Catalog excerpts
© HYPOXIC ATMOSPHERE © LIFE SCIENCE © MEDICAL STUDIES A SOLID BUSINESS CASE IN COLLABORATION WITH THE “UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY “ GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECTTARGET OF THE PROJECT: Obstructive SLeep Apnea and CoLorectaL Carcinoma CeLLs DEPARTMENT: CharLes Perkins Centre HEAD OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Dr. Kristina M. Cook - ROLE OF MCQ INSTRUMENTS: To create and control, specific hypoxic environments. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE HEAD OF THE PROJECT Dr Kristina Cook is a research fellow in the Charles Perkins Centre. Dr Cook completed her D.Phil. in Chemical Biology at the University of Oxford in a collaborative program with the NIH (USA) as an OxCam Biomedical Research Scholar. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from San Diego State University, with a B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology and a minor in Chemistry (awarded a ‘distinction’, the highest honour).
Open the catalog to page 1DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION AND THE TARGET Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects a significant proportion of the population and is linked to increased rates of cancer development and a worse cancer outcome. OSA is characterized by nocturnal intermittent hypoxia and animal models of OSA-like intermittent hypoxia show increased tumor growth & metastasis. Advanced tumors typically have regions of chronic hypoxia, activating the transcription factor, HIF-1, which controls the expression of genes involved in cancer progression. Rapid intermittent hypoxia from OSA has been proposed to increase...
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GB 15k
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Products Overview
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MCQ Gas Blender 100 Series
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Sensor module
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Archived catalogs
Gas Blender 6000
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Gas Blender 106 Series
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Flow Monitor Software
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flow board
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data acquisition board
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