Catalog excerpts

800.727.5646 atcdigitec.com Digitec Division 750-W Series Tachometers/Generators // 750-W Series 333 The Model 750 DC Tachometer-Generator embodies a permanent magnet field surrounding a rotating armature. The commutator segments are made from a special non-corrosive alloy which has an exceptionally long life. The brushes are of a self-lubricating material and are carried in a self-aligning holder which equalizes the pressure of both brushes. The armature shaft rotates on ball bearings which under normal operation do not need lubrication for 15,000 hours running time or approximately 3 years, whichever comes first. Maximum recommended speed is 5,000 rpm. Brush life is greatest at the lower speeds. Rigid, heavy-duty cast-iron base mounting type housing, with 1/2" diameter shaft supported by heavy duty ball bearings for direct coupling, pulley, spur gear or chain and sprocket drive Provided with conduit junction box with 1/2" N.P.T. opening suitable for flexible conduit which may be located in anyone of four positions at right angle to shaft. Designed for locations which are subject to mechanical abuse or water spray, such as paper mills and chemical plants where cleaning up by hose is frequent. Housing is gasket sealed. Approximate torque: 2.0 oz. in. starting, 2.0 oz.-in. running (1000 RPM) Replacement Brush Kit:Metallic leaf brushes are of an alloy which will wear before the commutator bars. Brush replacement is a simple field operation. Splash- P ro o f T a ch o m e t e r - G e n e r a t or \\\DIMENSIONS (INCHES/MILLIMETERS) \\\SPECIFICATIONS VOLTAGE OUTPUT AT 1000 RPM 6 Volts ±1% Per 1000 RPM ACCURACY ±1% EMF LINEARITY 1 ±0.15% PERMISSIBLE CURRENT DRAIN 50 mA MAX RMS VALUE OF AC RIPPLE 2% ALLOWABLE END PLAY .005" MAX OPERATING TEMPERATURE 250°F INTERNAL RESISTANCE AT 25°C 20 ½ ±2% NUMBER OF BRUSHES 2 Per Set COMPOSITION OF BRUSHES Palladium Silver Alloy ARMATURE 12 Bars, 12 Slots INSULATION Insulation Class 105 HI-POT TEST 500 Volts for 1 Min. BEARINGS Ball TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION 0.1% Per 10°C Change NORMAL CONTINUOUS SPEED 2000 RPM MIN TOP SPEED 100 RPM MAX SPEED 2 5000 RPM STARTING TORQUE 2.0 oz. ins. RUNNING TORQUE AT 1000 RPM 2.0 oz. ins. SHAFT DIAMETER 3/4" SHAFT CONNECTION Direct, Geared or Belted SHAFT LENGTH 1-1/2" ADJUSTABLE MAGNETIC SHUNT RANGE ±4% DIRECTION OF ROTATION EFFECT ±0.6% MOUNTING Base ENCLOSURE Weatherproof MEASUREMENTS 12.3" L x 4.77" H x 6.13" W WEIGHT 24.5 Ibs (11.1 kgs) Approximate \\\ORDERING INFROMATION MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 750-9905002 750 Type W Tachometer-Generator ACCESSORIES 249302-901 Replacement Brush Kit
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