Marsh Bellofram Automatic Timing & Controls Surface Mounting Bracket Accessories


Catalog excerpts

Marsh Bellofram Automatic Timing & Controls Surface Mounting Bracket Accessories - 1

800.727.5646 Automatic Timing & Controls Mounting Bracket Accessories // Mounting Brackets 197 S u r f ace Mo u n t i n g B r a c k e t s This accessory part comprises of a bracket and an integral terminal strip. The bracket facilitates surface mounting while the strip relocates all terminals where they are conveniently accessible from the front. FOR SERIES 305 Order Part. No. 0305-265-65-00 FOR SERIES 333, 334, 342 Order Part. No. 0325-260-62-00 FOR SERIES 353, 354, 355, 356, 365, 366, 376, 378, 385 Order Part. No. 0353-260-27-00 \\\DIMENSIONS (INCHES/MILLIMETERS)

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