Catalog excerpts

D3700A Series Digitec Division atcdigitec.com 800.727.5646 292 Multi-Channel Process Controllers // D3700A Series Single & Dual Channel Panel Meter The Digitec D3700A series digital panel meters are available as either the single-channel D3720A or the dual-channel D3722A. These fullfeatured meters include a 6-digit LED display, a user-friendly configuration menu and high-speed measurement rate for the most demanding applications. Combine all of this with its clean appearance, industrialized aluminum case, NEMA 4X construction and snap-action buttons and you have a meter ready for all applications. 3 TYPES OF CALIBRATION: USER - calibration allows the entry of the low and high input values and the corresponding low and high display engineering values. LOAD - calibration allows setup via known input values. Simply apply the low input and set its corresponding display value, then apply the high input and set its value. The low and high values can be programmed at different times and then enabled. SHUNT - calibration allows setup via an external shunt calibrator resistor. Simply set the display low value and the shunt cal display value, then the meter will automatically measure the unloaded bridge for the zero value; then closes the internal shunt cal relay and measures the shunt calibrated input. PROGRAM MENU STEPS LOCKOUT: The user can program the majority of the menu steps to not be accessible. This simplifies the programming of the meter allowing only necessary menus to be displayed in the SETUP mode. The meter can initially be configured to the desired setup, and then the user can lockout all the unnecessary menu steps. AUTOTARE: This function allows the user to set the selected display/ input to zero. It can be performed via a front panel key or remote input. Setup is available to switch the display from net to gross. NET/GROSS: The net value or the gross value can be displayed via a front panel key or remote input. Alarm limits, analog out or peak values may be assigned to the net or gross values. LINEARIATION: U-plot 20-point linearization allows the user to program up to 20 known values of non-linear curvature along with the corresponding display readings. Typical uses are for nonlinear outputs from transducers, load cells, etc. and for display of volume in non-linear storage vessels. MATH CHANNEL: The D3700A series comes with an extra channel that is a non input channel. This can be used to duplicate an input channel for completely new scaling and alarm setups. The two channel input model D3722A can be used to perform A + B, A – B or A ÷ B math functions. (Consult ATC Digitec for your special equations) SECOND SCALE: This function allows the user to set a second scaling to the input. The input will then be displayed in two engineering units (typically for English/Metric displays). PEAK 1 AND PEAK 2: Peak 1 and peak 2 are both assignable to capture the maximum or minimum display value. They are assignable to any channel and the net or gross value. It can be reset through a front panel key or remote input. Capture rate is 20/SEC. \\\DIMENSIONS (INCHES/MILLIMETERS) • 6-Digit Red LED Display • Fast Analog Update • 1/8 DIN extruded aluminum case • NEMA 4X Rated Front • Up to 4 Relay Outputs • 20-point Linearization • User Programmable Keys and Remote Inputs • Math Channel • Relay for Alarm/shunt Calibration • 3722A: Two input channels and third math channel • 3722A: Independent setup and scaling for all 3 channels STANDARD TERMINAL 30-Pin Double Sided Screw Terminal (X Option)
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800.727.5646 atcdigitec.com Digitec Division D3700A Series Multi-Channel Process Controllers // D3700A Series 293 PROGRAMMABLE LOCKOUT CODE: A 2-digit code for set-up is programmable. Setup can also be protected via a remote input. DIGITAL FILTER: This function allows the user to select a digital filter. This is used for noisy, unstable inputs. ALARMS: Each meter is standard with 4 programmable alarms that control the front panel LED status and the one standard relay (Form A) and optional 3 relay outputs (Form C). Each alarm is: • Alternate Hi/Low on alarm 1 & 2 • Assignable to any channel...
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D3700A Series Digitec Division atcdigitec.com 800.727.5646 294 Multi-Channel Process Controllers // D3700A Series \\\SPECIFICATIONS INPUT 4-20 mA +/- 30 mV +/- 100 mV +/- 200 mV +/- 2V +/- 10 V ACCURACY 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% ZERO DRIFT 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% SPAN DRIFT 10 ppm/°C 10 ppm/°C 10 ppm/°C 10 ppm/°C 10 ppm/°C 10 ppm/°C INPUT IMPEDANCE 50 Ohms 10 Mohm 10 Mohm 10 Mohm 10 Mohm 10 Mohm 4-1/2 DIGIT RESOLUTION 1 uA 1 uV 10 uV 10 uV 10 uV 1 mV OVER-RANGE CAPABILITY, MINIMUM 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% DISPLAY UPDATE 30/SEC, Dual Channel - 35/SEC NORMAL MODE...
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