising, youwant to waste as little space aspossible. With rising demands oninterior decoration, you want thebest design for each detail. Both demands are fulfilledby elegant spiral stairs. The spacerequired for the staircase is redu-ced to an absolute minimum, thedesign possibilities are almost unli-mited. A beautiful staircaseincreases the worth of living. above:spiral stairs made of wood,steel and high-grade steelKottengrnbelow:Spiral stairs in a winter garden,ungalvanised, clear varnish,with perforated sheet...
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above:Winding stair made of high-grade steel and stone steps Roth, Whlsdorfbelow:Winding stair with polished high-grade steel banister, steps with stone flooring Zeitz >
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above:Straight flight staircase, wooden stepsand high-grade steel banisterHouse Switzerland, Berlinbelow:Dog-leg staircaseFlat steel stringers with wooden treads, a solid beech handrail and a banister made of electrochemicallypolished stainless-steelMerzig >
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Spiral stairs with high-grade steelbanisters, high-grade steel steps with wooden inserts porcelain museumHohenberg >
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above:Spiral staircase with a B1 banister, stainless steel handrail and stone treads Nurembergbelow:A spiral staircase with an innersupporting stringer, protruding treads and a polished stainless steel banister Berlin >
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Straight staircases 9 > Steel stairs offer architectu-ral solutions which would beunthinkable using different tech-niques, or which could only be rea-lized by complicated statics,heaps of material and a great dealof money. An intelligent construction,however, can save a lot of money.In the end, there will be enoughmoney left for extraordinary bani-sters and a high-quality flooring.Good quality doesnt al-ways have to be expensive. straight flight staircase Җ granit steps,high-grade steel banisters with glass elements Saarlouis size="-2">
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Spiral stairs withA1 safety banisters,steel or high-grade steel >
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Spiral stairs withsafety access, galvanised gratings Hanover >
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Winding stairs with grating stepsand safety banisters Todtmoos >
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above:Straight staircase with flat steel side pieces Leipzigbelow:Straight staircase with flat steel side pieces Selb >
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Spiral stairs with side wall, banisterswith high-grade steel handrailMahlow >
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A straight flight access staircase, u-shaped stringers, grating treads and a binding banister Saarbrcken >
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above right:6-storey industrial spiral stair withbanister type A1Munichbelow right:Spiral stair with 1 access landing,2 resting landings and bracesHanoverleft:Spiral stair with landingsaccording to DINPlauen >
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Straight staircase as counter-rotatingtower with footbridge to the tank Schmalkalden >
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Tank staircases18 > Tank staircases are hugewinding stairs with the tank itselfbeing the side wall.Depending on the type oftank the treads can be bolted orwelded to the side wall or the use of a winding staircase might bepossible.They are virtually exclusive-ly used for maintenance works, sothey have to be as cheap as possi-ble. Tank staircaseBexbach Universum Science CenterBremen Single stringerstaircase > An interesting solution fromboth the engineering and thedesign angles: the single stringerstaircase with the treads mountedon the one stringer in the middle.The stringer can be...
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above left and 2ndfrom above left: Spiral stair with safety cage social centre Saarbrckenabove right:Straight staircase with protection cage Frankfurtbelow left:Spiral staircase with protection cage Wiesbaden2nd from above right:TUI Hanoverbelow right:Spiral stair with protection cage Schriesheimer Kopf >
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Modular staircase20 > We have developed a stan-dard programme for recurringtasks. The advantages are ob-vious: low price through series produc-tion, conforming to DIN and ISOstandards, technically perfected, versatile in use and indestructible. Modular stairand PROSTEP > Through senes production,the MEISERmodular staircase andMEISERPROSTEP offer a very favourable price, quick delivery,and easy mounting. The singlegrating stairtreads have a collar,which is slid over a central columnfor fixing. The square landing is fixed to the newel accordingly. Theprecast children-safe handrailparts are...
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Industry railingsystem 21 > MEISER galvanized indu-stry railing systems are available ineither tubular or solid pattern. Theycan be supplied as standards (withbase plates), or as sticks (withoutbase plates). Tubular PatternFabricated from circular hol-low section shanks, welded totubular balls. The big advantage isthat they have the same load valuesas the variation made of solid mate- rials and at the same time makepossible a more attractive price dueto their light weight. Solid patternFabricated from solid com-ponents, this style offers more resi-lience in extremely corrosive...
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