Catalog excerpts

Alta Tecnologia nel Confezionamento Packaging High Quality
Open the catalog to page 1
Depaletizzatori Depalletisers Despaletizadores Dépalettiseur
Open the catalog to page 2
Forma cartoni Carton erectors Formadoras de cajas Formeuses cartons <t>OpMMpOBlU,MKM KOpoSOB
Open the catalog to page 4
Carton sealers Cerradoras de cajas Fermeuses cartons BaKpbiBaTe/in kopo6ob
Open the catalog to page 5
Incartonatrici- Packers - Decraters Encajadoras - desencajadoras Encaisseuses - decaisseuses yK/iaflHMKM b Kopo6a - nu\m\A
Open the catalog to page 6
Soluzioni modulari Modular solution Soluciones modulares Combines compacts
Open the catalog to page 7
Isole robotizzate Multifunction Robot Robot Multifuncional Solution robotisé
Open the catalog to page 8
Inseritrici di alveari Partition inseters Insertadoras de separadores Machines d’insertion croisillons
Open the catalog to page 11
Palletisers Paletizadores Palettiseurs
Open the catalog to page 12
Linee Complete lines Lineas completas Chaînes complètes Depalletiser Bottle conveyors Boxter in – out Carton Erector Carton conveyors Bottle divider Vertical case packer Horizon case packer Partition inserter - Carton sealer - Nailing wooden boxes - Weight control - Pallettiser - Stretch Wrapper Antinori Bottling line - Bargino
Open the catalog to page 14
MAS PACK PACKAGING Reg. Leiso 95/96 -14050 S. Marzano O. (Asti) www.maspack.com - info@maspack.com - Tel + 39. 0141. 85 67 23 - Fax + 39.0141. 85 67 42
Open the catalog to page 16