Catalog excerpts

Fine dosing “The fine art of fine dosing” High accuracy micro feeders MCPI Fine dosing® Opti-feeder FD- SPAc (3A Class: resolution : 1 mg - 4A Class: resolution : 0.1 mg ) Micro feeders MCPI Fine dosing SPAc are probably the first on the market to reach such levels of excellence in term of accuracy, short dosing time and flexibility. The patented principle of extraction is able to create high density shear forces to cut bonds existing between the particles of powder. Hence the size of agglomerates is reduced, and the output flow of powder is steady. This condition is a key for the control of flow rate and to reach high level of accuracy. The ingredient is dosed in a small swivelling bowl fitted on an accurate load cell. Sensitive parts as motor reducer and scale are installed in a protective casing. The integrated batch controller optimizes coarse and fine feeding with automatic tolerance control. Fine dosing concept allows a ratio between coarse/ fine feeding over 100. This figure is a key point to reach fast dosing process and accuracy. In automatic version, feeding is made in a weighed bowl, at the end of dosing stage the bowl rotate . The ingredient is then emptied to the application point. The ingredient can be, as well, feed directly in the final container or box, positioned (manually or automatically) on the scale. Design of these feeders is made in agreement with drug and food industries requests for cleaning. M.C.P.I. - SAS Rue des Cols Verts - BP 1013 - 74966 MEYTHET Cedex – France Tel : (33) - Fax : (33) www.mcpi.com e-mail : mcpimail@mcpi.fr 1
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Fine dosing “The fine art of fine dosing” Technical data : Dosing accuracy Load cell Min dosing time Min set point Cleaning Control parameters Rules Standard deviation from 1 mg depend on application parameters... 3A class : Numerical load cell, min interval 1mg 4 A class : Numerical load cell, min interval 0.1 mg From 5 . From : 10 mg (4A class) A complete emptying can be achieved Dismantling for cleaning in few seconds, With adjustment of the outlet section, frequencies (coarse and fine feeding), preset point (commutation from coarse to fine feeding) CE, GMP. Table top machine, with...
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Fine dosing “The fine art of fine dosing” Table top machine with automatic discharge and elimination of inaccurate dose M.C.P.I. - SAS Rue des Cols Verts - BP 1013 - 74966 MEYTHET Cedex – France Tel : (33) - Fax : (33) www.mcpi.com e-mail : mcpimail@mcpi.fr 3
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Fine dosing “The fine art of fine dosing” Integration with a turn table M.C.P.I. - SAS Rue des Cols Verts - BP 1013 - 74966 MEYTHET Cedex – France Tel : (33) - Fax : (33) www.mcpi.com e-mail : mcpimail@mcpi.fr 4
Open the catalog to page 4All MCPI SAS catalogs and technical brochures
our range of product
7 Pages
Weighed rotating bowl
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Pneumatic indexing table
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Fine dosing presentation
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Loss in weight feeder
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Fine dosing presentation
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Multi head feeder
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High accuracy feeder
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Archived catalogs
Rotary indexing ring
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rotary union
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CNC rotary table
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