Catalog excerpts

www.tcproducts.com a division of Marsh Bellofram www.marshbellofram.com 1-800-727-5646 Thermo-Couple Products Co. 137 Obtaining accurate temperatures of refinery heater tubes is difficult because many factors are involved. The point of measurement on a heater tube is surrounded by high temperature gases and flames. These gases are commonly as much as 600 - 800°F hotter than the heater tube at point of measurement. The gases are also corrosive to thermocouple materials. Heat transfer along the length of the thermocouple assembly to its point of attachment on the heater tube tends to cause the thermocouple to be responsive to the higher gas temperatures rather than the desired tube wall temperature. Many attempts to monitor tube wall temperature with accuracy and reliability have failed because either the attachment of the element to the tube was inadequate or the shielding to prevent direct flame impingement at the point of attachment was too extensive. When the conventional “Pad” thermocouple is welded to a tube surface, a void space may occur between the underside of the pad and the tube surface. This void space impedes heat transfer from the pad to the cooler heater tube wall. The result is that heat energy from flame impingement and furnace gases flow to the pad edges and through the securing welds to the tube wall. This indirect flow path retards the absorption rate of the tube surface beneath the pad and the thermocouple is responsive to pad temperature which is considerably higher than tube wall temperature. The “Tube Temp” thermocouple is designed to be responsive to tube wall temperature by placing the thermojuction in fused contact with the tube wall and by providing a direct and totally metallic heat transfer path from the sheath to the tube wall. The “Tube Temp” thermocouple provides better accuracy, superior reliability, improved longevity and ease of installation over competitive thermocouples available for fired heater tube temperature measurement. When you specify “Tube Temp” thermocouples, you are specifying an unsurpassed technology currently in use around the world. You will also receive unparalleled service and support from Thermo-Couple Products. With quality programs in place to meet and exceed the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, you can be sure that you are buying the best when you ask for Thermo-Couple Product’s “Tube Temp” thermocouple. ”Tube-Temp” Thermocouple U.S. Patent Numbers 3,874,239 . , 3,939,554 - 4,043,200 Canada Patent No. 1,012,258 - 1,016,666 Great Britain 1,478,919 Japan 1,043,379 - 1,070,744
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“TUBE TEMP” INSTALLATION DETAILS Installation and Welding Procedure 1. Grind surface of Heater Tube in area of thermocouple junction location to remove rust and scale. Clean area approximately 3" (76mm) long, in direction of thermocouple axis, by approximately 2" (51mm) wide. 2. Locate and clamp thermocouple firmly in desired location. Center of 2" (51mm) long “vee” pad must contact tube. 3. Select proper weld-filler rod from table. Welding method: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), or Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). 4. Perform root weld pass on both sides of “vee” using .062" (1.57 mm) ø...
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www.tcproducts.com a division of Marsh Bellofram www.marshbellofram.com Thermo-Couple Products Co. 1-800-727-5646 138 “TUBE TEMP” THERMOCOUPLES • The most Accurate Measure ment Device for Fired Heater and Industrial Boiler Tubes on the Market Today. • Patented Knife-Edge Thermo-junction • Factory Preformed designs Readily Available • 446 Sulfur Resistant Stainless Steel Sheath. Also Available in 310 Series Stainless Steel and Hastelloy X. Other Materials Available Upon Request • Three Year Reliable and Drift Free Life Under Normal Heater Use. TCP’s “Tube Temp” thermocouples are ideal for...
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www.tcproducts.com a division of Marsh Bellofram www.marshbellofram.com 1-800-727-5646 Thermo-Couple Products Co. 139 Standard 1018 Screw Cover Head 1018 Series screw cover heads are Factory Mutual rated Per: NEC - Class 1, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and D - Class2, Division 1, Groups E, F, and G NEMA: - NEMA 4, Weather-proof - Indoor/Outdoor Optional Spring Loaded Cover Plate Standard Retaining Clip "Tube Temp" Weld Installation Details 2.5" .5" .093"
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www.tcproducts.com a division of Marsh Bellofram www.marshbellofram.com Thermo-Couple Products Co. 1-800-727-5646 140 “TUBE TEMP” Choosing a “Tube Temp“ Th e rmocouple to Suit Your Application Designing and fitting “Tube Temp” thermocouples for your new or existing heater is simplified with TCP’s wide selection of standard, preformed configurations. Due to the rigid construction of these rugged thermocouples, TCP highly recommends the use of preformed configurations which arrive at your site ready to install, thus eliminating difficult and tedious field forming operations which could...
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www.tcproducts.com a division of Marsh Bellofram www.marshbellofram.com Thermo-Couple Products Co. 1-800-727-5646 152 “TUBE TEMP” Part Identification 1. Spring Stop 2. Washer 3. Spring 4. Cover Plate Spring Loaded Cover Plate Detail: “Tube Temp” Thermocouple Note: When the option S809, a spring loaded convert plate, has been selected, then the “A” dimension is the distance from the outside heater wall to the center of the heater tube. The distance from the heater wall to the fitting on the Thermocouple head is always 10". This allows room for the spring loaded cover plate assembly. To...
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www.tcproducts.com a division of Marsh Bellofram www.marshbellofram.com 1-800-727-5646 Thermo-Couple Products Co. 153 ”Tube-Temp” Thermocouple U.S. Patent Numbers 3,874,239 . , 3,939,554 - 4,043,200 Canada Patent No. 1,012,258 - 1,016,666 Great Britain 1,478,919 Japan 1,043,379 - 1,070,744
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