Catalog excerpts
MecacHroMe Striving for ExcEllEncE A VISION oF tHe Future Quality and innovation are our mottos. this philosophy allows us to improve our expertise every day and thus convince the world’s greatest industrial names. given this priority of innovation and operational excellence, expertise develops solutions for tomorrow. further to the skills of the last generation that made up its production facilities, Mecachrome is developing the talents of its greatest asset: it’s people and it is thanks to them and the team spirit that we will guarantee our future skills and development. inteGratinG...
Open the catalog to page 2Mecachrome has a single device in competitive costing. Having set up plants in tunisia for Aluminium sheet mental, in Morocco for sheet metal and surface treatment and Portugal for hard sheet metal fabrication. Machining: mostly engine hard metal Welding: Hard metal Sheet: Hard metal Surface treatment: Planned 2017 Assembly Industrial sheet metal partner Welding: electrical aluminium ramp Metal fabrication: Sheet small and large dimension aluminium Assembly and fabrication Assembly: electrical cabinet Machining: aluminium small and medium dimension/ WP fabrication Welding: electrical...
Open the catalog to page 3MecacHroMe Striving for ExcEllEncE constantlY in searcH oF PerFection the objective of Mecachrome is the total satisfaction of its customers. Mecachrome has undertaken a policy of sustainable quality and development and continuous improvement to be able to respond to the highest requirements. 3 major markets thanks to its multi sector skill base Mecachrome has developed 3 principal markets. Aerospace. Production assemblies and sub assemblies. Automotive. Engines and components for motor sport. Energy Space and Medical. Machining and part specific assemblies. Welcome to the future. r&d HiGH...
Open the catalog to page 4Expertise of the highest level Mecachrome has been involved in aerospace for more than 30 years. Structural parts and aircraft engine in both civil and military sectors Mecahrome plays an important role. some current products Fan cases, rings, intermediare casings, combustion chambers, compressor casings, exhaust casings, hubs, front cones, rear support rings, spinners, compressor drums, turbine shafts all for aircraft engines. AERO ENGINE DIVISION High precision machining and high expertise give a complete confidence to the world leading engine builders. from development to final assembly...
Open the catalog to page 5MecacHroMe Striving for ExcEllEncE in the race with the best Mecachrome for more than four decades has been working with the largest players in the automotive world. An exceptional co pilot. Helping to achieve sporting records. current parts Cylinder heads, blocks, crank shafts, cam shafts, pneumatic distribution, water / oil / pressure pumps, pistons, gear trains and complete gear boxes, turbos, hubs and anti roll bars. co development, expertise in engineering and innovation. Supply chain expertise, quality management and machining and assembly of mechanical parts and components:...
Open the catalog to page 6enerGY sPace and Medical High precision fabrications Engineering partner to the industrial giants in the energy, space and medical sectors. Mecachrome is an intermediary for R&D providing solutions of the highest precision. ENERGY - Mecachrome has developed large scientific sub assemblies (laser Mega Joule particle accelerators) and some emblematic projects such as itEr and is expert in aero engine proposing dedicated products for land based turbines. SPACE - Mecachrome has a unique knowledge of how to machine and assembly of high precision parts, such as satellite fuel tanks and satellite...
Open the catalog to page 7Mecachrome / Amboise Rue de Saint-Règle ZI de la Boitardière 37400 Amboise Tel : +33 (0)2 47 23 36 36 Mecachrome / Aubigny-sur-Nère 27 – 49 Avenue Eugène Casella 18700 Aubigny-sur-Nère Tel: +33 (0)2 48 81 22 00 Mecachrome / Vibraye Rue de l’Artisanat 72320 Vibraye Tel: +33 (0)2 43 93 61 74 MK Automotive / Sablé-sur-Sarthe Avenue Jean Monnet ZI Des Vignes 72300 Solesmes Tel: +33 (0)2 43 62 03 03 Mecachrome Atlantique 102 rue du Moulin des Landes 44980 Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire Tel: +33 (0)2 40 95 72 00 Rue de Saint-Règle ZI de la Boitardière 37400 Amboise - France Mecachrome Atlantique Rue...
Open the catalog to page 8