Group: Meiser Gruppe
Catalog excerpts
Les marchs de lindustrie, du b钢timent, des infrastructures ont des besoins rguliers de plates-formes, planchers, passerelles, caillebotis adapts aux contraintes de charge de dimensions, de s驩curit, dambiance corrosive :LE CAILLEBOTIS TOLARTOIS fabrique et commercialise une gamme compl钨te de caillebotis maille, tle, composite standards ou spciaux autorisant une r䩩ponse pertinente. Le choix dթpend galement du service propos :D驩lai > - Programme de stock / Stocked gratings P.2- Selection des produits / General survey P.6 > PRESS-LOCKED :CM PRESS - PRESS҉ :CM PRESSP.11 - - Fixation / Fixing Clips P.20- Marches / Stair Treads P.22- ELECTROFORG :KEL INDP.23 :les produits standards sont disponibles,tenus en stock.Etudes PRESSURE WELDED :KEL IND :Nos professionnels ɩtudient votrebesoin et proposent la solution adapte accompagne des plans de calepinage, sp驩cification, instructions de montage et cotation.Pro > ximitҩ :Un service commercial votrecoute dans toute la France.Qualit੩ :Une organisation performante dematrise et damlioration de la qualit des produits et services. > For industry, building and basic equipment thereis a need of platforms, walkways, purpose built floorings and gratings.They must be suitable to load dimensions, safety and environmental conditions :LE CAILLEBOTIS TOLARTOIS˻ manufacturesamong a complete range of open steel, welded or press-locked gratings, non-skid sheet metal gratings and fiberglass reinforced gratings, thusoffering the most convenient solution. The choice depends also on service :Deliv > er y time :standard products are available ex stock.Our Engineer - Surtoitures, brise-soleil type TOLSUN P.40 Roof gratings, sun visors TOLSUN range- ing and T echnical depar tment Caniveaux type SM / Gutter, SM range P.42- Couverture de Caniveaux TOLDRAIN / offers a solution precisely designed tocustomers requirements by providing layout drawings, specifications, assembly instructions and quotations.The quality TOLDRAIN gutter P.43- Passerelles antidҩrapantes :type PASSCRANP.44 Walkways :PASSCRANrange of products ands services ismastered by a performing organisation. - Passerelles nervures :type PASSGRIPP.45 Walkways :PASSGRIPrange - Caillebotis lgers antid驩flagrants / marches descalier :type NERVOPALP.46 Light weight and non explosive gratings / stair treads :NERVOPAL range - Caillebotis Mi-fer / Double press-locked gratings P.48- Caillebotis pour ventilation :type PV / Ventilation gratings :PV range P.49- Caillebotis fort tonnage :type FT / Very heavy duty gratings :FT range P.50- Caillebotis caoutchouc type TOLGOM / Rubber Gratings TOLGOM range P.52- Caillebotis autoroute T 2 / T 3A / T 3B / Highway gratings P.53- ҉chelons daccҨs pour matriel de chantier / agricole / carrosserie industrielleP.54 Safety rungs for farm & public work equipment. - Cornires pour feuillure / Kerb angle frames P.54 >
Open the catalog to page 1MarchApplications / fonctionsPrincipales caractristiquesExemples de produitsPAGE Target marketApplications / functions FeaturesProduct examples R驩sistance, conomie- Caillebotis maille CM PRESSP.11- Caillebotis lectroforg驩 KEL INDP.23(notamment ptrochimie, offshore, nuclaire) Stength, low price- Press-locked gratings CM PRESS P.11- Welded gratings KEL IND P.23(especially for oil refineries, power stations, offshore rigs) Applications g驩nrales dePouvoir antidrapant renforc驩- Caillebotis tleP25planchers, plates-formes,- Caillebotis maille CM PRESS crantP.11passerelles et marches Non skid-...
Open the catalog to page 6MarchApplications / fonctionsPrincipales caractristiquesExemples de produitsPAGE Target marketApplications / functions FeaturesProduct examples Acc驩s en toitureScurit- Surtoitures CM PRESSP.41 Roof accessSafe- Roof gratings CM PRESSP.41 R驩sille murale, supports dinformation Montage vertical, protection- Caillebotis DECOR (voir catalogue Produits Urbains) BҢtiment Building Metallic lattice, casingVertical fixing- DECOR range Grating Brise soleilEsthtique- Panneaux monoblocP.40habillage, ventillationlger驠 ventelles TOLSUN Sun visorAesthetic- Louvers panel TOLSUN rangeP.40 facade cover, double...
Open the catalog to page 7BARRE PORTANTE / LOAD BAR PORTE ENTRE APPUIS / SPAN Exemple / Example : 30 x 3 ENTRETOISE / > 30 3 TRANSVERSE BAR Exemple / Example : ABOUTS / ENDS PressɩElectroforg Press locked Pressure welded > 10 5,5 2 Abouts non bordsAbouts bord驩s Ends without edging stripEnds with edging strip MAILLE / PITCH (MESH) > 2 3 Exemple / Example: BORD / EDGING STRIP > 19 30 33 21 Bord plat Bord T > Dsignation :Usuelle / Common dsignation 30 x 21 Flat bar T Shaped bar > Entraxe / Centre measurement 33 x 21Vide de maille / Open size 30 x 19Cotes utilis驩s systematiquement dans ce catalogue / Dimensions used in...
Open the catalog to page 9All Meiser catalogs and technical brochures
20 Pages
MEISER HTS Wooden Beams
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MEISER Grating
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40 Pages
2 Pages
Special Graitingse
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62 Pages
Archived catalogs
Sun visors and special gratings
17 Pages