Catalog excerpts

MEISER Profile Planking
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Open surface with serrations 4 Surface with perforations and embossing Surface with upward perforations, downward Surface with upward perforations Surface with downward perforations Surface with upward perforations, downward Bostep G / Smooth plate 41 Couvrazed / Stepbloc D Roof walkway plank 47 Stairtreads / spiral staircase treads 50 Sheet metal processing 62 Slip resistance classes 78
Open the catalog to page 2
About Meiser MEISER is a medium sized company specialising in Open Bar Grating, Profile Planks, Stairways, Stairtreads, Galvanising and Slit Steel Materials. There are two main factories in Germany, one at Schmelz-Limbach in the Saarland and the other at Oelsnitz in Saxony plus other subsidiaries in Belgium, France, Hungary, Egypt and Dubai. Both German plants have Galvanising, Slitting and Cold Rolling facilities which ensure high quality is maintained throughout our manufacturing processes. We have MEISER Sales Offices and Agencies worldwide, guaranteeing a local contact and a personal...
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O P E N S U R FAC E W I T H S E R R AT I O N S Stepbloc D Stepbloc F Stepbloc U To l p l u s N PICTURE RIGHT: GANGWAY ON CRANE JIB
Open the catalog to page 5
The medium height serrations on this densely punched surface offer good plank stability with superior anti-slip properties. They are especially good for use in areas where oil and grease are prevalent. The extra height serrations on this densely punched surface offer good plank stability with superior anti-slip properties. Offering extremely efficient drainage properties due to the punched serration height and profile. Stepbloc F, as all other Stepbloc types is ideal for use on fire escapes, gangways, platforms and stairways in industrial and commercial market sectors. Stepbloc D, due to...
Open the catalog to page 7
Like the other members of the Stepbloc family, Stepbloc U is characterised by a high degree of air permeability. The non-serrated punched sections make the surface less harsh. Tolplus N likewise is the best option for pedestrian walking safety and high stability thanks to its punched serrations. Like all the other Stepbloc types, Tolplus N is well-suited to use on gangways, platforms and safety stairways. The drainage action is extremely effective owing to the steep raised profile, thus providing the best conditions for use outdoors. Smooth edge possible Smooth edge possible 9 x 12 slot...
Open the catalog to page 8
P E R F O R AT I O N S A N D E M B O S S I N G IN BOTH DIRECTIONS Formstep N Stephuit N To l h u i t N Formstep 04 Stepclair N To l m i x t e N Ultrastep N To l c r e n e a u x N PICTURE RIGHT: FOOT AND CYCLE PATH, EIDER BRIDGE
Open the catalog to page 9
PERFORATIONS AND EMBOSSING IN BOTH DIRECTIONS Small perforations are punched upwards with larger perforations punched downward, giving this plank its stability, self-drainage and anti-slip properties. This plank can be used outdoors and is ideal for steps, gangways, platforms machine operator stations or scaffold A profile plank system which is suitable for a wide range of appli- cations, characterised by the good anti-slip properties of its surface features. Suitable for use in all applications, including public access areas where small perforations are a requirement. Smooth edge possible...
Open the catalog to page 11
A plank with small perforations stamped upwards and large perfo- rations stamped downwards. In addition, serrations give the plank a good anti-slip effect. This means it can be used both indoors and out- doors for stairway installations, platforms and gangways. This plank has the same advantages as Formstep N, but in this case the large perforations are stamped upwards and the small holes face downwards, which improves the anti-slip effect of this type. Smooth edge possible opposite side Sheet thickness Sheet thickness AS class Special sizes or materials on request. Stored sizes according...
Open the catalog to page 12
This plank is characterised by its anti-slip surface and effective drainage action. It can be used in the industrial sector in operator stations, on gangways, as a stairtread in staircases, and also as a plank for scaffolding. It also has other uses as sun protection and in automotive engineering. Tolmixte has the same properties as Stepclair N, but the small, upward-facing holes are additionally serrated. Smooth edge possible Smooth edge possible 46 Sheet thickness Sheet thickness Raw / hot-dip galvanised steel (DD11) Raw / hot-dip galvanised steel (DD11) Sendzimir galvanised steel...
Open the catalog to page 13
This profile planking has outstanding anti-slip properties which are effective in all directions. This type also has perforations which are stamped downwards, which additionally allow liquids to flow away and therefore favour use outdoors or in areas where liquids are used. The advantage of this type is its excellent anti-slip action in all directions, which is produced by its star-shaped, serrated perforations. The perforations which are stamped downwards allow liquids to flow away. This makes the plank especially suitable for use outdoors or in areas where liquids are used. Smooth edge...
Open the catalog to page 14
Open the catalog to page 15
SURFACE WITH UPWARD PERFORATIONS, DOWNWARD PERFORATIONS AND EMBOSSING Toldeco 8 has small, upward punched holes which, with their additio- nal serrations, give the plank good anti-slip properties. The holes have a diameter of 8 mm to ensure that liquids can drain off. This plank type can be used both indoors and outdoors for stair installations, This plank type has almost the same properties as the Toldeco 8, but the 10-mm diameter of the holes allows liquids to drain off even more effectively. Its small, upward punched holes and the additional ser- rations ensure good anti-slip properties....
Open the catalog to page 17
A plank with large, upward stamped holes which give it an effective anti-slip action and smaller, punched holes which ensure that liquids drain off and dust falls through. This means it can be used both indoors and outdoors for stair instal- lations, platforms and gangways. Smooth edge possible O OiO/° °iOi° °iOi° ° 1 O J ° ° opposite side Material Sheet thickness AS class Special sizes or materials on request. Stored sizes according to stock list.
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