Catalog excerpts
0 HIGH DILUTION RATIO Saptenza UniversftAdi Roma A SOLID BUSINESS CASE IN COLLABORATION WITH L’UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI Dl ROMA “LASAPIENZA" GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT Semiconductor PhotocataLysys DEPARTMENT: Deparment of Chemical MateriaLs, and Environmental Engineering HEAD OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Dr.ssa Maria Laura SantareLLi - ROLE OF MCQ INSTRUMENTS: A revolutionary KEY ROLE that made the whoLe project possibLe MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE HEAD OF THE PROJECT Maria Laura SantareLLi, Chemist, PhD in Engineering. Lecturer at the Universita' degLi studi di Roma “La Sapienza". Researcher. She pubLished various internationaL and nationaL scientific papers. More than 20 years of experience in research for the science of poLymers, materiaLs and petroLeum derived. RecentLy she added in her experience the best practices for the study of the MateriaLs for OptoeLectronic and Graphene.
Open the catalog to page 1DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION AND THE TARGET Standard dictates to measure the overall capacity of the photocatalyst in removing the nitrous oxide, NOx, using and air flow containing NO and NO2 (1ppmv) within an average test time of 5,0 h in lighting condition and with a flow rate of 1.5 L/min. The level of exhaust used is about 500 ppbv. Given the low stability and the difficulty to find gas test cylinder in such low concentrations, we decided to use standard Mass Flow Controller to reduce through mixing ultrapure air at 500 ppbv of NOx tanks as balance with standard cylinders with a...
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Products Overview
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Sensor module
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Archived catalogs
Gas Blender 6000
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Gas Blender 106 Series
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Flow Monitor Software
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flow board
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data acquisition board
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